Left4Cake aka Cake
JOINED IN: Januray 9, 2017
I WAS BORN ON: December 2, 1993
MY OCCUPATION: Minimum Wage Employey
I AM: Male
DISCORD ID: Left4Cake#6713
Twitter YouTube Twitch Twitch Hitbox Beam.pro DeviantArt
Left4Cake was one of the last remaining meberes of the YouTube group MidCore. Currently still does his own videos and streams. and runs his own discord community along side it.
Major Characters
Those are the characters that he use often
Removed Characters
Another Participations
He's an owner of Amature Science and was a mod for The Grillby's Network untill it was suddenly deleted for no reason, FairySwans. As well as ran the Midcore group channel and twitter page when they were a thing.