Drem Confoscho

From Solas Tempus DB
Revision as of 23:40, 10 August 2017 by Thatotakugalaxy (talk | contribs)
Drem Confoscho
Drem Confoscho
Played by: User:Thatotakugalaxy#5056 on Discord
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 89 lbs
Gender: Female
Race: Elf
Age: 23 Physically
29 Chronologically
Date of Birth: 2352
Place of Birth: USS Rising Sun
Eye Color: Red
Hair Color: Black
Figure: Tall, very thin, lost sign in right eye
Universe of Origin: Blazing Umbra
Organization: Solas Tempus
Vident Obscura
Occupation: Former Security Officer
Obscura Agent
Rank / Skill Level: Captain
Approved By: User:Cyclops

At first, the woman could seem cold, but once you've begun to get to know her, she warms up to certain people.

Special Skills

Her ability to shoot guns without her right eyes vision is truly skilled, Her training from Solas Tempus has brought her far and she is able to Read certain scripts and codes.

Special Abilities

She can summon a droid, this droid is in the form of an eagle bird, its used as a camera for spying. Her reflexes are extremely well-refined.


She was the daughter of two security officers on the USS Rising Sun, she was skilled and trained to her limit, but that wouldn't stop her. Drem was a high ranking officer until one day, She suddenly disappeared with no leads or traces, Her shuttle had malfunctioned.. She was believed to be dead, but the truth lurking behind was that her shuttle was spliced, and crashed into Soteria. Her ship sent out an emergency distress signal right as it was sent into Soteria.