The g a r d e n Incident

From Solas Tempus DB

The characters used in this Record narration are Ciel and Lt. Ryu Ketsueki


Doc Ciel: So to make this correctly, I have to say the stardate before really start saying what happened?

Lt. Ryu Ketsueki: No, I already did it. But remember about something. This is an official report, so nothing of opinions or conjectures. Just the facts, k?

Doc Ciel: Wait... Why I can't give my opinions about what happened?

Lt. Ryu Ketsueki: Because we are going to send it to Solas Tempus big guys. They aren't interested on what we think. Just the facts.

Doc Ciel: Oh... Are you the Record Keeper now?

Lt. Ryu Ketsueki: Yes... Wait, NO! Stop being so childish, Ciel!

Doc Ciel: Hey... Cheer up! You might be promoted after our little adventure back there.

Lt. Ryu Ketsueki: To Record Keeper? Pff! Like that'll happen. No thanks, I want stay in my role as Action Crewman.

Doc Ciel: So... What about--

Lt. Ryu Ketsueki: Can we please stay on the topic, Ciel?

Doc Ciel: Oh... Sorry, Lilac. But why you called me to report it with you? Why didn't you call someone else in my place?

Lt. Ryu Ketsueki: Because you was the one who discovered the virus first than everyone, and I wasn't at the station all the time.

Doc Ciel: In this case, shouldn't I call sis? She's the captain of Bathala, so it's more fair for her to report as well.

Lt. Ryu Ketsueki: She's gathering the details aboard Bathala, and will attach with our report once it's ready to be sent

Doc Ciel: Ok, so... Where I start?

Lt. Ryu Ketsueki: Perhaps you can start from the beginning?

Doc Ciel: K then... So In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty--

Lt. Ryu Ketsueki: Not THAT beginning, Ciel!

Doc Ciel: Then when EXACTLY you want me to start?

Lt. Ryu Ketsueki: Start with when you first found the virus. No, better. Tell what the frick is this garden.

Doc Ciel: Wakarimashita (Very well in Japanese).

The Virus

Ciel's POV

g a r d e n was a virus developed to open a gateway on the station computers and download everything the Section 31 could find about the Dimensional Fold Drive, and for that, the access was made to seem it was the system itself what accessed it and was making the transfer, making almost undetectable, even because the virus was being remotely used, and only a fraction of it was on Blazing Umbra systems and every computer that once had access to HAL and the another files, was contamined automatically by the virus. Apparently, only independent systems with different architecture of Operational System could work without infect the another systems. But because HAL and BlueNet are networks; PADDs, tricorders, everything was affected, except those independent systems I told about, like the cyberserver, the HUDDs and my Tablet Handheld.

Lt. Ryu Ketsueki: Wait... If the virus was only to hack the system and download the files about the DFD, how was the station systems controlled?

Doc Ciel: The form how the virus work, could be also used to bypass all the firewalls and take control of the station in no time, because it was like the system itself was working. But for that, HAL AI was disconnected from the network and the virus became the new HAL, if we can say like that.

Lt. Ryu Ketsueki: Can you tell me how you know that much about the virus?

Doc Ciel: Sure.

The Discovery

Ciel's POV

I was upgrading the Cyberserver with new algorythms, when I went to the log files of my Tablet Handheld, and found something weird. The system itself was trying to find files that don't exist and I didn't even know what is the "DFD" it was looking for. Then I looked at the process running responsible for it, and realized it was connected to HAL and BlueNet. I disconnected my device from it and tried to understand what was happening. It was a file named "g a r d e n" without file extension, who was causing that. I started to study it and only stop the process when I realized what this file could do. But because I had no idea of what in the world is DFD that process was looking, I created an antivirus and firewall to prevent it access my device again, and a bit after that, I warned you about g a r d e n, still not sure what it could be.

Lt. Ryu Ketsueki: Yeah, I remember about that. You told me to destroy any file with the name "g a r d e n"

Doc Ciel: Yeah, but now you can tell me what is this DFD? Because I have no idea.

Lt. Ryu Ketsueki: About time... It's my turn.

The Reason

Ryu Ketsueki's POV

The DFD is an acronym that means Dimensional Fold Drive, and it's a thing that allows one of the many known forms of time travel. According to what Sal, Lance and Val told me, the Section 31 Operatives were trying to steal schematics about the Drive so they can develop ships with Time Travel capabilities and avoid a fall of Federation, if this ever come to happen. They acted outside Federation space to ensure their safety.

Doc Ciel: Fear about the unknown. Because the fear makes the men do awful things.

Lt. Ryu Ketsueki: Will you just interrupt me in the middle of my testimonial?

Doc Ciel: You did with me! Why I can't?

Lt. Ryu Ketsueki: You didn't add anything. You just shared your opinion. Remember about what I said about opinions and conjectures?

Doc Ciel: Okay okay! Sorry! Can you please just forget about it and continue?

Lt. Ryu Ketsueki: I will if you stop interrupting me in case of not going to add any useful information.

Doc Ciel: . . .

The Operation

Ryu Ketsueki's POV

To get access to the files, they sent Bathala on its first mission here with a few dozens of Covert Operatives from Section 31 aboard unnoticed. How the virus was installed or from where they did it, I don't know. Perhaps will be attached on this report once Prairie gets it. Well anyway, this operation was a total secret, that not even Prairie, Bathala's captain, was aware of it. I guess the worst part of it is: Her number one, the Commander Alex Munro, was making sure the operation was still covered. Heh... it was an interesting way how we discovered it. All because a misunderstanding...

The Misunderstanding

Ryu Ketsueki's POV

Admiral Thomas and I argued in a not very friendly way days after I ask to join Solas Tempus as Acting Crewman. I felt bad after that, and I was even thinking I never would be accepted. In the next day, I went to your labs to talk with you, but your sister appeared, and asked if she could talk with me. A bit confused after the request, I followed her back to Finnegan's.

"I could not notice you're kinda down. Sorry if this sound too much intrusive, but I'm worried about my sister's friend. Can you tell me what happened?" Prairie asked.

I told her what happened between me and Lance, and how I was feeling in that situation. Her expression was neutral, but after what she said next, I'm not sure what to think anymore.

"Do you want to join StarFleet Academy? If they don't know how to take an opportunity like this, I'm not going to do the same. Come and be part of my crew as Ensign" she said.

After that invite and how I was feeling at that moment, I couldn't say no. And finishing the conversation, both of us went back to Bathala, and I did some tests for Ensign Rank. After that, it was given for me a StarFleet Combadge, Tricorder and a Type-1 Phaser. I didn't know when to use them, so I just kept them hidden on my sash.

Days later, I was informed I was accepted as Trainee Crewman for Solas Tempus, and I was so happy that I forgot about all the thing with the StarFleet Academy until I was called to be part of an Action Team that would go inside the Derelict in a mission. In the middle of the mission, I was cornered, and even prefering to only use my martial arts abilities to defend myself and the shuttle that brought us there, you can't do much in Zero Gravity, so I picked the Phaser that was still on my sash and fired to ensure my own safety and of the shuttle.

At the end of the mission, I was called to Captain D'Amico Office. When he asked about what happened, I then realized what I became, and to not force it further, I confessed and was arrested for suspect of working for Section 31 and the good Captain Prairie was confined on her quarters aboard Blazing Umbra. After being released due to lack of evidence that would connect me to them, I left the StarFleet ranks and stayed on Solas Tempus. I felt... Betrayed. But this was how we discovered about the operation. Because of a happy coincidence of a misunderstanding that made start an investigation aboard Bathala.

The Invasion

Ryu Ketsueki's POV

After the Vice Admiral Keval th'Zarth arrival, it was decided an Action Team would go aboard Bathala and capture all the culprits of this Covert Operation. The team splitted in two parts. One of them was responsible to secure the bridge, while the another one was to secure the engineering. However after their arrival, the things started to become very bad. The command from the bridge was redirected to the Main Engineering, the Main power went down only with the Auxiliary power working. All screens and consoles were locked with only a single word showing... g a r d e n.

Doc Ciel: Hey, guess it's my part now...

Lt. Ryu Ketsueki: Hey, but I'm not done yet.

Doc Ciel: This is important!

Lt. Ryu Ketsueki: And why's that?

Doc Ciel: Because the same thing occoured everywhere.

Lt. Ryu Ketsueki: And it's just that you wanted to add?

Doc Ciel: Ohh... No. I'm just warming up.

Ciel's POV

All my devices disconnected from HAL, because the AI itself was shut down. This was a while before the Main Power go down and the Auxiliary power start working. All consoles and Screens showed the same glitchy screen with the acronym "g a r d e n" on it. Everything was locked. But it became worse when the Auto Destruct System was announced as armed and to blow everything up in a half of an hour, besides another announcement from the Stargate as active and linking to a place near our own Solar System. I didn't think twice and tried to go aboard Bathala and give you guys my Tablet Handheld with the sequence to disable the virus by the same way I purged it from my own device. But there was no communication working, and even the transport inhibitors were active, so my last option was use the Cyberserver and go personally aboard Bathala and give you guys my device.

Lt. Ryu Ketsueki: Ok, so I think it's my turn again.

The Final Countdown

Ryu Ketsueki's POV

The Admiral Thomas decided to go aboard Bathala personally with me and Fi. When we arrived at the Engineering Section of Bathala, the entire place was like a battlefield. Corpses everywhere hints that an armed resistance happened there. When we started to head to the Main Engineering, we saw the Security Chief of Bathala head to the Main Engineering. We tried to stop her, but six independent forcefields activated, preventing us to go inside until Mr Williams appear with his TARDIS and put us on the other side of the forcefields. On the other side, we stepped out the TARDIS and started to run the fastest as we could, because the big gate that gives access to the Main Engineering room started to close. I could only see Lance keeping the pace while we were almost at the speed of sound. With seconds to close the gate, I charged my Dragon Boost maneuver to get more speed and slide below the gate before it closes. Lance and Fi stayed outside trying to open the gate, while I was trying to stop the one who was controlling the virus. We fought, and I was trying to disable the virus manually, because your device was still with Lance. Seeing I wasn't making any progress, and with the console showing there was a shuttle on the shuttlebay ready to take off, I switched the files of DFD to not let him escape with it. But after switching them, I was shot in the face by a Phaser. It wasn't on Stun Mode, so my nose started to bleed and I fainted for a second. When I woke up, I saw Lance and Fi entering the room. The Admiral tossed the Tablet Handheld to my hand, and I plugged it on the Main Engineering Console, disabling the ship completely and purging the virus. After that, the communications and teleport were restored, HAL AI was online again, and all systems working. Lance gave the command to disable the auto destruct system, being accepted sucessfully, and with 10 seconds before everything blows up.

Doc Ciel: You slippery snail. You switched the files before the responsible escape through the Stargate?

Lt. Ryu Ketsueki: Yeah. It was the only logical thing to do after seeing I couldn't do much.

Doc Ciel: Wait... But which files you placed instead of the DFD ones?

Lt. Ryu Ketsueki: Heh... The only thing that I recognized as harmless... At least for us.

Doc Ciel: Do you mean...?

Lt. Ryu Ketsueki: The results of my StarFleet Academy tests. Just to make sure they would remember who was the one that stopped them at the last second.

Doc Ciel: Oooooohhhhhh........ Well, I'd love to see their faces after discovering what happened.

Lt. Ryu Ketsueki: I bet you can guess what would be their expression. But something I can say. It's gonna take a lot more than just viruses and doomsday devices to slow THIS dragon down!

Doc Ciel: Ehehehe... I love that... So are we done with this Record Keeping stuff?

Lt. Ryu Ketsueki: Seems so. I'll send it to Captain Prairie, so she can attach the details of what happened. Thanks for the help, Ciel.

Doc Ciel: You're welcome, Lilac! You know you are my friend. That's what friends do.