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! style="white-space:nowrap;" | Year(s) !! style="white-space:nowrap;" |  Operation Name !! style="white-space:nowrap;" | Description
! style="white-space:nowrap;" | Year(s) !! style="white-space:nowrap;" |  Operation Name !! style="white-space:nowrap;" | Description
| style="white-space:nowrap;" | 2360 / 1869 || style="white-space:nowrap;" | Operation Iron Fistn || style="white-space:nowrap;" | One of Lance's earliest missions involved detecting an aberrant temporal signature in 1869. To avoid detection, Lance and his small team decided to forego technological disguises and instead blend in using non-technological means. After weeks of searching, they located the source of the signature and secured the technology responsible. Further investigation led them to India in the same year, where they apprehended an individual from the future who had unintentionally traveled back in time and was using advanced technology to amass power. The individual was brought back to the present for legal proceedings.
| style="white-space:nowrap;" | 2360 / 1869 || style="white-space:nowrap;" | Operation Iron Fistn || One of Lance's earliest missions involved detecting an aberrant temporal signature in 1869. To avoid detection, Lance and his small team decided to forego technological disguises and instead blend in using non-technological means. After weeks of searching, they located the source of the signature and secured the technology responsible. Further investigation led them to India in the same year, where they apprehended an individual from the future who had unintentionally traveled back in time and was using advanced technology to amass power. The individual was brought back to the present for legal proceedings.
| style="white-space:nowrap;" | 2360 / 1895 || style="white-space:nowrap;" | Operation Thunderstrike || Tasked with observing a potential target in 1895 London, Lance obtained a gold locket from a street merchant to maintain his cover while tailing the suspect. The mission was successful in exposing the enemy agent before their plans could be carried out. Unfortunately, the agent committed suicide while in custody, providing no further information.
| style="white-space:nowrap;" | 2360 / 1895 || style="white-space:nowrap;" | Operation Thunderstrike || Tasked with observing a potential target in 1895 London, Lance obtained a gold locket from a street merchant to maintain his cover while tailing the suspect. The mission was successful in exposing the enemy agent before their plans could be carried out. Unfortunately, the agent committed suicide while in custody, providing no further information.

Revision as of 04:12, 28 May 2023

Lance Alasdair Thomas
Played by: User:Cyclops
Alias: Cyclops
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 165 lb.
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Date of Birth: May 7th, 2327
Eye Color: Hazel Eyes
Hair Color: Brown
Universe of Origin: Blazing Umbra
Organization: Solas Tempus
Occupation: Temporal Operative
CO of STV Rautha Skathi
CO of STV Dragons Fire
Rank / Skill Level: Fleet Admiral
Status: Approved
Setting: Blazing Umbra
"No, I think I'm better than everyone else. An opinion backed up by ample evidence."
—Lance Thomas

Lance was the head of Solas Tempus but after his abduction and subsequent return, Sal D'Amico has retained that posting with the blessing of Lance himself. After discussion with the leadership both civilian and otherwise following his rehabilitation, Lance has accepted the rank of Admiral and is now serving as 2nd in command of Solas Tempus overseeing covert operations of all types. This arrangement leaves Siv Quinn as head of Temporal Command and other leadership positions in place. His official role within the organization is not symbolic however, it was agreed an experienced Temporal Operative should coordinate efforts across the entire organization. Historically he has preferred to stay in the field as much as possible, but recently this has changed. After the death of Candy Poole, his ex-wife he has started to go through a sort of crisis of faith in his choices over the years and is looking at how to change the way things have become with him and those closest to him.

He tends to be a complete asshole when he wants something, at times using his authority and power to get what he wants with little regard for others. This contrasts sharply with the lengths he is willing to go in order to keep anyone on his team safe. He has been disciplined several times for taking unnecessary risks and overriding the direct orders of the PERDOC Council.

After his rehabilitation and return Lance has seen less and less of his wife Drem Confusco, something that bothers him greatly. The two have had a severe breakdown in communication and as such Lance has started to fall back into hold habits of spending more time in the field. He stays in constant contact with Solas Tempus via his assistant Excalibur Kaeth. While he is entitled to take command of nearly any vessel he chooses he has remained only using his personal ship, the STV Dragons Fire. His capture and return have left significant scars on him and his relationships with his wife, friends, and others.

Other Affiliations


Innate Abilities

Cybernetic Implants

Solar Crystal Ring

Grants him the ability to control all forms of energy to a high degree (4A), he can manipulate energy, alter its shape, or convert from one kind of energy to another. This includes magical energy as well as psionic energy using the ring. He can also manipulate the energy the makes up matter in a destructive way (stealing energy from matter causes it to weaken or disintegrate) to a lesser degree than with other forms of energy (4C).


Primary Skills

  • Piloting (2A)
  • Special weapons (2A)
  • Covert operations (2A)
  • Survival (2A)

Secondary Skills

  • High energy physics (1C)
  • Plasma physics (1C)
  • Electrical engineering (1B)
  • Warp field theory (1B)
  • Subspace particle theory (1B)

Other Skills

  • Basic Engineering / Maintenance (1A)
  • Jury-rigging (1A)
  • Hair Dressing (4C)


Squash Dog

Lance has a pet dog, a Queensland Heeler that followed him back to his ship one day on a mission to 2012 in the western United States on Earth. The dog just seemed to attach itself to him and invite himself into Lance's life. No one can really say why, but to this day the dog, named Squash, and Lance travel together quite a bit. Trained in several different categories, Lance has taught the dog to respond to whistles and hand signals, in addition to the normal command words. Squash is very smart, for a dog, and has a communicator and tracking device attached to his collar.


Lance was born in California on Earth in 2322. He joined Starfleet Academy when he was 18 and made quite the name for himself. Section 31 recruited him early on for surveillance in 2348. His first posting was of their choosing and a minor but long term posting. As a young Lt. Commander, that same year, in he was forced into a more covert lifestyle when a tragic accident caused him an incredible amount of damage to his body and even parts of his brain. Section 31 repaired the damage using cybernetics throughout his body.

Section 31 listed him as dead officially and he was put primarily on wet-work. Assassinations, covert operations that the main of Starfleet would never approve of. During this time, he grained the trust and raised to the rank of Captain when he was given his own team. With this time, Section 31 used a slingshot method to accomplish time travel. When doing this they enabled basic temporal shielding around their ship for the project. The project was supposed to be for covert research, but Thomas thought something was up for sure - it just didn't feel right.

Early Starfleet Career

One of his first postings after graduation in 2345 was assigned to one of the lesser used space-docks in far Earth orbit, monitoring traffic in the graveyard shift. The job was very slow and frequently he and another person posted there would count space-junk that floated by trying to predict how many objects they would see. The pair would also make up short narratives about how particular pieces of junk got into space and why it was floating out there.

Before the Accident

Lance Thomas joins Starfleet Academy, driven by his passion for exploration and desire to make a difference in the galaxy. He excels in his studies and demonstrates exceptional skills in leadership and problem-solving.
Lance undergoes intensive training at Starfleet Academy, immersing himself in various disciplines such as starship operations, tactical maneuvers, and diplomatic protocols. He distinguishes himself as a capable and promising cadet.
Lance's dedication and outstanding performance earn him commendations from his instructors and fellow cadets. He establishes a reputation for his resourcefulness, adaptability, and ability to remain calm under pressure.
As a newly commissioned officer, Lance embarks on his first assignment. However, tragedy strikes when he is involved in a devastating accident that leaves him critically injured. The incident results in severe damage to his body and even parts of his brain.
In an effort to save Lance's life, Section 31, a covert intelligence agency within Starfleet, steps in. They intervene to repair the damage using cybernetics, replacing damaged limbs and implementing advanced technologies to restore his physical functions.

It is in 2348 that Section 31 officially lists Lance as deceased, effectively erasing his existence from official records. They manipulate his identity to mask his involvement with the agency and put him on a new path—one of secrecy, espionage, and covert operations.

Lance's near-death experience and subsequent cybernetic enhancements mark a turning point in his life. He emerges from the ordeal as a changed individual, both physically and mentally, ready to embrace a covert lifestyle as an operative for Section 31.

Origins of Solas Tempus / Blue Team

Everything started to change for the newly formed team. The scientists reported that the main computer libraries were requiring too many updates, and updates for established historical events. After doing a lot of off-the-books research, it was discovered that events being observed by the team were being altered by another force. Not only that, but evidence suggested that other events were being altered, then changed back. The only conclusion was two opposing forces were fighting to control past events. They were ordered off the project when Thomas started to ask questions.

This turn of events eventually lead to a good portion of the team going AWOL, culminating when Section 31 admitted to starting a temporal conflict, altering events from the past for covert benefit of Section 31 interest. The conflict arose from a reportedly unknown force opposing some of the Section 31 alterations - but not all. It is still unknown exactly what Thomas said or did to Section 31 to both secure their temporal operations and allow the team to go AWOL without repercussions.

Career with Section 31

Lance Thomas joined Section 31 in 2349 and underwent extensive covert operations training. He excelled in his studies and training, catching the attention of Section 31. From 2356 to 2359, Lance carried out covert operations, including surveillance, espionage, and targeted assassinations. However, in 2360, he began questioning the morality of Section 31's actions and decided to expose their covert temporal manipulation and altered historical events. In 2362, Lance and like-minded individuals went AWOL from Starfleet, forming their own organization, Solas Tempus.

Lance Thomas joins Section 31.
Lance undergoes basic covert operations training and completes various courses in tactics, intelligence gathering, and combat.
Lance Thomas continues his studies at Starfleet Academy becoming a specialist in various subjects related to tactics, intelligence gathering, and combat. He is chosen to participate in a special covert operations training program.
Lance completes an intensive covert operations training program, which includes advanced combat techniques, espionage tactics, infiltration and extraction methods, and advanced surveillance techniques. His exceptional performance during this training catches the attention of Section 31.
Lance carries out a series of covert operations for Section 31. These operations involve surveillance, espionage, and targeted assassinations to advance Section 31's agenda.
Lance begins to question the morally ambiguous actions of Section 31. He becomes disillusioned with their methods and realizes the need to expose their activities.
Lance gathers evidence of Section 31's covert temporal manipulation and altered historical events. He shares his findings with trusted allies within Starfleet, raising concerns about Section 31's actions.
Lance, along with a group of like-minded individuals, decides to go AWOL from Starfleet and form their own organization, which will eventually become Solas Tempus.

Formation of Solas Tempus

With their trust in Section 31 shattered and a shared desire to expose their dark agenda, Lance Thomas and his small team took a daring and audacious step. Commandeering the USS Rising Sun, they went AWOL from Starfleet, effectively severing their ties with the organization that had been infiltrated by Section 31.

Using their extensive knowledge of covert operations, Lance and his team skillfully eluded Starfleet pursuit, leveraging their covert tactics to stay one step ahead. Their actions sent shockwaves through the intelligence community, leaving Section 31 in a state of uncertainty.

As Lance and his team operated in the shadows, they began to lay the foundation for what would eventually become Solas Tempus. Recognizing the need for a united front against Section 31 and other threats, they sought to create an organization dedicated to protecting the integrity of the timeline and defending the innocent.

In this new endeavor, Lance found himself becoming even more deeply involved with his subordinate, Candy Poole. Recognizing her exceptional skills and leadership qualities, Lance promoted Candy from Commander to Captain, entrusting her with significant responsibilities within the budding organization. However, tensions soon emerged as the two leaders had differing perspectives on how to organize and structure the growing group. They clashed over matters of strategy, chain of command, and the overall direction of Solas Tempus.

As Solas Tempus continued to expand, encompassing individuals from various backgrounds and skill sets, Lance realized the need to relinquish ultimate control over the organization. He made the decision to step back and focus on leading the temporal action arm of Solas Tempus, known as "Blue Team," leveraging his expertise in time travel and temporal operations.

Meanwhile, Candy assumed the role of the organization's overall leader, outranking Lance as Fleet Admiral. Despite their differences, they recognized the importance of unity and collaboration in the face of a common enemy. Lance's expertise in temporal operations complemented Candy's strategic vision, allowing them to work together in safeguarding the timeline and leading Solas Tempus.

Together, they forged a formidable alliance, bringing together a diverse group of individuals committed to upholding justice and protecting the integrity of the spacetime continuum. Solas Tempus stood as a beacon of hope and resilience, dedicated to countering Section 31's machinations and ensuring a better future for all.

Propulsion Accident

Using the USS Rising Sun as a test bed for new technologies, Admiral Thomas personally oversaw a critical test of a prototype drive system that would eventually become the Gravitational Displacement Drive (GDD), a centerpiece of the organization's time protection efforts. However, during the test, an unforeseen malfunction occurred, resulting in the Rising Sun being displaced by trillions of light-years and ending up in an entirely different galaxy.

Stranded and damaged, the vessel sent out a general distress call, which was answered by a Super Star Destroyer, the flagship of the Galactic Empire's Imperial Navy. While initially believed to have been destroyed with the loss of all hands, Captain Sal D'Amico, then in command of the Rising Sun, refused to abandon the search for Admiral Thomas.

Once aboard the Imperial vessel, Lance encountered Natashia, the Empress of the Galactic Empire, who commanded the ship at the time. Showing unexpected compassion, Natashia took in the stranded crew of the Rising Sun, providing them with supplies and assistance as they worked together to find a way back home. During their time together, Admiral Thomas and the Empress found themselves drawn to each other, forming a connection that grew rapidly.

However, unknown to Lance, the Empress issued covert orders for the crew of the Rising Sun to be eliminated, intending to attribute their deaths to a failure of the damaged ship's propulsion system. The crew began to suspect the situation was more precarious when unauthorized Imperial personnel, including engineers and troopers, were discovered aboard their ship.

Realizing the peril they faced, Admiral Thomas commanded a covert incursion by members of his crew onto the Imperial vessel, seeking to uncover Natashia's true intentions. Leveraging the Empire's unfamiliarity with transporter technology, Lance was able to extract his crew members swiftly once they were detected. Despite his growing affection for the Empress, Lance knew he could not overlook the dire circumstances. His priority was to return his crew home, and he refused to remain under the Empire's control.

Equipped with another prototype drive system, the Gravitational Displacement Drive (GDD), aboard the Rising Sun, Lance decided to take decisive action. As tensions reached a breaking point, the Imperial vessel attempted to employ an interdictor field generator to trap the Rising Sun, creating an intense artificial gravity well. In response, Admiral Thomas activated the GDD, utilizing a gravity well to initiate a jump through space, a feat that had never been tested on a scale larger than a light-year.

The resulting maneuver proved devastating. The gravitational displacement generated by the Rising Sun crushed and destroyed the Super Star Destroyer from within its own hangar bay. Though Lance knows that Natashia survived, they have not communicated since. Captain D'Amico managed to recover the damaged Rising Sun in an uncharted system along its original flight path, with failing life support but with all hands intact.

Rumors persist that Admiral Thomas retains the precise settings required to use the GDD and potentially return to the uncharted galaxy where Natashia originates. However, he has refrained from doing so thus far. In 2381, a modulated subspace signal was transmitted from a Solas Tempus-owned space telescope directed at Natashia's galaxy. The contents of the signal remain unknown, as no official record of its transmission exists, except for an anomaly in the telescope array's transmission logs.

It is important to note that Natashia's actions should be viewed as a product of the tyrannical system she operates within, rather than depicting her as inherently evil. Both Lance and Natashia, products of their respective systems, found a deep connection due to their shared experiences and perspectives.

Other Operations

Year(s) Operation Name Description
2360 / 1869 Operation Iron Fistn One of Lance's earliest missions involved detecting an aberrant temporal signature in 1869. To avoid detection, Lance and his small team decided to forego technological disguises and instead blend in using non-technological means. After weeks of searching, they located the source of the signature and secured the technology responsible. Further investigation led them to India in the same year, where they apprehended an individual from the future who had unintentionally traveled back in time and was using advanced technology to amass power. The individual was brought back to the present for legal proceedings.
2360 / 1895 Operation Thunderstrike Tasked with observing a potential target in 1895 London, Lance obtained a gold locket from a street merchant to maintain his cover while tailing the suspect. The mission was successful in exposing the enemy agent before their plans could be carried out. Unfortunately, the agent committed suicide while in custody, providing no further information.
2364 / 1968 Operation Blackout Sent on a surveillance mission to 1968 Earth, Lance was tasked with infiltrating a gang organization suspected of using advanced technology from the future. Unable to infiltrate conventionally, he learned to be a hairdresser and gained access to the gang leaders' wives, listening for clues. The mission succeeded, and the gang's aberrant technology was recovered.
2369 / 1985 Operation Phantom Shield Lance elected to go on a mission to 1985 New York City to recover an artifact of unknown origin. Disguised as a cross-dressing diva, he joined a club where the artifact was located. Despite encountering difficulties in retrieving the artifact, Lance managed to replace it with a replica and performed one final show before returning home.
2378-2379 Operation Eagle's Eye In 2378, Lance brought a girl named Mia Appleshire from the mid-21st century, causing tension within the PERDOC council. Mia's death in 2379, resulting from the near-destruction of the STV Vertigo during an Infinity Wave incident, led Lance to withdraw from field operations and seek solace at Blazing Umbra Station.
2381 Promotion to Fleet Admiral Following the death of Fleet Admiral Candy Poole in a shuttle accident, Lance was promoted to Fleet Admiral. However, he initially struggled to accept the promotion and cope with Candy's death. During this time, he became involved with Drem Confoscho and Shiro Yasei, which eventually highlighted the need for personal growth and change in his behavior.
2383 Theta Protocol Lance was kidnapped by an imposter while Codename Onyx attempted to undermine Solas Tempus. He was later rescued by Tal Ravis and Nine, but the celebrations were cut short when an Infinity Wave was detected. Lance initiated Theta Protocol, mobilizing all available vessels and assets to the Sol system in 1520.
2385 Operation Steel Serpent Lance Thomas was lead into a trap, unwittingly, but the son of an old friend working with the Midnight Riders. Imperial forces from an alternate reality, working for Onyx, captured him on and ice planet and he remained in captivity for 18 months before Solas Tempus forces found him. He had managed to escape his captivity briefly in December of 2385 and was able to active an emergency beacon, which lead allies for find him. He had been captured and put into a medically induced coma while imperial forces worked to map out the memory centers of his brain looking for intelligence that would allow them to replicate the Dimensional Fold Drive, one of the most closely guarded secrets of Solas Tempus. They also were looking for specific intelligence on where and when key figures had visited the past, since much of TEMPCOM operations are still unknown to them. Lance Thomas was lead into a trap, unwittingly, but the son of an old friend working with the Midnight Riders. Imperial forces from an alternate reality, working for Onyx, captured him on and ice planet and he remained in captivity for 18 months before Solas Tempus forces found him. He had managed to escape his captivity briefly in December of 2385 and was able to active an emergency beacon, which lead allies for find him. He had been captured and put into a medically induced coma while imperial forces worked to map out the memory centers of his brain looking for intelligence that would allow them to replicate the Dimensional Fold Drive, one of the most closely guarded secrets of Solas Tempus. They also were looking for specific intelligence on where and when key figures had visited the past, since much of TEMPCOM operations are still unknown to them. The extend to which the operation was successful is unknown, but it is known that within the induced coma Lance's subconscious was being directed and controlled to produce an artificial reality where time was accelerated. Lance himself has stated that he spent decades upon decades in this kind of mental prison. The experienced has left him scarred and deeply unsettled. Spending several months recovery after his rescue, he has finally resumed an official position while he continues counseling and therapy to process his experience. Even those closest to him note that he did not come back the same man.
2386 Operation Ghost Recon After receiving a coded message from stating the death of his former mentor Jenny Rebecca Courter, Lance has taken the STV Dragons Fire to investigate what happened. He retains his position with the organization but it is also known that is long time associate Siv Quinn is directing operations in his absence and acts as his liaison. On June 1st, 2386 after completing his investigation into his former mentor's death, Lance Thomas married Kaylanna Ravel in a ceremony on Soteria. Kaylanna and he have two children together twins Ember Idalia Thomas and Eliane Fiammetta Thomas. In a temporal accident, the Twins grew up aboard the STV Rautha Skathi while it was trapped at the event horizon of a black hole.


Lance has a number of residences due to his work:

Trocara House

This is by all rights Lance's primary residence when not in space. Though it can go very long spans without ever being used, there is a small staff to upkeep the house and the grounds while he is away, that also makes sure the house is stocked and ready for him should he call ahead to say he's going to be there. The grounds themselves span about an acre of land, the house sits in the middle of it. The grounds have a variety of gardens and water features, not shown on the map below.

Soteria Beach House Layout

This home sits on Dehka Island (the main body for the Dehka Islands chain). The house sits right on the beach, with the covered patio going down right onto the sand.

Equipment Notes

He occasionally carries a pirate saber with him, when appropriate since obtaining the sword on a mission to the distant Earth past aboard a pirate ship. He has always liked it and decided to keep it and thus has made it part of his dress uniform, tough he is the only officer who uses it to his knowledge.

In another mission to the American West on Earth he was required to obtain a bullwhip from a local merchant, the whip is of high quality and he brought it back with him. It usually sits in his quarters as a decorative piece, but occasionally sees use for various purposes.

Similarly he obtained a flintlock in a dual aboard a British naval vessel when contesting for command of the vessel trying to avoid a catastrophe that would have sent ripples of alterations through the timeline.

Along with these historical items he also carries with him a Solar Crystal bound to him and set in his Starfleet Academy class ring. It is a deep flawless sapphire blue.

When appropriate he is also known to carry a .50 caliber, 5 round, S&W 500 from the early 21st century Earth, the large ammunition allows him to put specialized rounds that represent higher technology than the pistol appears to possess. This is often used when he needs to be armed when in that time period.