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Lestra is a star not far from Markab, only around 16 ly from that system and around 120 ly from Earth, the terrestrial stellar catalogue lists it as HD 218133.  It is a G0 star brighter and hotter than Sol but still well within optimal range for M class planets.  The star has a faster spin than most G type stars leaving a higher incidence of radiation bursts as the magnetic field moves along the plane of the system.
{{Star Data
|type=DC3 White Dwarf
|radius={{Exp|5.92|3}} km (0.01 of Sol)
|mass={{Exp|2.67|30}} kg (1.34 of Sol)
|temp=17100 K
|lum={{Exp|2.13|24}} W (0.01 of Sol)
|hab=Between 2.3 and 4.7 AU
|loc=[[Epsilon Tatva Sector]]<br>6.1 ly from the [[Markab Star System]]<br>120 ly from the Sol System

The system has 14 planets.  The closest 7 are rocky planets with the remaining 6 to be gas giants of various kinds.  There are 3 M class planets, the closest being Lestra 2 which is a desert planet.  It supports a very sparse population centered around a stellar observatory from the [[Vulcan]] Science Academy in a joint effort with the Tellarite Exploration Directorate.

== Lestra Prime / Lestra 2 ==
{{Planet Data
Uninhabitable rocks with no atmosphere, both sitting so close to their sun that life having ever existed there is not possible. Lestra Prime has the oddity of a very rapid rotational velocity on a very steep axis. Its orbit also closely parallels Lestra 3 and 5  in relative position with their sun.  It is made of iron, nickel, and titanium in a partially liquid state, the magnetic field and its high rotational velocity deflects a high percentage of dangerous radiation coming from the sun.  Without this barrier it is possible that Lestra 2 would be the only M class planet in the system.
|name=Lestra 1
|distance=1.33 AU
|period=1.32 Earth Years
|radius=8480.65 km
|gravity=2.6 G
Lestra 1 is a P4 class planet situated 1.33 AU away from its star. It completes an orbit around its star in approximately 1.32 Earth years. The planet boasts a radius of 8480.65 km and a gravity of 2.6 G, significantly higher than that of Earth. The atmospheric pressure on Lestra 1 is immense, averaging at 50.66 MPa (megapascals), which is 500 times the sea-level atmospheric pressure on Earth. Despite the largely cold atmosphere, the surface temperature reaches a scorching 3000 degrees Celsius, rendering the planet inhospitable for most known forms of life. Lestra 1's composition is unique, consisting of a blend of Silicon, Iron, Magnesium, and Ice. This combination, along with the planet's extreme internal pressure and temperature, categorizes Lestra 1 as an exotic class P world. Although planets of this class are typically frozen, Lestra 1's unusually thick atmosphere and elevated internal conditions set it apart, making it a fascinating subject for astronomical and planetary studies.

== Lestra 3 ==
{{Planet Data
is almost entirely a water world, evidence suggests that this planet was more Earth-like in its past but that it entered a natural warming period as solar radiation increased causing its once solid ice caps to melt. At present the planet is 98% covered by ocean with sparse island groups spread evenly over its surface. There is a very small population in the main island group on the planet, having been colonized by the [[Federation]] in the early 2200's. An automated deuterium refinery at the northern pole is also operated by the Federation with a corresponding landing platform in orbit above the facility. Other than that this planet leaves little to offer except in its nearly year round tropical climate. The ruling council is friendly toward those wishing to vacation their but provides little in the way of incentive, there are no hotels, resorts, or modern commerce on the planet.
|name=Lestra 2
|distance=2.12 AU
|period=2.67 Earth Years
|radius=10196.57 km
|gravity=0.9 G
The second planet in the system is primarily composed of Lead and Uranium, with traces of Silicon. This unique composition gives the planet its distinct characteristics and makes it a subject of interest for scientists. The atmospheric pressure on the surface of this planet is 619,092 Pa, which is approximately 6.11 times the average atmospheric pressure at sea level on Earth. This high pressure, combined with the planet's chilling surface temperature of -174.8 degrees Celsius, creates a harsh and inhospitable environment. However, what truly sets this planet apart is its surface radiation level. At around 100 millisieverts per year, the radiation on this planet is a staggering six orders of magnitude higher than that on Earth's surface. This extreme radiation level, likely due to the planet's high Uranium content, poses significant challenges for exploration and potential colonization, but also offers unique opportunities for studying radiation-resistant life forms and the effects of radiation on planetary environments.

== Lestra 4 ==
Orbiting this planet is the [[Solas Tempus]] [[Space Dock Class Station]] [[Hornet's Nest]] operated by the [[STMC]].
This world has an extremely dense and toxic atmosphere, very similar to the planet Venus in the Sol system.  In the early 2200's much research was done here looking for evidence of an industrial civilization that perhaps went awry but none was ever found.  There are valuable minerals on the planet but mining operations there have been deemed too resource intensive at present to support a mining operation.

== Lestra 5 ==
{{Planet Data
An M class planet. Much more Earth-like it was turned into a nature reserve by the Federation Council some 125 years ago. Endangered species that fit into the planets ecology were placed there at the time. A handful of scientific research facilities monitor the population of its species very carefully. Landing there is not permitted without advanced authorization. Though that authorization is not hard to come by. Naturists frequently visit the scientific facilities mostly for research purposes but tourism is allowed with prior permission. Those visiting are not allowed beyond the small research facilities, even air and sea travel are restricted.
|name=Lestra 3
|distance=3.43 AU
|period=5.49 Earth Years
|radius=13348.48 km
|gravity=2.2 G
The third planet in the system is primarily composed of Osmium, Lead, Uranium, and Plutonium. This unique and heavy [[elemental]] composition contributes to the planet's extreme conditions. The surface temperature reaches a staggering 41,640.21 degrees Celsius, which is several thousand times hotter than Earth's average temperature. This intense heat keeps much of the planet's surface in a molten state, with rivers of metallic plasma coursing across its landscape. The planet's atmospheric pressure is equally extreme, measuring at 6.9 YPa (yottapascals), a value that is several thousand times greater than Earth's atmospheric pressure. This high pressure and temperature result in heavy volcanic activity, further contributing to the planet's molten state. Despite these harsh conditions, the planet's surface radiation level is around 100 millisieverts per year, which is significantly higher than Earth's but comparable to the second planet in the system. This extreme environment, while inhospitable to known life forms, provides a unique opportunity for studying the effects of high pressure, high temperature, and high radiation on planetary geology and potential extremophile life forms.

== Outer Planets ==
{{Planet Data
On the outermost planets some exotic gas collection operations continue with small space stations that also serve as a more colorful port-of-call, there is a small Federation presence but no more than one or two science ships at a time.
|name=Lestra 4
|distance=7.07 AU
|period=16.22 Earth Years
|radius=17260.41 km
|gravity=2.57 G
Lestra 4, a class I planet, orbits its star at a distance of 7.07 AU and completes an orbit every 16.22 Earth years. The planet's large size, with a radius of 17260.41 km, and a gravity of 2.57 G, sets it apart from many other known planets. However, what truly makes Lestra 4 unique is its atmospheric crystal networks. These vast networks of naturally occurring crystals float in the planet's atmosphere, constantly breaking and recombining along the atmospheric currents. As they catch and refract the light from the system's star, they create a dazzling array of colors across the sky, making Lestra 4 a visually stunning, yet inhospitable world.
=== Unique Features ===
; Magnetic Anomalies: The planet's core is composed of a unique blend of metals that create intense magnetic fields. These fields result in spectacular magnetic anomalies, causing dramatic auroras that are visible even during the day and affecting the operation of electronic equipment. These anomalies make Lestra 4 a challenging environment for exploration but also a fascinating subject for scientists studying magnetism and its effects on planetary environments.
; Atmospheric Crystal Networks: The planet has vast networks of naturally occurring crystals that float in the planet's atmosphere. These crystal formations, carried by atmospheric currents, constantly break and recombine, creating an ever-changing spectacle. The crystals catch and refract the light from the system's star, creating a dazzling array of colors across the sky. This unique phenomenon, a result of the planet's unique atmospheric and mineral conditions, makes Lestra 4 a visually stunning world, despite its inhospitable conditions.
{{Planet Data
|name=Lestra 5
|distance=12.75 AU
|period=39.31 Earth Years
|radius=17964.91 km
|gravity=2.5 G
Lestra 5, a class I planet, is a gas giant that orbits its star at a distance of 12.75 AU, taking 39.31 Earth years to complete one orbit. With a radius of 17964.91 km and a gravity of 2.5 G, it is a large and massive planet, reminiscent of gas giants like Uranus or Neptune in our own solar system. The planet is known for its extreme atmospheric phenomena, including diamond rain caused by the high pressure and temperature conditions, and superfast winds that create long-lasting storms. These unique characteristics make Lestra 5 a fascinating subject of study, offering insights into the diverse range of conditions that can exist on planets in the universe.
=== Unique Features ===
; Diamond Rain: Similar to what scientists believe occurs on Neptune and Uranus, Lestra 5 experiences "diamond rain" within its atmosphere. This is a result of the extreme pressure and temperature conditions within the planet's atmosphere, which cause methane to decompose and reassemble into pure carbon, which then crystallizes into diamonds. These diamonds then fall through the atmosphere like rain, eventually settling into the planet's core.
; Superfast Winds: Lestra 5 has incredibly fast winds that reach speeds several times faster than the strongest hurricanes on Earth. These winds whip around the planet, creating massive storms that can last for years or even decades. The high wind speeds are a result of the planet's rapid rotation and the intense heat from its core, which creates strong convection currents in the atmosphere.

[[Category:Star Systems]]
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Revision as of 05:07, 13 July 2023

Type: DC3 White Dwarf
Radius: 5.92 x 103 km (0.01 of Sol)
Mass: 2.67 x 1030 kg (1.34 of Sol)
Temperature: 17100 K
Luminosity: 2.13 x 1024 W (0.01 of Sol)
Ecosphere:Between 2.3 and 4.7 AU
Location: Epsilon Tatva Sector
6.1 ly from the Markab Star System
120 ly from the Sol System

Lestra 1

Class: P4
Distance: 1.33 AU
Period: 1.32 Earth Years
Radius: 8480.65 km
Gravity: 2.6 G

Lestra 1 is a P4 class planet situated 1.33 AU away from its star. It completes an orbit around its star in approximately 1.32 Earth years. The planet boasts a radius of 8480.65 km and a gravity of 2.6 G, significantly higher than that of Earth. The atmospheric pressure on Lestra 1 is immense, averaging at 50.66 MPa (megapascals), which is 500 times the sea-level atmospheric pressure on Earth. Despite the largely cold atmosphere, the surface temperature reaches a scorching 3000 degrees Celsius, rendering the planet inhospitable for most known forms of life. Lestra 1's composition is unique, consisting of a blend of Silicon, Iron, Magnesium, and Ice. This combination, along with the planet's extreme internal pressure and temperature, categorizes Lestra 1 as an exotic class P world. Although planets of this class are typically frozen, Lestra 1's unusually thick atmosphere and elevated internal conditions set it apart, making it a fascinating subject for astronomical and planetary studies.

Lestra 2

Class: P4
Distance: 2.12 AU
Period: 2.67 Earth Years
Radius: 10196.57 km
Gravity: 0.9 G

The second planet in the system is primarily composed of Lead and Uranium, with traces of Silicon. This unique composition gives the planet its distinct characteristics and makes it a subject of interest for scientists. The atmospheric pressure on the surface of this planet is 619,092 Pa, which is approximately 6.11 times the average atmospheric pressure at sea level on Earth. This high pressure, combined with the planet's chilling surface temperature of -174.8 degrees Celsius, creates a harsh and inhospitable environment. However, what truly sets this planet apart is its surface radiation level. At around 100 millisieverts per year, the radiation on this planet is a staggering six orders of magnitude higher than that on Earth's surface. This extreme radiation level, likely due to the planet's high Uranium content, poses significant challenges for exploration and potential colonization, but also offers unique opportunities for studying radiation-resistant life forms and the effects of radiation on planetary environments.

Orbiting this planet is the Solas Tempus Space Dock Class Station Hornet's Nest operated by the STMC.

Lestra 3

Class: E4
Distance: 3.43 AU
Period: 5.49 Earth Years
Radius: 13348.48 km
Gravity: 2.2 G

The third planet in the system is primarily composed of Osmium, Lead, Uranium, and Plutonium. This unique and heavy elemental composition contributes to the planet's extreme conditions. The surface temperature reaches a staggering 41,640.21 degrees Celsius, which is several thousand times hotter than Earth's average temperature. This intense heat keeps much of the planet's surface in a molten state, with rivers of metallic plasma coursing across its landscape. The planet's atmospheric pressure is equally extreme, measuring at 6.9 YPa (yottapascals), a value that is several thousand times greater than Earth's atmospheric pressure. This high pressure and temperature result in heavy volcanic activity, further contributing to the planet's molten state. Despite these harsh conditions, the planet's surface radiation level is around 100 millisieverts per year, which is significantly higher than Earth's but comparable to the second planet in the system. This extreme environment, while inhospitable to known life forms, provides a unique opportunity for studying the effects of high pressure, high temperature, and high radiation on planetary geology and potential extremophile life forms.

Lestra 4

Class: I
Distance: 7.07 AU
Period: 16.22 Earth Years
Radius: 17260.41 km
Gravity: 2.57 G

Lestra 4, a class I planet, orbits its star at a distance of 7.07 AU and completes an orbit every 16.22 Earth years. The planet's large size, with a radius of 17260.41 km, and a gravity of 2.57 G, sets it apart from many other known planets. However, what truly makes Lestra 4 unique is its atmospheric crystal networks. These vast networks of naturally occurring crystals float in the planet's atmosphere, constantly breaking and recombining along the atmospheric currents. As they catch and refract the light from the system's star, they create a dazzling array of colors across the sky, making Lestra 4 a visually stunning, yet inhospitable world.

Unique Features

Magnetic Anomalies
The planet's core is composed of a unique blend of metals that create intense magnetic fields. These fields result in spectacular magnetic anomalies, causing dramatic auroras that are visible even during the day and affecting the operation of electronic equipment. These anomalies make Lestra 4 a challenging environment for exploration but also a fascinating subject for scientists studying magnetism and its effects on planetary environments.
Atmospheric Crystal Networks
The planet has vast networks of naturally occurring crystals that float in the planet's atmosphere. These crystal formations, carried by atmospheric currents, constantly break and recombine, creating an ever-changing spectacle. The crystals catch and refract the light from the system's star, creating a dazzling array of colors across the sky. This unique phenomenon, a result of the planet's unique atmospheric and mineral conditions, makes Lestra 4 a visually stunning world, despite its inhospitable conditions.

Lestra 5

Class: I
Distance: 12.75 AU
Period: 39.31 Earth Years
Radius: 17964.91 km
Gravity: 2.5 G

Lestra 5, a class I planet, is a gas giant that orbits its star at a distance of 12.75 AU, taking 39.31 Earth years to complete one orbit. With a radius of 17964.91 km and a gravity of 2.5 G, it is a large and massive planet, reminiscent of gas giants like Uranus or Neptune in our own solar system. The planet is known for its extreme atmospheric phenomena, including diamond rain caused by the high pressure and temperature conditions, and superfast winds that create long-lasting storms. These unique characteristics make Lestra 5 a fascinating subject of study, offering insights into the diverse range of conditions that can exist on planets in the universe.

Unique Features

Diamond Rain
Similar to what scientists believe occurs on Neptune and Uranus, Lestra 5 experiences "diamond rain" within its atmosphere. This is a result of the extreme pressure and temperature conditions within the planet's atmosphere, which cause methane to decompose and reassemble into pure carbon, which then crystallizes into diamonds. These diamonds then fall through the atmosphere like rain, eventually settling into the planet's core.
Superfast Winds
Lestra 5 has incredibly fast winds that reach speeds several times faster than the strongest hurricanes on Earth. These winds whip around the planet, creating massive storms that can last for years or even decades. The high wind speeds are a result of the planet's rapid rotation and the intense heat from its core, which creates strong convection currents in the atmosphere.