The Type-7 Shuttle Craft was in use during the mid to late 24th century as an axillary medium range shuttle for exploratory ships and star bases for Starfleet. It is not usual for the shuttle to be unassociated with a ship or station, but it is possible for one to be outfitted for civilian use, however uncommon.
- Dimensions
- Length, 8.5 x 3.6 x 2.7 m
- Minimum Crew
- 1 (Pilot)
- Maximum Crew
- 2 Flight Crew + 6 Passengers
- Maximum Speed
- Warp 4
- Cruising Speed
- Warp 2.75
The ship has a basic cockpit design with 2 pilots and a rear compartment that can be outfitted with mission specific equipment, though is usually set for seating / cargo transport. Though for a longer duration mission where another craft is not available it is possible to configure the rear compartment for limited sleeping arrangements. The shuttle also is usually configured with a replicator aboard as well. The design is unique among shuttles because the center console retracts and a ramp descents to allow access to the shuttle. The shuttle also has docking capabilities via a docking port along the top of the craft that can also be used for emergency escape.
Internal Design