Current Positions

From Solas Tempus DB
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Here is a list of the currently open positions in each game. Positions marked with an asterisk (*) are RP-heavy positions, often asked to participate in most events and / or when new players enter the game. Players should only apply for these positions if they are willing to jump in as needed. Staff also reserves the right to substitute other characters or NPC's in these positions for players who are on hiatus or taking a leave of absence from the game.

Positions marked with a double asterisk (**) are nefarious or antagonistic positions to play. The hope is to build role plays involving the antagonists and give players a chance to shape how game events go, doing nefarious things, and providing good clash as a basis for storylines.

As a final note, any position with Blazing Umbra can be filled with an AI, though some positions require being filled by an AI. The list is not meant to limit what roles an AI character can play.

Blazing Umbra

Military positions listed are Solas Tempus officers unless otherwise noted. Politicians are usually civilians and either appointed or elected officials.

Position Location Role Type Character
Serenity Concord Prime Minister (Markab Star System) Trocara Politician
Serenity Concord Vice Minister Trocara Politician
Head of (Onyx) ** Occipital Station Antagonist
Onyx Contact ** Nimbus Station Antagonist
Onyx Contact ** Duranala, Soteria Antagonist
Onyx Contact ** Trocara Antagonist
Crime Boss ** Nimbus Station Antagonist
Head of Solas Tempus Starbase_Tranquility Military Sal D'Amico
Leader of Blue Team (Action) Tranquility Station Military Lance Thomas
Leader of Green Team (R&D Tranquillity Station Military Lara Miriam Brandeis
Leader of Gold Team (Science) Tranquility Station Military
Head of TEMPCOM (Temporal Command) Starbase Pandora Military Siv Quinn
Head of TACCOM (Tactical Command) Tranquility Station Military Emily Marie Artis
Head of SPECCOM (Special Forces) Tranquility Station Military
Head of STS (Security) Tranquility Station Military
Head of STR (Search & Rescue) Tranquility Station Military
Commandant of the Solas Tempus Marine Corps Nimbus Station Military
Head of Vident Obscura Nimbus Station Military Torm Shol
Master Systems AI Nimbus Station AI / Military Leonard
Commanding Officer * Nimbus Station Military
Operations Officer * Nimbus Station Military
Security Chief * Nimbus Station Military
Chief Engineer Nimbus Station Military
Federation Liaison Nimbus Station Starfleet Officer
Owner of the Dapper Nomad Nimbus Station Civilian
Head of Vident Obscura Nimbus Station Military
Local Midnight Riders Contact Nimbus Station Civilian
Master Systems AI * Serenity Station AI / Military
Commanding Officer * Serenity Station Military
Executive Officer * Serenity Station Military
Operations Officer Serenity Station Military
Security Chief * Serenity Station Military
Master Systems AI Umbral Shipyards AI / Military Jericho Armistance
Commanding Officer Umbral Station Military
Executive Officer Umbral Station Military
Operations Officer Umbral Station Military
Security Chief Umbral Station Military
Chief Engineer Umbral Station Military
Master Systems AI Janus Station AI / Military
Commanding Officer Janus Station Military
Executive Officer Janus Station Military
Operations Officer Janus Station Military
Schatten Star System Governor Duranala, Soteria Politician
Schatten System Senator Duranala, Soteria Politician
Soteria Minister Duranala, Soteria Politician
Duranala Governor Duranala, Soteria Politician
Duranala Police Chief * Duranala, Soteria Law Enforcement
Master Systems AI Tranquility Station AI / Military
Commanding Officer Tranquility Station Military
Executive Officer Tranquility Station Military
Master Systems AI Starbase Pandora AI / Military Neo Akazuli
Commanding Officer Starbase Pandora Military
Executive Officer Starbase Pandora Military
Master Systems AI Integro Base AI / Military

Stellar Horizon

The Stellar Horizon setting is an off-shoot of Blazing Umbra, it takes place on the STV Stellar Horizon which is tasked with exploration and diplomatic missions in alternate realities through the Janus Gate.

Position Location Role Type Character
Master Systems AI STV Stellar Horizon AI / Military
Commanding Officer * STV Stellar Horizon Military
Executive Officer * STV Stellar Horizon Military
Operations Officer STV Stellar Horizon Military
Security Chief STV Stellar Horizon Military
Chief Engineer STV Stellar Horizon Military
Chief Medical Officer STV Stellar Horizon Military
Pilot STV Stellar Horizon Military
Senfu Government Official ** Cevunia / Strot Star System Politician
Senfu Government Official ** Cevunia / Strot Star System Politician
Heibo Official Representative Ivonio / Strot Star System Politician
Heibo Resistance Leader Ivonio / Strot Star System Paramilitary
Heibo Resistance Fighter Ivonio / Strot Star System Paramilitary

Politician / Paramilitary / Resistance

The Strot Star System is ruled by the Senfu who have virtually enslaved the Heibo, a neighboring race. As such the Senfu Government keeps tight controls on the Heibo and there is a resistance. Paramilitary indicates, in this case, a military-like organization which is not tied to a government, they are freedom fighters or terrorists depending on the point of view. The Senfu government officials don't necessarily need to be antagonistic, but will strongly believe in their system where the Heibo are a "worker class" and not only deserve to be there but are "well taken care of" by their Senfu masters.

Angelic Sins

Since Angelic Sins is a modern horror setting, there are many different kinds of characters. Political positions can be supernaturals so long as they can pass for human / normal. Most political positions are held by humans, vampires, or vampire servants of some kind. Law enforcement positions are most often held by humans, were-creatures, with some other smattering of supernatural figures here and there. Head Vampires tend to know everything going on in their territory. With other positions we flag those that are designed to be antagonistic, just because a position is not flagged to be such doesn't mean it cannot be played as an antagonist in plot.

Position Location Role Type Character
Mayor of Chicago Chicago, IL Politician
Head Vampire * Chicago, IL Vampire Victoria Romana
Alpha of Ambersky Depths Pack * Chicago, IL Werewolf
Beta of Ambersky Depths Pack Chicago, IL Werewolf
Alpha of Broken Fire Pard Chicago, IL Werelion
Beta of Broken Fire Pard Chicago, IL Werelion
Alpha of Dawn Thunder Pack Chicago, IL Werebear
Beta of Dawn Thunder Pack Chicago, IL Werebear
Head of Federation of Magi Chicago, IL Magic User
Local Psionic Leader Chicago, IL Psionic
Fae King Chicago, IL Fairy
Fae Queen Chicago, IL Fairy
Police Chief * Chicago, IL Law Enforcement
Owner of the Hotel Sebastian * Chicago, IL Any Supernatural
Owner of the Serenity Asylum Chicago, IL Vampire
Owner of the Saevae Bar * Chicago, IL Any Supernatural Vance Reid
Owner of the Gothic Amber Cabaret Chicago, IL Any Supernatural
Mayor of Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA Politician
Head Vampire * Los Angeles, CA Vampire
Alpha of Werewolf Pack Los Angeles, CA Werewolf
Beta of Werewolf Pack Los Angeles, CA Werewolf
Fae King Los Angeles, CA Fairy
Fae Queen Los Angeles, CA Fairy

About Magic Users & Psionics

About magic users and psionics; they tend to leave each other alone for the most part. A local leader in either doesn't mean they rule over those under them, but they will know / have contact with most of their fellows in the area and have some social authority. Psionics, especially, do not have a leadership of sorts, simply local leaders who keep tabs on things and try to moderate disputes / keep the peace.

About Fae / Fairies

The fae in the area are ruled by a King / Queen who need to be fairies. At the time of this writing there is virtually nothing written about the fairies and such within the game itself. While we borrow heavily from some properties such as World of Darkness, Vampire Chronicles, and the Mortal Instruments series for some aspects of the game, anyone playing a fairy or other fae in the game will have the opportunity and responsibility to build out what this looks like.

Embers of Soteria

Since this setting is a fantasy setting, the forms of government available roughly mirror what someone might have been able to encounter in the middle ages or renaissance times. Many of the political powers of the world have yet to be defined, none have been defined in detail. Players wishing to take on a powerful role will also have the ability to shape how the game plays and how the land their character presides over is developed, not only through in-game play but simply by defining the land itself out-of-game.

Position Location Role Type Character
King of Braebar Kingdom of Braebar Monarch
Queen of Braebar Kingdom of Braebar Monarch
Breabar Rose Council Representative Rose Palace Noble
Prime Minister Realm of Dusnain Noble
Dusnain Rose Council Representative Realm of Dusnain Noble
Prime Minister Realm of Froqua Noble
Froqua Rose Council Representative Realm of Froqua Noble
King of Adren Kingdom of Adren Monarch
Queen of Adren Kingdom of Arden Monarch
Arden Rose Council Representative Kingdom of Arden Noble
King of Thaentis Diford Castle, Thaentis Monarch
Queen of Thaentis Diford Castle, Thaentis Monarch Regina Ellian
Grand Master of the Guard Diford Castle, Thaentis Military
Thaentis Rose Council Representative Rose Palace Noble
Mayor * Whiteridge Noble Jasid Shunnid
Owner of the Hearts Refuge Inn * Whiteridge Any Rachel Oxen
Captain of the Guard Stowerling Citadel Military
King of Neskar Kingdom of Neskar Monarch
Queen of Neskar Kingdom of Neskar Monarch
Neskar Rose Council Representative Rose Palace Noble
Emperor of Olaf Olaf Empire Monarch
Olaf Rose Council Representative Rose Palace Noble
Lord of Espary Espary Fiefdom Monarch
Lady of Espary Espary Fiefdom Monarch
Espary Rose Council Representative Rose Palace Noble
President Republic of Shoyuque Noble
Shoyuque Rose Council Representative Rose Palace Noble

Monarchs vs Nobles

For the purposes of this game any monarch is someone who has become leader due to their blood lines. As it was in much of Europe and other parts of the world, the leadership was generally seen to be above the common folk and ordained by God. In the case of Embers of Soteria that God would be Onos, the central deity of the pantheon. Nobles have similar power and title through heredity but leaders who are noble (such as a President or Prime Minister) are not ordained by God to leadership but rather elected through some fashion. Players who take up such characters will have the opportunity to define how the land their character rules selects its leaders.

Rose Council

The Rose Council is a body of representatives seated at the Rose Palace and created to keep the Peace of Ages intact. They mediate disputes between different political bodies. They are a similar concept to that of the United Nations, under the Peace of Ages they have authority to act to stop aggression and prevent wars.

According to the Peace of Ages the Rose Council has authority over the Souls Templar, who act as a peacekeeping force. They are a paramilitary force operating outside of the jurisdiction of any single government but cannot act against any government without approval of the council.