Aquarius Initiative

From Solas Tempus DB
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The Aquarius Initiative, often referred to as Operation Aquarius, represents a visionary program with an extended timeline that leverages the skills of private aviators and starship commanders. This groundbreaking strategy aims to probe and document both recognized and undiscovered realms of space. The principal objective of the initiative is the comprehensive mapping of novel star systems, laying the groundwork for prospective colonization endeavors.

To implement this bold endeavor, the initiative seeks to onboard private pilots, christened Nauta Stellarum, a Latin phrase translating to "Sailor of Stars". However, in common parlance, this title is frequently abbreviated to Nauta, serving as an alternate appellation that can replace the term 'captain'. The Aquarius Initiative is distinct in its design, constructed to fully incorporate and leverage Artificial Intelligence technology.

Contractual Obligations

The initiative operates on the premise of an agreement between the private pilots and Solas Tempus. This contract furnishes the pilots with a sophisticated exploration vessel, typically an Archer Class Starship, and guarantees the financial backing required to support the exploration of uncharted space for a minimum duration of five years.

In return, the pilots undertake to grant Solas Tempus exclusive first rights to any discoveries or information accrued during their travels. Further, they consent to execute specific assignments as directed by Solas Tempus or the Serenity Concord. These missions are meticulously negotiated with each pilot to ensure the tasks neither pose a significant threat to their lives nor tarnish their reputation.

Dimensional Fold Drive

One of the notable technologies at the disposal of Solas Tempus is the Dimensional Fold Drive, a key feature of the Archer Class Starship. In the scope of the Aquarius Initiative, the drive's potential for time travel is intentionally restrained through the application of several hardware and software blockades.

The contractual terms strictly forbid the pilots from utilizing the drive system for time travel or allowing anyone apart from Solas Tempus to inspect, scrutinize, or conduct any maintenance on the drive system. However, pilots have the discretion to request the removal of the DFD system and have it substituted with a comparable Warp Drive system.

Mission Types and Responsibilities

The wide spectrum of tasks and missions assigned by Solas Tempus under the Aquarius Initiative ranges from simple data collection and scouting expeditions to more complex scientific investigation and diplomatic duties.

Reconnaissance and Data Collection

These assignments predominantly involve starship pilots embarking on exploratory voyages into uncharted territories of space. The primary objective is to map these unknown areas, including cataloging new star systems, asteroids, and other celestial bodies. Additionally, they collect data on spatial anomalies and potentially habitable planets that could be future candidates for colonization.

Scientific Research

More complex assignments often entail the undertaking of scientific research missions. These could include studying anomalies, astronomical phenomena, or exotic matter in space. Some pilots might also be tasked with conducting experiments, either with onboard equipment or by deploying remote scientific probes.

Diplomatic Relations

While it's quite rare, Nauta pilots might occasionally be assigned diplomatic missions. However, these seldom involve first contact scenarios with unidentified alien civilizations. The primary focus of these missions is typically to foster and maintain harmonious relationships with previously encountered extraterrestrial societies. Such missions demand a level of diplomacy and strict adherence to established protocols to ensure peaceful and mutually advantageous interactions.

In line with a firm policy of non-interference, pilots are expressly prohibited from meddling in local disputes, conflicts, or the internal affairs of new cultures or existing governmental and corporate entities. This prohibition is strictly enforced to prevent the unwarranted influence or disruption of other civilizations' natural development and to uphold the integrity of Solas Tempus and the Aquarius Initiative.

Rescue Operations

In times of crisis, pilots under the Aquarius Initiative may be called upon to conduct rescue operations. These could include the search and retrieval of lost or stranded spacecraft, providing aid to colonies facing disaster, or participating in peacekeeping operations during interstellar conflicts.

It's essential to note that, while pilots are obliged to accept specific missions from Solas Tempus as per the agreement, these assignments are negotiated with each pilot, ensuring they are not life-threatening or damaging to the reputation of the pilot.

Ownership Structure

Throughout the duration of the five-year term, pilots accumulate credits that contribute towards acquiring ownership of their space vessel. Typically, at the conclusion of the five-year term, the pilot is presented with the option to fully own the vessel. However, pilots who opt to take on riskier assignments (provided they are made available) may expedite the transfer of ownership.