Valkyrie Class Fighter

From Solas Tempus DB

The Valkyrie Class Fighter is designed as an armored assault fighter with high maneuverability for surgical strikes. It was developed after the Dominion War and the effectiveness of the Peregrine Class Fighter as a fast surgical strike vehicle was questioned. The fighter is configured to use a specially compact design warp drive configured for short jumps and must cool-down and recharge after use. The standard recharge rate is 2 minutes, but this can be shorted to 15 seconds by diverting all shield and weapons power to the drive. Otherwise, the drive can recharge for use during combat.

Rather than an ejection system it is equipped with an emergency short range transporter, single use, designed to beam the pilot away from the combat area.

9 x 6.3 x 2.3 m
1 (Pilot)
72 kg
Power Source
Fusion Reactor
Matter/Antimatter Reactor
Impulse Drive
Warp Drive (Jump Configuration)
Warp Cool-down
2 Minutes Cool-down / Recharge
Max Acceleration (Standard)
4522 G Linear
2519 G Rotational
Max Acceleration (Extended)
6215 G Linear
4703 G Rotational
Cruising Speed
3,400 km/s Sublight
Warp 1.2 for 30 Seconds FTL Jump
Max Speed
8,120 km/s Sublight
Warp 2 for 30 Seconds FTL Jump
Emergency Speed
8,700 km/s for 12 minutes Sublight
Warp 2.59 for 12 Seconds FTL Jump


The matter/antimatter reactor can be used to power the warp systems or, the power can instead be used to increase maneuverability and reinforce the inertial dampening field (IDF) and structural integrity field (SIF). In this configuration the warp system allows the vessel to be exceedingly more maneuverable than anything else currently developed. When used in this way, the vessel is as much a superior dog fighter to anything else currently known.

Defensive Systems

  • Ablative Hull Armor
  • Deflector Shields
  • Cloaking Device
Using the cloaking device requires nearly all the vessels power, weapons will be offline, as will shields, and Warp Drive will take a full 10 minutes to recharge while cloaked.

Offensive Systems

  • 2 Phaser Emitters / Alternating Pulse Configuration
  • 1 Micro-Torpedo Launcher