Talk:Drem Confoscho

Discussion page of Drem Confoscho

Cyclops (talk) 10:29, 4 October 2020 (PDT) In further plot development with Dasfier the disappearance of Drem Confoscho has been blamed on Section 31 in their efforts to obtain the return of Jaden, a Rogue Operative from Section 31 that Lance later liberates from the hold placed on her by her cybernetics. This does not specify that Drem is dead, although Lance himself is sure she is and their psychic link has been served. Either she is too far from the prime reality to reach in this way or she is truly dead.

Cyclops (talk) 10:17, 15 June 2020 (PDT) Even though the player is no longer in game, due to ties with the character Lance Thomas the character is also officially listed as missing within game. The player is welcome to dispute this should they ever return.