Emily Damion (Ember of Soteria Variant)

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Revision as of 06:43, 14 July 2023 by Necahual (talk | contribs)
Emily Damion
Played by: User:Necahual
Alias: Soulweaver
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 173lbs
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Age: 35
Eye Color: Light Blue
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Figure: Thin and fit
Universe of Origin: Embers of Soteria
Organization: Teufelsjägers
Occupation: Hunter
Setting: Embers of Soteria

Emily Damion is a character of eccentric and complex nature, shaped by her tumultuous journey as a survivor, soldier, and wielder of chaotic magic. Her outlook on life leans towards pessimism, yet she occasionally finds fleeting glimpses of hope amidst the darkness. Emily possesses unconventional wisdom, offering unique insights into the world and its dangers. Her coping mechanism includes a peculiar sense of dark humor that acts as a shield. With eccentric habits and mannerisms, she embraces her individuality. Emily's protective instincts are channeled through unorthodox methods, while intermittent bursts of normality offer respite from her turbulent mind.

Special Abilities

  • Chaotic Resilience: Emily's connection to Vafilosna bestows upon her an enhanced resistance to physical harm. When channeling the chaotic energies, her body becomes temporarily fortified, enabling her to withstand blows and injuries that would incapacitate a regular individual. This resilience allows her to endure in battle, buying precious moments for her allies to intervene or regroup.
  • Disruptive Bolts: Drawing upon the volatile essence of Vafilosna, Emily can conjure bolts of chaotic energy to unleash upon her foes. These bolts possess an unpredictable nature, making them difficult to anticipate or counter. However, their strength and accuracy vary, as the chaotic energy's capricious nature can cause the bolts to fluctuate in power and trajectory. It is most effective when used in combination with her combat skills, providing a supplemental ranged option during engagements.
  • Magic Ward: Through her connection to Vafilosna, Emily can manifest a protective ward that shields against magical assaults. This ward acts as a barrier, absorbing and dispersing incoming magical energy, reducing the impact of spells cast upon her or her allies. The strength and duration of the ward depend on the intensity of her connection to Vafilosna and her ability to focus her concentration amidst the chaos.

Special Skills

  • Tracking and Investigation: Through her training with the Teufelsjägers, Emily has acquired skills in tracking and investigation. She can analyze evidence, gather information, and piece together the nature and whereabouts of aberrations. Her keen observation skills and analytical mind aid her in navigating the mysteries surrounding these creatures and uncovering their weaknesses.
  • Close Quarters Combat: Emily underwent rigorous physical training as a Teufelsjäger, honing her combat skills to a high degree. She is adept in various forms of close-quarters combat, wielding weapons with precision and agility. Her training equips her with exceptional reflexes, strategic thinking, and the ability to adapt swiftly in the heat of battle.
  • Tactical Thinking: As a veteran member of the Teufelsjägers, Emily possesses leadership qualities and tactical acumen. She can effectively coordinate and command a team, strategizing and adapting plans in real-time to overcome the ever-changing threats posed by the aberrations.

Special Equipment

  • Schleiermesser is Emily Damion's formidable weapon as a Teufelsjäger. It is a war scythe with a collapsible hilt and a hinged blade, granting it unparalleled versatility in combat. The collapsible hilt allows for easy transport and quick configuration changes. With a flick of a switch, the scythe transforms into a deadly sword or extends into a formidable spear, adapting to the needs of the battlefield. The hinged blade adds another layer of adaptability, allowing for dynamic and fluid movements. It enables Emily to adjust the angle and reach of her attacks swiftly, catching opponents off guard. Integrated near the hinge point of the blade is a concealed flame sprayer, a tactical surprise that allows her to divert enemies' attention or engulf them in flames. The flame sprayer serves as a versatile diversionary tool, providing a momentary advantage in the chaos of battle.
    • She is prone to speaking with Schleiermesser as if it was alive and using its presence as a comfort item in times of loneliness, stress or flashbacks.


Emily Damion, a forlorn soul born in the forsaken kingdom of Neskar, now plagued by the relentless onslaught of undead horrors and the encroaching aberrations that slithered forth from the malevolent depths of the Dark Aether. As the protection of the Banishing waned, frightful tendrils of malice started to haunted the land.

In her tender twenties, Emily found herself ensnared within the heart of a tranquil farming town, a serene facade shattered by the imminent descent into pandemonium. The fabric of reality buckled and contorted, unleashing a loathsome creature that slithered forth from the stygian abyss, a grotesque abomination that defied comprehension. In this cauldron of chaos, Emily, driven by sheer survival, unleashed her valiant resistance against the abhorrent entity. Eldritch claws rent the air, dripping with a sickening ichor that defied the natural order. Through an amalgamation of indomitable will and the fickle whims of cosmic fortune, Emily narrowly evaded the monster's clutches, her soul left tattered and forever tainted.

In the face of escalating assaults, a clandestine order arose from the remnants of shattered hope—the Teufelsjägers. Emily, an unwilling initiate thrust into their macabre ranks, stood alongside other survivors press ganged into service and battle-hardened soldiers who had willingly embraced this shadowed path.

Within the ranks of the Teufelsjägers, Emily was immersed in a crucible of merciless training, honing her physical prowess and fortifying her fraying mind against the impending encounters with malignant abominations. The art of a forbidden magic was unveiled to her, a conduit to weave eldritch incantations and harness the power that emanated from the chaotic realm of Vafilosna.

Yet, this dark magic came at an unthinkable cost. The tendrils of chaos, channeled by the Teufelsjägers, clawed at their sanity, etching rifts within their fragile minds. Emily, grimly surrendering herself to her unavoidable destiny, embracing the inexorable consequences that it entailed.

Bestowed with the accursed moniker of the "Soulweaver," Emily stood as a living reminder of the sacrifices and horrors that had shaped her existence. The title embodied her tenuous connection to the destructive energies of Vafilosna, as well as her unwavering commitment to protect Neskar from the eldritch terrors that roamed beyond mortal comprehension.

Alas, fate dealt a crushing blow upon Emily's weary shoulders. A malevolent aberration, endowed with unholy power, decimated her comrades, leaving her as the solitary survivor, burdened by the weight of their deaths. Grief and survivor's guilt coiled around her shattered psyche, strangling what remained of her dwindling sanity.