Five Elements

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The five elements form the foundation of all life and supernatural energy in the universe. For information on Elemental entities such as Water Elemental, refer to Elementals. For different areas of magical study, see Spheres of Aetherology.


Model of Control
Turbid / Coercion

Aether, also known as Spirit, is the life force that binds all living things together. It is the most complex and challenging element to understand, control, and use. Aether is a unifying force; therefore, all four other elements must be combined to counter aether magic. It is both a unique entity and a property of the other four elements combined. To master Aether, one must first master the other four elements. Only then can they attempt to directly sense the flows of spirit and life that bind all living things together. Aether is the embodiment of the whole, the person, the animal, the plant, and the reason for their existence.

Aether is more fundamental than any other form of magic. It cannot be directly controlled without mastering both Psionic and Magical Energy. This is nearly impossible for a mortal to achieve. Thus, manipulating Aether directly requires carefully calculated disruptions in its normal flows, or Turbid control. A more refined version of this is coercion, which is exceptionally difficult to do with Aether. Aether is a dominating force that tends to change the environment around it rather than being changed by its environment.

For more details on other aspects of Aether, see:

Derivative Elements / Forces

Aether can be further subdivided into specific areas. These are not traditional elements and are sometimes referred to as forces. They are different aspects of Aether and life itself. When these derivative elements are balanced, they work in tandem as the energy of life. This is mirrored in how Aether itself is controlled. A disruption in either of these forces can be catastrophic. Even the most skilled manipulator of Aether generally does not know how to manipulate the forces of Aether directly, though it is not impossible to learn. Experimenting with these forces can be deadly as they affect the very nature of life itself.


Entropy is the energy of change. It is embodied in using the turbid model of control to Aether, where a person disrupts and changes the flow of Aether to shape it. Entropy is responsible for change. Without it, life could not change, adapt, or grow. If entropy is out of balance and has more presence than harmony, life changes quickly and radically, mutating from moment to moment.


Harmony is the energy of stability. It is embodied in the coercion model of control to Aether, where a person imposes an alternate order to change the flow of Aether rather than disrupting it. Harmony is responsible for the static and concrete aspects of life. Without Harmony, life would explode and fizzle out in a flash of chaos. If harmony is out of balance and has more presence than entropy, life becomes static and unchanging.

The Force

The Force is understood by the exceptionally rare individuals who can use both Psionic and Magical Energy. The Force allows someone to feel the flow of Aether directly. Aether itself is neutral when in balance. A person who can sense the flow of Aether would gain an innate sense of when this balance is achieved. The two primary and opposing forces of Aether are Entropy and Harmony, similar to the concepts of Chaos and Order. However, neither are inherently good or evil and both can be used for either purpose. This feels fundamentally different to a Force user than other realities in which the opposing forces have taken different shapes and forms.

Touching Aether

The ability to directly touch Aether is not without consequence. Aether is mutable but also stubborn. It has patterns, corruptions, and feelings. It behaves. Those who can only use aspects of Aether are insulated from this effect. Touching Aether directly intensifies the emotional push behind an action as well as the consequences of that action. In this way, both the person affects the Aether and the Aether affects the person. To a person touching Aether, it feels as if they are feeding off a given emotion and the Aether can become out of balance, becoming more chaotic with higher entropy or more static with higher harmony.

Effects of Balance

As noted elsewhere, Aether requires balance. A person who draws too much upon the Aether directly using harmony or entropy can throw themselves and the surrounding area out of balance. This can take a physical, emotional, and mental toll on the person as well as a cost on the surrounding area. A person sensitive to the Aether directly will always strive for balance. However, as imperfect beings, people tend to believe that this means adhering more and more toward their understanding of the Aether, which is in turn impacted by their emotions and actions. Thus, neutrality and balance become increasingly difficult to maintain.

Harmony Excess

  • Emotional numbness
  • Static ways of thinking
  • Belief that change is undesirable
  • Loss of sense of self
  • Excess of foresight, leading to missing the obvious in favor of possible futures
  • Increased need for direction from the Force
  • Slower physical aging
  • Need to apply order to chaos
  • Feeling of superior enlightenment / oneness with the Universe

Entropy Excess

  • Increased chaotic feelings and mood swings
  • Increased need for constant change
  • Belief that things should always be changing
  • Increased sense of self and isolation
  • Lack of foresight, leading to an inability to see the forest for the trees
  • Ignoring directions from the Force
  • Physical body begins to present changes which reflect dominant emotional state
  • Rapid physical aging, which can cause physical complications but not necessarily death
  • Need to apply chaos to order
  • Feeling of superior personhood / agent for the good of the Universe

Basic Elements

Aether, being the primary force of life, is composed of these four elements. The derivative elements of Aether also contain these four elements.


Model of Control

Fire is the natural opposing force to earth. It is the spark of creativity and life. Its heat and light stave off the darkness, providing a strong sense of protection. Fire is also a destructive force and can be dangerous. It can give life but also destroy it. Fire is wild and difficult to wield. It must be mastered, or it will master its wielder. Fire embodies war and destruction.


Model of Control

Wind is the natural opposing force to water. It is ever-present in all things and thus elusive and difficult to find. Once found, however, it can be more easily controlled and used than fire. While fire requires brute strength, wind requires calm and passivity. One must follow where the wind leads in order to lead the wind where they wish it. Wind embodies peace, energy, and magic. It can carry words away before they can be heard or carry words far enough to be heard.


Model of Control

Water is the natural opposing force to fire. It is the most fundamental force of life itself. Water is strong and powerful, but patient. It will wear down stone and earth over time, creating chasms beyond belief. It can wash away those who do not respect it and take their lives as penance, all while watering crops and nourishing the body. Water is never elusive nor will it respond to strength. To control water, one must surrender to its power entirely. Water embodies life and creation.


Model of Control
Dominance / Coercion

Earth is the natural opposing force to wind. It is the foundation of all things. It supports and protects everything. Without the blessings of the earth, crops would not grow, and people would have no homes to live in. Earth is slow to move and change. It requires strength and cunning to master. Moves must be planned ahead and decided on, for once earth is unleashed, it is nearly impossible to stop. Earth embodies protection and purification.

Hybrid Elements

The five basic elements do not exist in a vacuum. They are part of a continuum that makes up all things around us.


Model of Control
Dominance & Submission

Ice is a combination of water and fire elements. Water quenches fire and turns it to ice, while fire reforms water. This is a difficult force to master. One must dominate the fire while submitting to the water in order to control both.


Model of Control
Coercion & Submission

Storms are a combination of wind and water elements. Air pulls water into itself, and when mixed, it forms storms and weather. This allows one to access the elemental forces of thunder and lightning. Submitting to the force of water and using that to control the force of wind makes it easier to obtain control of than ice, but it's still tricky.

Ice Storms

Model of Control
Turbid & Submission

Ice storms are a combination of wind, water, and fire elements. They are a specialty of the elemental force of storms. Through this, one can access blizzards and extreme cold. It's difficult to master, as the mixing of these three elemental powers requires mastery over chaos and a delicate touch.


Model of Control
Turbid & Coercion

Wood is a combination of earth and water elements. Water feeds the earth, and the earth grows plants and trees. Much of the essence of life and growth comes from the mixture of earth and water. There is chaos in all life. To control the force of wood, one must coerce through chaos and maintain control.


Model of Control
Coercion & Dominance

Paper is a combination of earth, water, and wind elements. Paper is a powerful force. It records history, forms barriers, and allows for memory. It's a tricky art to master. One must force the chaos of wood into a form by pulling the pieces together through force of will.


Model of Control
Turbid & Dominance

Shadow is a combination of earth and wind elements. It's an elemental force of darkness, the unseen, and the unknown. To master the elemental force of shadow, one must accept the chaos of an uncertain future then take control of the moment in the chaos.


Model of Control

Glass is a combination of earth and fire elements. When mixed, earth and fire create glass. Glass accesses protection and the creation of unseen barriers, looking glasses, scrying, and soothsaying. Glass is the forcing of earth and fire into solid forms. It requires patient control and a light touch to master.


Model of Control

Metal is a combination of earth, fire, and water elements. When brought together, one can forge earth and ice into metals and alloys. Controlled via powerful domination of forces, usually through physical strength.

Magic and Psionics

The energy involved in the use of magic and psionics are both fundamental branches of Aether, which is made up of the four base elements. Aether is the energy of all living things, which connects and binds them together - it is the source of all life energy. A user of magic pulls magical energy from the universe around them, or rather from the Aether around them. A psionic pulls energy from themselves. Psionic energy is the Aether from within one's own living body and mind. As people both draw energy from and give energy to the Aether around them, balance is maintained from the life one has inside and the life one can see outside.

Balance and Consequences

Using Aether of any kind (psionic or magic) has a cost on the physical body. The more energy is used, either by taking magical energy from the outside into the body or expelling psionic energy from the body to the outside world, has a definite cost to the body since that balance of energy must still be maintained. This uses the body's own physical strength and endurance to maintain the balance and weather the movement of Aether.