STV Angel of Io (TOV-0037)

From Solas Tempus DB
Angel of Io
STV Angel of Io (TOV-0037)
Class: Defiant Class Starship
Affiliation: Solas Tempus
Commanding Officer: Captain Charlotte Lewis
Executive Officer: Commander Esori Sh'rhythrer
MSAI: Captain Charlotte Lewis
Quote: "The voice of the intellect is a soft one, but it does not rest until it has gained a hearing." - Sigmund Freud
Status: Active

Commissioned in 2385 Defiant Class Starship and assigned to Captain Charlotte Lewis one of the first sentient AI officers to be admitted after the ALFRE act was ratified into law for the Concord. She is assigned to patrol duties in the Beeria Sector.

Additional Capabilities

Extended Transporter Range / Power Output
The ship is capable of beaming through various kinds of shielding and armor. She can also beam into a greater depth of rock than other vessels of her class.