X-Wing Class Fighter

From Solas Tempus DB
Attack Configuration
Side View
13 meters
1 Pilot / 1 Astromech Droid
Power Source
Quad Deuterium Fusion Reactors
Micro Matter-Antimatter Reactor
Quad Subspace Enhanced Impulse Engines
Warp Drive
Max Speed
Warp 4.87 (for 8 hours)
Cruising Speed
Warp 0.5 (combat)
Warp 2.5 (speed)
Emergency Speed
Warp 6.19 (for 15 minutes)

After years of study of the X-Wing space craft piloted by Alema and others, Solas Tempus engineers finally produced its own fully engineered version of the craft. The vessel is designed as a high speed interceptor and superiority craft, able to assist the Gunstar Class Fighter in assault missions.

The ship has a matter-antimatter reactor providing dedicated power for weapons and shields while in combat configuration while the quad fusion reactors provide dedicated power to each engine, though it is possible to draw power from the engines to power other systems. The fighters wings lock into attack position where the reactor core provides power to the weapons systems and shields. When the wings are locked into the closed position, the fusion reactors are linked together in parallel to the matter-antimatter reactor and the ship is capable of sustained warp flight in speed configuration.

Offensive Systems

After warp-flight the weapons systems require a few minutes to charge to operating capacity unless power is diverted from the engines to provide a faster charge.

  • Microtorpedo Launcher (Fore)
  • Quad Pulse Variable Energy Cannons (Fore)
These pulse cannons are designed to be equipped with a variety of weapons including phaser, plasma, positron, and antiproton cannons equipped prior to launch.

Defensive Systems

After warp-flight the shield power charges to minimal levels within a few seconds but is still weak for several minutes unless power is diverted from the engines.

  • Deflector Shields
  • Ablative Hull Armor
  • Decoy Drone Deployment (4)