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- Planets
- Ivion
- Government
- Former Constitutional Monarchy
- Economic System
- Former Democratic Socialist
- Race
- Reptilian Bipedal
In the time since what the Senfu called the great acceptance they have attempted to control the narrative of the Heibo people. This has had mixed results, the Heibo do not trust the Senfu and see them as at once enemies to be avoided and friends to be used. It is a complicated relationship by design, the Senfu have been teaching the Heibo that they must behave this way or the Heibo culture would die out as being unable to govern itself. Since the Senfu eradicated as much of the native culture of the Heibo as they could, this has taken hold over large swaths of the population. While no one is happy about their lot in life they have been taught that there is no other way and those who dissent are generally killed swiftly.
Resistance Movements
As with any slave labor force there is a resistance movement called Shesei with members called shesial. The group advocates using any means to disobey and fight their oppressors. They are known to use the most violent methods possible, or at least that is what the Senfu says. There is a grain of truth, the Shesei have used explosives to indiscriminately kill Senfu military and government targets. However the group has not targeted working-class Senfu for such operations and will not target a Heibo and go through extreme lengths to not harm one of their own kind. Their stated goal is the gain freedom for the Heibo by repelling the Senfu invaders and forcing them all to leave.
The relationship between the Heibo and the Shesei is a complicated one, they at once both revere the group in an abstract way but are weary of members personally. Generally they are seen as troublemakers on a personal levels but their ideals are aspired to.
Physical Characteristics
Generally speaking the Heibo's skin is blotchy with different shades symmetrically placed on the right and left of the face. Their skin tends to be a bit thicker than the Senfu and their bodies are more robust. They have eyes more similar to mammals than reptiles, and thus cannot see as well at night as the Senfu or similar races. The senses of taste and touch are extremely well developed, it has been noted that the Heibo can do the most delicate and intricate work with ease. They possess an incredibly keen manual dexterity and great strength in their hands.
Sex & Gender
They have two sexes but a multitude of genders. In fact the Heibo see gender as a scale or spectrum rather than a binary representation of physical characteristics. For the most part mating between two Heibo takes place among any combination of people with physical sex tending not to define an identity. Different gender distinctions do define one's identity, socially grouping by the kinds of other beings which are found to be attractive. Socially most Heibo to Heibo relationships are seen as equal in the eyes of society. Relationships with Senfu are not, the Senfu are seen as deceitful and largely mistrusted thus a relationship with a Senfu tends to be seen as a deep betrayal.
The Heibo do not govern themselves. When they did they were a constitutional monarchy which governed over several independent regional governments which were generally representative republics. On a global scale the government functioned as a loose confederation which imbued most of the authority to each regional council sending a representative to advise the monarchy on global affairs. The government was generally thought to be fair by the people, though there were stirrings of concern over the lack of an elected official at the top of the global government.
The economic system was based on the ideas of democratic socialism with some capitalistic areas. The economy of a given region would work collectively toward the goals of that region set by the ruling council. Resources could be personal but socially it was seen as generally unacceptable to horde resources in most regions. On a global scale the monarchy instituted policies making it difficult for any one region to horde resources or deny needed resources to other regions taking a collectivist approach based in social justice. On a person level citizens of a region were provided resources based on a number of factors with the idea that a citizen with the greatest need would see those needs met first, by the government, if they could not meet those needs themselves. Citizens still retained jobs and personal ownership of resources.
The monetary system which facilitated the trade of goods were known as netion which roughly was equated to the evaluation of a standard resource metric of energy, water, and / or land. The government would control the worth of the netion to influence trade with an emphasis on fairness and shared wealth.
Sadly this economic system was outlawed by the Senfu and in the modern day they use the Senfu system. Bartering and trade between Heibo is strictly regulated and permits must be obtained at great cost to do business in anything but the Senfu currency.
The Heibo people are generally kind, even when under pressure. They tend to be slow to trust, though historical records indicates that this was not always so. In the modern day they do not trust easily and value loyalty above almost any other trait. During the time since the Senfu enslaved them they have been largely taught that there is a freedom in providing for their families through this slave labor. The Senfu government rations out resources based on the number of family members in service, their records, and each member does. This has created strife in the past but in recent years some of the Heibo have begun to cultivate networks of loyal friends in different levels of their own society leverage the value of loyalty with the hopes of effecting change.