Epsilon Arcanum Star System

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Epsilon Arcanum Dwarf Star
Type: M9 V Red Dwarf
Radius: 2.78 x 105 km (0.40 of Sol)
Mass: 5.94 x 1029 kg (0.30 of Sol)
Temperature: 2100 K
Luminosity: 1.07 x 1024 W (< 0.01 of Sol)
Ecosphere:Between 0.05 and 0.08 AU
Location: Crimson Horizon Sector

The Epsilon Arcanum system, operated and administered by Stellarian Ore Enterprises, stands as a vivid testament to the complexities and potential of extraterrestrial resource extraction. At the heart of this operation is Arkonis, a terrestrial world with a thin but breathable atmosphere, home to the main administrative hub of the company's expansive operations. From here, the company oversees a diverse range of mining activities across various celestial bodies in the system, each presenting unique challenges and contributions. Notable among these are the gas giants Cryotis, Dromida, Glacium, and Heliora, each orbited by automated mining stations extracting vital gases like hydrogen and helium. Iciron and Jotune, with their extreme environments and high concentrations of radioactive materials. Frostara, a cold and barren world, stands out for its rich deposits of iron and nickel, mined under the watchful eye of Marcus Flint, the respected and formidable Operations Officer at Ironclad Bastion.



Class: H
Distance: 0.07 AU
Period: 11 Days
Radius: 6596.43 km
Gravity: 1.06 G

Arkonis, a terrestrial world within the Epsilon Arcanum system, presents a unique and intriguing environment, notable for its mining colony Helion Enclave. The planet's hydrosphere is relatively sparse, with only 2% of its surface covered by water and an additional 26% by ice. Its atmosphere, though thin, is breathable, closely resembling that of Earth with its oxygen-nitrogen composition. Arkonis's biosphere primarily comprises prokaryotic microbes, indicative of basic life forms.

The geological landscape of Arkonis is marked by heavy volcanism, which has significantly shaped the terrain and interacted intriguingly with the ruins of an ancient civilization found across the planet. These ruins, many partially covered in lava flows, suggest a dramatic historical narrative. The average temperature on Arkonis is around 111 degrees Celsius, with an atmospheric pressure of about 197 kPa (1.94 atmospheres), presenting challenging conditions for colonization.

The biosphere of Arkonis is primarily composed of prokaryotic microbes, indicating a basic form of life that could offer valuable insights into early evolutionary processes. However, the most striking features of Arkonis are its geological and archaeological aspects. The planet is characterized by heavy volcanism, which has shaped its landscape significantly. This volcanic activity has also interacted with the remnants of an ancient civilization, whose ruins are found across the planet. Many of these ruins are buried or partially covered in lava flows, suggesting a dramatic and possibly abrupt end to this once-thriving civilization.

Orbital Station - Aurora Astra Station

Aurora Astra, orbiting the planet Arkonis, stands as a testament to the ingenuity and organizational prowess of Stellarian Ore Enterprises. This orbital station, primarily administrative in nature, houses the main company offices for the entire star system. It serves as the nerve center for managing not only the orbital space around Arkonis but also the broader logistical and operational aspects within the Epsilon Arcanum system. The station is a hub of activity, bustling with administrators, planners, and strategists who coordinate the intricate dance of mining ships, freighters, and exploratory vessels that navigate the system.

Dr. Elara Maelstrom and Administrator Kael Thorne effectively manage Aurora Astra, showcasing a blend of visionary strategy and operational efficiency. Positively, their collaboration results in a seamless execution of long-term plans and meticulous day-to-day management, setting a high standard for the station. However, their approach is not without its drawbacks. Dr. Maelstrom's broad focus sometimes overlooks immediate practical challenges, while Thorne's emphasis on details can lead to rigidity in adapting to unforeseen situations.

Manager Elara Maelstrom (45, Female, Human)

Height & Weight
170 cm (5 feet 7 inches)
64 kg (141 lbs)
Dr. Maelstrom is a figure of poise and authority, with an athletic build that speaks to a disciplined lifestyle. Her sharp, steel-blue eyes are often described as piercing, reflecting a mind that is constantly analyzing and strategizing. Her hair is a cascade of silver, cut in a sleek, shoulder-length style that adds to her commanding presence. Her skin, fair and unblemished, contrasts sharply with her typically dark, tailored uniforms, which are both functional and elegant, embodying her role as both a scientist and an administrator.
Dr. Maelstrom is driven by a profound sense of duty and a commitment to the advancement of human presence in space. Her dedication to Stellarian Ore Enterprises stems from a belief in the company's role in pioneering new frontiers and harnessing resources for the betterment of humanity. However, she is also motivated by a personal quest for knowledge and the satisfaction that comes from solving complex logistical and strategic challenges.
Her immediate goals include ensuring the efficient operation of Aurora Astra, maintaining the station's position as a central hub for the system's mining operations, and strategically managing the company's resources and personnel. She is keenly focused on expanding the company's influence within the Epsilon Arcanum system while ensuring sustainable and ethical practices.
Dr. Maelstrom employs a combination of rigorous scientific methodology and shrewd administrative tactics. She is known for her hands-on approach to management, often personally overseeing critical operations and decisions. Her methods include utilizing advanced data analysis, fostering a culture of innovation and efficiency among her staff, and maintaining strong communication channels both within Aurora Astra and with other entities in the system. She is also adept at navigating corporate politics, often using her diplomatic skills to forge beneficial alliances and negotiate deals that favor her company's interests.

Administrator Kael Thorne (38, Male, Human)

Height & Weight
182 cm (6 feet)
78 kg (172 lbs)
Administrator Thorne is a tall, lean figure with a commanding presence. His hair is jet black, often styled back neatly, complementing his sharp jawline and intense hazel eyes. His skin bears a few scars, subtle reminders of his past fieldwork, adding a rugged aspect to his otherwise meticulous appearance. Thorne is usually seen in standard corporate attire, favoring dark suits that are both practical and professional. His demeanor is calm and collected, exuding a quiet confidence that commands respect among his peers and subordinates.
Kael Thorne is driven by a desire for order and efficiency. His motivation lies in streamlining operations and maximizing the station's productivity. He believes strongly in the potential of Aurora Astra as a beacon of human ingenuity and sees his role as crucial in achieving that vision. Personal ambition also plays a role in his drive, as he aspires to rise within the ranks of Stellarian Ore Enterprises.
Thorne's immediate goals revolve around improving the operational efficiency of Aurora Astra. He aims to implement new protocols and systems that enhance productivity and reduce waste. Another key goal is to support Dr. Maelstrom in her endeavors, ensuring that the station's strategic objectives are met while also preparing himself for future leadership roles.
Administrator Thorne is methodical and detail-oriented in his approach. He relies heavily on data-driven decision-making and is known for his thorough analysis of every situation. His management style is more directive than Dr. Maelstrom's, preferring clear instructions and close monitoring of tasks. Thorne is also adept at crisis management, often taking a proactive approach to potential issues and resolving them efficiently. He values discipline and punctuality, fostering a work environment where these qualities are emphasized and rewarded.

Colony - Helion Enclave

Helion Enclave

Helion Enclave, situated within the Crimson Horizon Sector on the planet Arkonis, represents a notable example of technological advancement and opportunity. However, a closer examination reveals a more complex reality. The enclave, under the administration of Stellarian Ore Enterprises, illustrates a distinct corporate governance model. This model prioritizes efficiency and profitability, extending its influence beyond terrestrial operations to encompass control over orbital space, thereby establishing a near-monopolistic presence.

Governance within the enclave is overseen by Governor Lucia Marquez and Lt. Governor Dmitri Petrov, both of whom are appointees of Stellarian Ore Enterprises. Their administration is characterized by a focused commitment to resource extraction and operational optimization, aligning closely with the company's strategic objectives. This alignment results in a governance structure where the company's directives essentially become the overriding legal and social framework, supplanting traditional civic government models.

Within this framework, democratic elements, such as the role of the Proctor, currently held by Jasmine Li, are significantly constrained. Elected by the residents to represent their interests, the Proctor's influence is markedly limited in the face of the dominant corporate governance. Consequently, the enclave functions more akin to a corporate entity than a conventional society, with the residents' livelihoods and well-being closely tied to the fortunes and policies of Stellarian Ore Enterprises.

Governor Lucia Marquez (52, Female, Human)

Height & Weight
165 cm (5 feet 5 inches)
59 kg (130 lbs)
Governor Marquez possesses a commanding presence with a stern demeanor. Her hair is a sleek, salt-and-pepper bob, framing a face marked by sharp, discerning eyes and a firm, set jaw. She carries herself with an air of authority, often dressed in tailored suits that project professionalism and control.
Marquez is driven by a commitment to maintaining the profitability and efficiency of Helion Enclave. Her loyalty to Stellarian Ore Enterprises is unwavering, motivated by a belief in the company's mission and her own rise within its ranks.
Her immediate goal is to ensure the smooth operation of the enclave, maximizing resource extraction and maintaining order. She aims to solidify the company's presence and influence in the sector.
Marquez employs a top-down management style, issuing clear directives and expecting prompt execution. She relies heavily on data and reports, using them to make informed decisions and to keep a tight rein on all aspects of the colony.

Lt. Governor Dmitri Petrov (47, Male, Human)

Height & Weight
183 cm (6 feet)
82 kg (180 lbs)
Petrov has a robust build, reflecting his engineering background. He has a pragmatic, no-nonsense appearance, with closely cropped dark hair and a steady, assessing gaze. His attire is usually practical, favoring functionality over style.
Petrov is motivated by a passion for efficiency and order. He thrives on making the enclave's operations run smoothly and takes pride in his ability to solve practical problems.
His immediate goal is to enhance the infrastructure of Helion Enclave, streamlining processes and ensuring that the colony operates at peak efficiency.
Petrov’s approach is hands-on and detail-oriented. He frequently conducts site visits and engages directly with various operational teams, seeking to identify and rectify inefficiencies.

Proctor Jasmine Li (35, Female, Human)

Height & Weight
168 cm (5 feet 6 inches)
54 kg (119 lbs)
Jasmine Li is characterized by a vibrant, approachable appearance. She has long, wavy hair that she often wears loosely, and her expressive eyes reflect a keen intelligence and empathy. Her clothing is more casual than the governors', reflecting her closer ties to the ordinary residents.
Li is driven by a desire to represent and improve the lives of the residents of Helion Enclave. She seeks to bring a more humane and considerate perspective to the colony's administration.
Her immediate goal is to have a meaningful impact on the colony's governance, striving to ensure that the residents' needs and concerns are addressed.
Li employs a grassroots approach, often engaging directly with the residents to understand their issues. She uses this insight to advocate for their needs in administrative meetings, though her influence is often challenged by the dominant corporate agenda.
Mobile Mining Facility


Class: C
Distance: 0.22 AU
Period: 70 Days
Radius: 2228.76 km
Gravity: 0.11 G

Bravara, characterized by its stark and inhospitable landscape, is primarily composed of basalt, tar, and bitumen. This planet, devoid of an atmosphere, maintains an average surface temperature of -57°C. Its unique geological composition makes it a valuable site for mining operations, which focus on extracting carbon and other minerals. These mining activities are conducted through a series of mobile camps, designed to adapt to the challenging environment and facilitate efficient resource collection.

The Atlas Foundry space station, a Class K space station, is in orbit. This station plays a crucial role in the planet's mining ecosystem. It specializes in the processing of raw materials extracted from Bravara, refining them into more usable forms and fabricating products for sale. The Atlas Foundry not only serves as a vital link in the supply chain but also stands as a testament to the ingenuity required to exploit resources in such extreme conditions.

Orbital Station - Atlas Foundry

Atlas Foundry, orbiting the barren planet Bravara is a Class K space station, is an integral to the mining operations on Bravara, specializing in the processing and refining of raw materials extracted from the planet's unique basalt, tar, and bitumen landscapes. The Foundry is not just a hub of industrial activity; it's a lifeline, facilitating the transformation of raw, unyielding resources into valuable commodities. Equipped with state-of-the-art processing facilities and advanced fabrication units, Atlas Foundry plays a critical role in the economic ecosystem of the Epsilon Arcanum system, turning the inhospitable offerings of Bravara into marketable goods.

Raul Vargas, the Station Manager, brings a structured and data-driven approach, focusing on efficiency and output maximization. His administrative counterpart, Lena Kozlov, ensures the smooth running of the station's various departments, emphasizing collaboration and clear communication. Their leadership styles are complemented by Operations Officer Sam Hawkins, whose hands-on experience and no-nonsense attitude bridge the gap between high-level management decisions and the realities of on-the-ground operations. This triad of leadership ensures that the station not only meets its production targets but also maintains high standards of safety and functionality, crucial in the unforgiving environment of space.

The miners on Bravara have a complex relationship with Atlas Foundry. On one hand, they view the station as a vital component of their work, essential for turning their hard-earned extractions into profitable materials. There's a sense of respect for the efficiency and technical prowess that the Foundry represents. On the other hand, the miners are acutely aware of their position at the bottom of the corporate hierarchy. While they recognize the necessity of the Foundry, there's an undercurrent of detachment, if not subtle resentment, towards the corporate-driven management style. This sentiment is somewhat alleviated by the presence of Operations Officer Hawkins, whose background and realistic approach to operations earn him a degree of respect and relatability among the miners. His ability to translate their on-the-ground challenges into actionable changes at the managerial level creates a crucial link between the two worlds.

Station Manager Raul Vargas (48, Male, Human)

Height & Weight
178 cm (5 feet 10 inches)
76 kg (167 lbs)
Raul Vargas is a distinguished figure, with neatly combed back hair showing hints of grey. His piercing grey eyes reflect a sharp mind, and his face bears the lines of years spent in strategic planning. He has a lean, upright posture, often seen in a standard-issue uniform that signifies his position.
Vargas is driven by a desire to excel in his corporate role, seeing success in managing the Atlas Foundry as a stepping stone to higher corporate echelons. He values efficiency and profitability, aligning his objectives with those of the corporation.
His immediate goal is to maximize the output of Atlas Foundry while maintaining high safety and efficiency standards. He aims to solidify the station's role as a pivotal processing hub in the system.
Vargas employs a structured approach, relying on data and proven strategies to guide decision-making. He maintains a strict schedule and expects a high level of discipline and order from his team.

Administrator Lena Kozlov (43, Female, Human)

Height & Weight
165 cm (5 feet 5 inches)
63 kg (139 lbs)
Lena Kozlov possesses a calm and composed demeanor. Her hair is cut short, framing her face in a practical style. She has a keen, observant gaze and moves with a purposeful grace. Her attire is always immaculate, reflecting her attention to detail.
Kozlov is motivated by a strong sense of duty and a commitment to the company's vision. She seeks to demonstrate her capabilities as an effective leader in a challenging environment.
Her immediate goal is to ensure the smooth administrative functioning of the station, coordinating various departments for optimal performance.
Kozlov adopts a collaborative approach, frequently consulting with department heads and team leaders. She emphasizes clear communication and is adept at problem-solving, often taking a hands-on approach to resolve issues.

Operations Officer Sam Hawkins (39, Male, Human)

Height & Weight
183 cm (6 feet)
88 kg (194 lbs)
Sam Hawkins is a robust individual with a rugged appearance. His face is weathered from years in mining, and his hands are calloused, bearing witness to his hands-on experience. He keeps his hair short and practical, and his attire is typically utilitarian, suited for his active role.
Hawkins is a realist, driven by a no-nonsense attitude shaped by years of on-ground experience. He values practical solutions and has a deep understanding of the challenges faced by the workforce.
His goal is to bridge the gap between management directives and ground-level operations, ensuring that procedures are realistic and efficient.
Hawkins employs a direct approach, often leading by example. He spends considerable time on the operational floor, working closely with the team and offering practical insights. He values straightforward communication and is respected by the workforce for his hands-on experience and realistic approach to problem-solving.


Class: I
Distance: 0.34 AU
Period: 132 Days
Radius: 14902.71 km
Gravity: 0.79 G

Cryotis stands out in the Epsilon Arcanum system as a gas giant, its atmosphere rich in helium, hydrogen, and various hydrocarbons like methane and ammonia. This composition makes it an ideal location for resource extraction. The planet is orbited by a trio of automated mining platforms, working in unison to harvest hydrogen and helium. These platforms are engineered for durability, designed specifically for efficient atmospheric mining in the challenging conditions of a gas giant. A notable distinction of Cryotis is its vibrant and dynamic atmosphere, characterized by spectacular auroras. These auroras are a result of the planet's strong magnetic field interacting with solar winds, creating a breathtaking visual display.

Regular transport runs are made from Atlas Foundry to these stations, facilitating the collection of extracted materials and conducting routine maintenance. The automated nature of these platforms means they are not intended for long-term human habitation, featuring only minimal habitable spaces for maintenance workers and transport personnel who may need to board for essential tasks. Most of the transport work, including the transfer of materials and personnel, is efficiently handled via transporter, minimizing the need for physical travel and reducing the risks associated with manned operations in such a volatile environment.


Class: I
Distance: 0.58 AU
Period: 294 Days
Radius: 16982.67 km
Gravity: 0.95 G

Dromida, a Class I world akin to Neptune, is a significant presence in the Epsilon Arcanum system. Its composition primarily includes hydrogen and helium, with the presence of liquid methane closer to its core, along with trace amounts of various other hydrocarbons. This chemical makeup positions Dromida as an essential resource hub, particularly for the extraction of hydrogen and helium.

Like Cryotis, Dromida is orbited by a trio of automated mining stations, designed for the efficient extraction of its atmospheric resources. The operation of these stations is streamlined, with regular transport and maintenance runs from Atlas Foundry to manage the collection of resources and perform necessary maintenance tasks. The automated nature of these platforms ensures a focus on safety and efficiency, with minimal human interaction required. A notable feature of Dromida is its striking ring system, composed of ice particles and dust. These rings, also present unique navigational challenges and often cause problems with the automated mining stations which malfunction on a regular basis due to impact with stray material from the ring system.


Class: I
Distance: 1.06 AU
Period: 2.00 Earth Years
Radius: 16104.81 km
Gravity: 0.99 G

Elara, a planet within the Epsilon Arcanum system, offers both fascination and formidable challenges due to its unique environmental conditions. It is primarily known for its intense and massive electrical storms, a distinct feature in the system. These storms result from an atmospheric phenomenon where static electricity's ionic discharge interacts with ice particles in the middle and lower layers of the atmosphere. This complex interplay is intensified by the presence of Hydrazine and Phosphine crystals in Elara's upper atmosphere.

A key characteristic of these electrical storms is their ability to ignite. The charged particles, upon encountering pockets of atmospheric oxygen, frequently trigger spectacular and vigorous electrical displays. These displays, while visually striking, present considerable obstacles to operations or exploration on Elara. The severity of the storms renders the planet a challenging location for conventional mining activities.

Despite these challenges, Elara is being mined for its atmospheric hydrogen and helium through a network of three automated mining satellites. These stations are engineered to withstand the planet's harsh conditions, embodying robust and advanced technology to manage the unpredictable environment effectively. However, maintaining and operating these facilities requires significant effort, given the variable and often hostile atmospheric conditions. Consequently, the transport runs to Elara, necessary for resource extraction and maintenance, are among the most demanding in the sector.



Class: C
Distance: 2.09 AU
Period: 5.54 Earth Years
Radius: 1472.49 km
Gravity: 0.09 G

Frostara stands as an inhospitable and barren world in the Epsilon Arcanum system. The planet is entirely devoid of an atmosphere, with its surface locked in a perpetual deep freeze, exhibiting an average temperature of merely 70 Kelvin (-203°C). Its geological composition includes basalt, tar, and bitumen, enriched with significant veins of iron and nickel, making it a valuable mining target.

The mining operations on Frostara are conducted from a modestly-sized Platform Station, known as Ironclad Bastion, managed by Operations Officer Marcus Flint. The station's primary role is to oversee and facilitate the surface mining activities, ensuring efficiency and safety in the extreme conditions. The planet's surface presents numerous challenges, notably its extremely low gravity and the harshness of hard vacuum. These factors necessitate a high level of skill and experience, leading to a policy where only the most seasoned miners are permitted to work on Frostara.

This policy has an interesting consequence; miners often find themselves staying on Frostara's surface for extended periods, leading to a unique culture among the mining community. These long-term stays have fostered a sense of camaraderie and resilience among the miners, who have adapted to the planet's demanding environment.

Ironclad Bastion

Ironclad Bastion, a modest yet pivotal platform station orbiting the desolate world of Frostara, plays a crucial role in both the planet's mining operations and the broader Epsilon Arcanum system. This station, despite its small size and limited personnel, is the linchpin for the efficient extraction and initial processing of Frostara's rich mineral resources. Its compact structure is designed to withstand the planet's extreme conditions, housing state-of-the-art equipment and a seasoned crew who specialize in handling the complexities of mining in such a harsh environment.

Under the leadership of Marcus Flint, Ironclad Bastion has gained a reputation for excellence and reliability, far exceeding its modest physical footprint. Flint's expertise and steadfast approach to problem-solving have made him and his station an indispensable asset in the system. His ability to navigate and resolve the most challenging and dire situations has not gone unnoticed. As a result, Flint is frequently called upon to advise on or directly intervene in critical issues that arise in other operations within the Epsilon Arcanum system. His station, while primarily focused on Frostara's mining activities, has become a hub of technical and operational knowledge, contributing significantly to the stability and success of the entire system's mining endeavors.

Operations Officer Marcus "Marshal" Flint (45, Male, Human)

Height & Weight
182 cm (6 feet)
85 kg (187 lbs)
Marcus Flint's journey from a seasoned miner to Operations Officer is marked by resilience and adaptability. Having worked in the mines of Frostara for many years, Flint was known for his expertise and dedication. However, his life took a dramatic turn when he was involved in a serious accident that resulted in the loss of his leg while heroically ensuring the evacuation of three miners from a collapsing campsite. Following this incident, Stellarian Ore Enterprises provided him with a state-of-the-art cybernetic leg. Due to the stringent safety regulations, Flint could no longer be certified to work in the mines. Recognizing his invaluable experience and leadership qualities, the company offered him the position of Operations Officer to oversee Ironclad Bastion, the platform station on Frostara.
Marcus Flint is a robust figure, his physique shaped by years of physical labor. His cybernetic leg is a testament to both his past ordeal and his perseverance. He has a rugged appearance, with a weathered face that tells a story of a life spent in challenging environments. His eyes are sharp and observant, often reflecting a mix of seriousness and empathy. Flint usually dresses in practical attire suitable for his role, with the cybernetic limb often visible, serving as a reminder of his sacrifice and dedication.
Marcus Flint's driving force is an unwavering commitment to the safety and security of his miners. His harrowing experiences and personal loss in the mines have carved into him a profound sense of responsibility for every person under his watch. This grizzled veteran, having seen the darkest depths of mining accidents, operates with an iron-clad resolve to protect his team. He is motivated not just by duty, but by a deeply ingrained need to prevent any more tragedies similar to his own.
Flint's primary goal is to uphold and enforce the strictest safety standards at Ironclad Bastion. He aims to run an operation where efficiency never compromises safety. His dedication to this cause is unwavering – he is determined to see every miner under his care return safely from each shift, and he is relentless in his pursuit to make Frostara's mining operations as safe as humanly possible.
Flint's approach is marked by a no-nonsense attitude and an almost militant adherence to safety protocols. He is known to be tough but fair, running Ironclad Bastion with an uncompromising hand when it comes to rules and regulations. His extensive experience as a miner informs his strict but effective management style. He ensures that his team is not just well-trained but also well-aware of the risks and the importance of vigilance in such a perilous environment. Flint values clear, direct communication and does not shy away from tough conversations. He has earned a reputation that even the higher-ups in the corporate ladder recognize; cross him on matters of safety, and there will be consequences. His leadership fosters an atmosphere of serious professionalism, where safety is paramount and negligence is not tolerated.


Class: I
Distance: 3.93 AU
Period: 14.28 Earth Years
Radius: 27098.93 km
Gravity: 1.48 G

Glacium, a Class I Uranian gas giant in the Epsilon Arcanum system, presents its own unique set of characteristics and challenges. This planet, with its deep blue and green hues, is predominantly composed of hydrogen, helium, and methane, making it an important resource for mining operations within the system.

Orbiting Glacium are three automated mining stations, engineered to withstand the planet's intense atmospheric pressures and extreme cold. These stations, operating in a coordinated manner, are tasked with extracting hydrogen and helium, crucial for fuel and various industrial applications. The automation of these platforms ensures efficiency and safety, minimizing the need for human intervention in such a hostile environment.

A notable feature of Glacium is its unusually active and vivid magnetosphere, resulting in spectacular displays of auroras that are more intense and more frequent than those on similar gas giants. These auroras, caused by the interaction of the planet's magnetic field with solar winds, illuminate Glacium's atmosphere with brilliant and mesmerizing light shows. This natural phenomenon poses additional challenges for the automated stations, as the fluctuating magnetic fields can affect operational systems.


Class: I
Distance: 7.59 AU
Period: 38.25 Earth Years
Radius: 33578.65 km
Gravity: 1.80 G

Heliora, a Class I Uranian gas giant in the Epsilon Arcanum system, stands out with its distinctive characteristics. Enveloped in a thick atmosphere rich in hydrogen, helium, and minor traces of methane, Heliora is a prime location for gas extraction, pivotal to the system's energy and industrial needs. The planet is orbited by three advanced automated mining stations, tasked with the efficient extraction of its valuable gases. These stations are marvels of engineering, designed to operate autonomously in the challenging conditions of deep space and extreme atmospheric pressures.

A unique and notable feature of Heliora is its series of stable storm systems. These storms, unlike the transient and chaotic weather patterns on other gas giants, have remained remarkably consistent in their location and intensity for as long as observations have been recorded. The storms of Heliora are massive in scale, with swirling clouds and winds that dwarf those found on similar planets. This phenomenon adds a dramatic visual element to Heliora. The presence of these Eternal Storms also influences the operational strategies of the mining stations, requiring adaptive and robust systems to navigate and function in the vicinity of such powerful atmospheric phenomena.


Class: C
Distance: 15.39 AU
Period: 110.45 Earth Years
Radius: 3282.03 km
Gravity: 0.18 G

Iciron, reclassified as a Class C world in the Epsilon Arcanum system, presents a starkly different landscape from its gas giant counterparts. This frigid, atmosphere-less planet endures an average surface temperature of a mere 26 Kelvin (-247°C), placing it among the coldest bodies in the system. Average radiation exposure on the surface is 150 Sieverts per Hour, which is caused by the most striking aspect of Iciron. The planet has an exceptionally high content of Radium in the core and throughout the crust, accompanied by trace amounts of other radioactive materials. These radioactive materials together account for roughly 4.2% of the planet's mass. This unusual abundance renders it a challenge for resource extraction. The ionization properties of the planet, a result of its radioactive composition, create an environment where mining operations are not just difficult but perilously risky and economically unfeasible. As a result, no mining activities are permitted on Iciron. The risks associated with the planet's high radioactivity and the extreme cold, coupled with the technical challenges of operating in an environment devoid of an atmosphere, outweigh the potential benefits of resource extraction.


Class: P
Distance: 29.73 AU
Period: 296.67 Earth Years
Radius: 7101.04 km
Gravity: 1.16 G

Jotune, classified as a Class P world in the Epsilon Arcanum system, possesses a remarkably thin atmosphere, primarily consisting of methane, ammonia, and various hydrogen compounds. The atmospheric layer extends to a mere 720 meters above the surface, categorizing it as exceptionally thin by terrestrial standards. This results in an average surface pressure of only 0.06 atmospheres, or about 6.1 kPa, which is significantly lower than that of Earth. Jotune is characterized by an extraordinarily high concentration of radium, along with notable quantities of uranium and plutonium. The abundance of radium is so significant that it constitutes over 5% of the planet's total mass. This composition leads to an extreme level of surface radiation, measured at an astounding 500 Sieverts per second.