
From Solas Tempus DB
The Alpha-Gamma-5 research facility

The anomalous zone is situated on the planet of Soteria within the expansive grasslands of the Astarte Continent. Covering an area of approximately 350-420 hectares, this region is notable for its unique and perplexing properties. Located at a considerable distance from the nearest settlements, it has been enclosed within a protective wall positioned about 50 kilometers away from the zone's boundaries. This enclosure serves the dual purpose of controlling entry and egress to ensure the safety of individuals while studying this mysterious area.


The anomalous zone exhibits a host of intriguing properties that have baffled scientific investigation. Notably, it emits energy readings previously unrecorded in any known phenomena. Teams dispatched by Solas Tempus to explore this region reported experiencing debilitating symptoms, including nausea, headaches, and vomiting, raising concerns about the safety of personnel in the vicinity. Furthermore, the zone disrupts electronics and technology, rendering them inoperative, and even blocks transporter signals, complicating access and communication. Perhaps most troubling is the formation of a thick layer of clouds over the area, resulting in a perpetual storm. These clouds, when transformed into a deep red hue, give rise to violent lightning storms and mysterious aurora lights, culminating in a phenomenon aptly designated as the Red Mist. The ultimate effects and underlying causes of this striking display remain shrouded in uncertainty.


Numerous theories have been posited to explain the purpose and nature of this anomalous zone. One prevailing hypothesis centers on the possibility of terraforming. The zone's transformation, including the alteration of the environment, suggests deliberate and orchestrated changes driven by unknown forces. These alterations could be part of a process aimed at reshaping the region for a specific purpose. However, the precise motives and entities behind such terraforming efforts remain speculative.

Protective Measures

Given the enigmatic and potentially hazardous nature of the anomalous zone, stringent protective measures have been implemented to safeguard individuals and regulate access. The most prominent measure is the construction of a substantial protective wall, positioned approximately 50 kilometers away from the zone's boundaries. This wall serves as a crucial barrier to control entry and egress, ensuring the safety of those involved in studying the area. Additionally, force fields and other advanced protective technologies have been deployed to reinforce containment and deter unauthorized access. These protective measures collectively aim to shield personnel from the adverse effects of the zone while preserving the integrity of ongoing research and containment efforts.

Assigned Personnel

At the small ground outpost strategically positioned along the containment wall to monitor the zone, the dedicated personnel are under the capable command of Commander Adrian Reynolds. Commander Reynolds is a seasoned leader with a strong background in military and strategic operations. He brings a wealth of experience to his role, having served in various capacities within Solas Tempus. His leadership style is characterized by a calm and decisive demeanor, instilling confidence in the team under his command.

Dr. Kurisu Aiko, the head of the zone's research team, is a prominent figure within the outpost. Her boundless curiosity and extensive knowledge in scientific disciplines make her an invaluable asset to the mission. Dr. Aiko's enthusiasm for learning and research is infectious, and she approaches every challenge with unwavering determination. Despite her scientific dedication, she is also a sociable individual, effortlessly engaging in meaningful conversations with her colleagues during off-duty moments. This friendly and approachable demeanor endears her to fellow team members, making her a respected and well-liked presence within the outpost.