Steamrunner Class Starship

From Solas Tempus DB

The Steamrunner Class was designed from the ground up to a fast-frigate. She has almost 50% of the saucer dedicated to cargo and vehicle storage. The vessel is designed to launch and recover fighters, shuttles, and other auxiliary craft quickly and effectively, designed with the idea that she can warp into a conflict area and deploy forces to assist assets already on site. She is fast, maneuverable, and designed for combat.

303 x 224.2 x 48 meters
Crew Compliment
200 (36 Officers, 164 Enlisted)
Cruising Speed
Warp 7 / Fold 7.12
Max Speed
Warp 9.991 / Fold 8
Emergency Speed
Warp 9.999 / Fold 8.5 for 1 hour
Power Source
Matter/Antimatter Reactor
Fusion Reactors
Impulse Drive
Enhanced Warp Drive
Dimensional Fold Drive
Gravitational Displacement Drive
Deck Plans
Steam Runner Deck Plans

Offensive Systems

  • 8 Type XII Phaser Arrays
  • 6 Torpedo Launchers (4 Fore, 2 Aft)

Defensive Systems

Auxiliary Craft