Integrated Nano-Composite System

From Solas Tempus DB

The Integrated Nano-Composite System is the deployment package for several different but related technologies. The system includes software and hardware components for the control and deployment of the Integrated Nano-Composite constructions managed by a central computer system. Within the system a construction is deployed, controlled, and managed by a central computer which is in turn powered by either a shared or dedicated power supply. This system is used by Solas Tempus, primarily for the Solas Tempus Communicator.


The Nano-Composite system utilizes Nanomaterials integrated with maintenance and construction nanites throughout the material, this combined material is called a Nano-Composite material. The resulting material is capable of augmenting the processing, power storage, and power generation capabilities of the central computer and power supply. Constructions are built out of Nano-Composite and are arranged into stable configurations. Matter constructed with Nano-Composites take on the shape and properties of normal matter thus mimicking simpler constructions of matter.

Stable Nano-Composite Configuration
A stable configuration, in this context, is a configuration of matter that does not require continuous maintenance by the system. That is to say, the matter mimicked / constructed can actually exist in the real world. Unstable constructions are also possible but retire constant upkeep by the nanites modifying, reconfiguring, and reconstituting the materials in ways that are not possible with normal matter. Such unstable constructions are exponentially hungry for energy and processing power to maintain. A stable configuration occurs when the Nano-Composites can be configured and left in a state of rest, consuming little or no energy and processing power once constructed.

Material Storage

Nanomaterials and the integrated nanites are stored collectively in a quasi-matter state within a modified pattern buffer system. This system allows for large amounts of Nano-Composites to be stored in a super-state between energy and matter within a subspace pocket inside the storage buffer. The pattern buffer uses a hybrid system of a quantum-resolution micro-transporter node along with a similar partial replication transmitter to reconstitute the composite from the buffer into physical matter to be then configured by the integrated nanites.


Once deployed the nanites are instructed by the central computer in how to reconfigure the Nanomaterial into the desired shape and with the desired properties. The nanites then perform any needed maintenance required on the material allowing it to be self-healing so long as there is energy to sustain the efforts.

The system is capable of reconfiguring itself into any stored / stable pattern. Stable patterns are best gathered from actual constructed objects, for which a quantum-resolution scanner is capable of scanning and generating a pattern based on a physical object, similar to how a replicator can scan an object and then materialize matter into the needed configuration.

Stable Configurations

Standard deployment of the material into the Solas Tempus Communicator is designed to provide support for several configurations.

For constructions that contain a fusion reactor, the composite and construct a reactor but not the fuel. The system's SVR can be used in substitute for a fusion reactor since the integrated nanites increase energy storage exponentially within the composite itself.

The system is capable of producing configurations with attached chemical or energy weaponry but these configurations tend not to be as stable over time. As such the system does not typically produce more than bladed or blunt force weaponry.

Material Augmentation

Nano-Composites are capable of using normal matter in their constructions. The are capable of absorbing materials, particularly carbon and silicon, and augmenting their structure with said materials. While the nanites of the composite are not capable of generating new Nanomaterials they are capable of infusing the composite with normal matter reconfigured at an atomic level to reconfigure constructions making them stronger, more durable, and denser / heavier. Repairs can be conducted with these materials allowing the composite to go farther with the same amount of Nanomaterials.