Peregrine Class Fighter

From Solas Tempus DB
14 x 13.6 x 4.53 m
Minimum Crew
1 person (Pilot)
Maximum Crew
2 people
Cruising Speed
Warp 4
Maximum Speed
Warp 5

The Peregrine Class vessel has served in Starfleet and Civilian use since the 2360's as a versatile fighter/bomber and escort vessel. The large cargo area for the vessel makes it ideal for extended missions into enemy territory to conduct operations and get back out either alone, or in small groups.

Offensive Systems

Modular, can be fitted with Phaser, Disruptor, Plasma, Polaron, or Antiproton Emitters
  • 2 Forward Torpedo Launchers
  • 1 Rear Heavy Torpedo Launcher
Fitting for Tricopbalt, Heavy Plasma, or Transphasic Cluster Torpedoes
Also cannot be fitted for mine deployment

Defensive Systems

  • Deflector Shields
  • Ablative Hull Armor
  • Optional Cloaking Device


