Type 11 Shuttle Craft

From Solas Tempus DB

The Type 11 Shuttle is an evolutionary mid-step between the Runabouts common on many larger Starfleet vessels and the standard Type 9 Shuttle Craft in use. It is larger has has a far greater cargo capacity as well as is better equipped for EVA maneuvers. The additional size gives the shuttle the ability to have full docking facilities to dock with ventrally located docking collars on space stations and other vessels (like the Venture Class Runabout).

14.64 x 4.5 x 3.26 meters
Crew Compliment
Standard 6 / Max 8 / Min 1
Power System
Matter/Antimatter Reactor
Fusion Reactor
Warp Drive
Impulse Drive
Cruising Speed
Warp 4
Flank Speed
Warp 7 (For 8 Hours)
Burst Speed
Warp 8.5 (For 30 Minutes)

Offensive Systems

  • 4 Type V Phaser Emitters
  • 2 Microtorpedo Launchers (1 Fore, 1 Aft)

Defensive Systems

  • Deflector Shields