Hermod Gate

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The Hermod Gate is a version of the Stargate designed and built by a the Hermod Consortium as part of a treaty written by the Serenity Concord to facilitate building of the gate network. Stargate Construction Project of Solas Tempus was heavily dependent on sourcing a rare element that does not exist in this reality, called Naquadah. This material acts as an incredibly strong building material but also an unusually powerful capacitor to build a charge for the artificial wormhole. The Hermod Consortium, established by the Janus-Hermod Treaty named after the Norse messenger God of Frigg, builds and maintains the gate network for the benefit of all. Members of the consortium have control over gates within their territories but treaties signed provide that no member will prevent operation of the gate network between political powers. This is similar to the treaties about warp drive, Hyperspace travel, and other universally accepted methods travel through space.

6.7 Meter Diameter from Edge to Edge
4.9 Meter Diameter Opening
Power Source
Fusion Reactors (2 or 4) or Matter/Antimatter Reactor (Powering the Wormhole)
Spacial Variance Reactor (Powering Control System)
Control System
Onboard Encapsulated Computer Core
External Computer Core Supported
Subspace-Tachyon Hybrid System
Tritanium-Neutronium Alloy

Hermod Gate Network

The original Stargates used a subspace communications network where each gate also acted as a passive relay allowing the gate network to expand without the need for servers. The Dial Home Device (DHD) also controlled the gates and used this transmission network to broadcast out positioning updates between gates. While the Hermod Gate Network does accept these subspace signals, it uses a hybrid tachyon-subspace transmission system. This hybrid system is similar to the system used in Hyperspace to allow navigation between Jump Gates. The subspace-tachyon hybrid system allows for the gate network to not only use gates themselves as relays but also transmission through Jump Gates, subspace relays, and other communication networks. The system is capable of dynamic mode switching to subspace relay networks used by any known race.

Each government can choose their own symbology and the dynamic symbol system updates to connect to gates which use a different symbology. Usually the gates symbols are determine by the official language of the government in question. The gate network is capable of accommodating any symbol.


Active Type 2 Stargate
Wormhole w/o Gate

The gate follows the design principles of the Type 2 and 3 gates, though some of the design points of the Type 1 gate were also used. Designed to primarily work with a computer interface, the symbols on the gate are dynamic. The gate has been designed to work in three primary operation modes.

Direct Dial

Using a unique 9-symbol address the gate is capable of locking onto a remote gate by its unique hardware address. The dynamic symbol system allows for an unlimited number of gates based on using any possible symbols. Each gate is given a 9-symbol address, which is unique. This is a holdover from the original Stargate system and is kept for compatibility.

In this mode the gate itself calculates, using nearby gates as reference points. In this mode the target gate does not have to calculate its own position and allows gates to be contacted across any distance.

Relative Dial

The original gate system used a 6-symbol relational address with a 7th point of origin. Since objects in space move at high speed relative to each other, there are 6 cardinal gate locations. These cardinal gates are used as points of reference and allows the system to calculate the precise relative location of a destination gate. Using these 6 gate locations the system can pinpoint a gate anywhere in 3 dimensional space relative to a point of origin by asking the 6 cardinal gates to calculate the relative position of the destination gate to the origin gate in real time. To facilitate this every gate within a network is assigned a symbol by the Hermod Consortium. This symbol can then be used as either the point of origin (telling the network what gate is making the connection request) and if that gate is used as Cardinal Gate.

In this mode, the target gate calculates its exact position relative the cardinal locations and the origin gate does the same. Using this information the gates are able to check each other. This relative position from origin to destination is then used to compute the Janus Coordinates for any wormhole.

Why is there a 7th Symbol?

The 7th Symbol allows the destination gate to verify that it is calculating the relative position of the gate that has contacted it. The gate system will compare the 7th symbol with the gate which has contacted it, preventing a person from establishing a wormhole between 2 gates from a 3rd gate. The 7th symbol is also used for authentication on some private gate networks or secure gate locations for which travel is restricted. Again the system will compare the gate requesting a connection with the 7th symbol and ensure that the signal comes from the gate whose 7th symbol identifies the origin.

The system compares not only the signal contents which establish an origin 9-symbol unique gate location but the signal itself. If a mismatch is detected, verification is requested from the origin gate specified by the 7th symbol.

Cardinal Gates

Cardinal gates are designed to sit at roughly 90-degree angles in 3 dimensional space from each other. The calculations required to provide a stable relative lock and provide the best positioning. When a set of 3 pairs of gates are configured, with each pair roughly opposite and perpendicular to the other pairs. Since all objects in space are in motion relative to each other, there is significant leeway but paired cardinal gates should be on opposite sides of the target gate. Any gate can be a cardinal gate location for as many gates as are necessary. To make addressing simpler, these cardinal locations are chosen by the consortium to be locations which are nor only relatively stable in terms of their physical environment but also in terms of political stability of the site.

Multiple Networks

This mode also allows gates to be accessed across networks. While the Hermod Gate Network is a single network, whose reference point is the Milky Way galaxy. An 8th symbol can be used to target a remote gate network, the address system was designed to be local to a single galaxy. An exponentially higher amount of power is required to create a wormhole across the intergalactic void. This use of an 8th symbol also allows for isolated Stargate networks. In the provisions of the treaties which govern the Hermod Consortium, any member government can create an isolated network for the purposes of national security. Such gate would require the use of an 8th symbol, which could be any symbol created.

While no extra-galactic gate networks have been established, the treaty places it under the prevue of the Hermod Consortium to assign any gate network a specific symbol. The same would apply to extra-galactic networks, which would require specifying a network outside of the gates home network by the 8th symbol. In the original gate system described when the first Stargates were found, this 8th symbol represented dialing a different galaxy. While not specifically used, the treaty covers using a similar method to specify direct connections to other networks. Within the Milky Way one can technically dial any gate within the Hermod Network directly, this is blocked in software and forces users to use the 8th symbol even within the Milky Way. This is done to allow governments to control their boarders.

Inter-Timeline / Inter-Reality Travel

The Hermod Consortium is tasked with assigning a unique symbol to a given timeline or subspace domain to be used as the 8th symbol as they are discovered by the Janus Project. When transiting to a destination gate in an alternate reality or timeline, the mechanics work the same as when connecting two gates in our own reality / timeline. The 8th symbol tells the gate to target a gate in another reality or timeline and calculates the Janus Coordinates necessary to dial that network.

In this type of operation the same double-check is used to ensure accurate Janus Coordinates. The origin gate calculates the relative position of the destination gate and the destination gate does the same. The relative positions are then compared in real time to facilitate a positive lock by each gate. The relative positions are used to compute the Janus Coordinates and the origin gate initiates a wormhole to the destination gate. Gate-to-Gate travel is always preferred, especially for unprotected personnel.

Direct Control

A computer system connected to the gate can directly take over its functions and slave the gate, overriding the internal calculations and directly form a wormhole. In direct control mode the gate accepts Janus Coordinates and thus any gate with sufficient power can be used as a Janus Gate.

Gate-to-Gate Wormhole

When operating normally the system will establish a wormhole from one gate to another directly. In these cases the gate contains the wormhole's event horizon. Crossing the event horizon causes matter to be dematerialized and the matter stream is transmitted through the wormhole and rematerialized on the other side by the destination gate. This is one of the reasons that the original Stargates were one-way except for electromagnetic radiation. The wormhole is designed to transmit a matter stream from one gate to another, similar to how the transporter works.

Melding the Stargate with transporter technologies allow the gates to operate in 2 directions with matter and energy as well as providing a way to project a wormhole without a receiving gate. This works similar to how a transporter can project a person to rematerialize without a receiving transporter pad.

Wormhole Without a Gate

The new gate design allows for a wormhole to open up without a gate on both sides. While it is safest to operate direct gate-to-gate connections, the gate can project a wormhole. When this occurs the origin gate uses a method similar to a transporter to broadcast a matter stream through the wormhole to materialize on the other side.

Using a Transporter With an Active Wormhole

The gate itself is designed to dematerialize any matter which crosses the event horizon into a matter stream. This matter stream is then rematerialized on the other side. The gates themselves do not use a pattern buffer the way a transporter does, but instead store the pattern within the gate capacitors themselves. The gate itself is only designed to hold a pattern for a few seconds and is thus not as robust as a transporter using a pattern buffer, especially if the transporter is able to beam to a receiving pad that has its own pattern buffer.

Since the gate does not alter energy which enters the event horizon, a transporter can be used to dematerialize matter converting it into a matter stream in the pattern buffer, then transmit that pattern through the gate. Since the gate uses a wormhole to do this, the transporter beam's subspace signal must be synchronized with the subspace signature of the gate's wormhole. Once synchronous the transporter can transmit the matter stream through the gate. Since the wormhole connects two points in the multiverse with each other, this is the preferred method of transporting an unprotected individual through the gate to a location without a gate. The addition of using the transporter allows for additional safety precautions to protect an individual from potential pattern loss when not having a receiving gate to store the matter stream before it is transmitted. The transporter protocol itself is more robust in handling those situations.

Power Source & Naquadah

Since the rare heavy element Naquadah is not known to exist in this reality, the gate uses an internal superconductive subspace amplifier. Instead of drawing and storing large amounts of power in order to generate a wormhole, the device uses an amplifier which works on a similar concept to the Spacial Variance Reactor. Though instead of relying on a flow of verteron particles across the subspace field barrier, it forces high energy plasma through an artificial vacuum energy matrix. The result is a momentary amplification of 4 orders of magnitude to establish the wormhole. Once the subspace connection is formed, the gate draws power at a far lower level to maintain the wormhole.


Each Hermod Gate is equipped with a software package that allows the gate to relay unwanted wormhole activity to another approved gate. In this way governments can control who can enter their territory and prevent the gates from being weaponized against them. Similarly the gates are also equipped with a force field generator which can effectively close a gate to incoming traffic. While the original documentation with the Stargates described methods for using force fields and a physical iris to prevent gate travel to a secure location, both of these methods would lead to the death of someone attempting to travel to such a secured location. The Hermod Gate force field closes the gate by preventing an incoming wormhole from establishing a connection while the relaying program receives a matter stream from the incoming wormhole and forwards it through the network to a preselected auxiliary gate.

The use of force fields or other technologies which result in the death of an incoming traveller are prohibited by the treaty on any open gate network.

The gate will not allow a connection to be established if there is a biological entity within space where the wormhole will form. Gates terminate if nothing is transmitted through the wormhole within a period of several seconds, though it is configurable it is usually between 3-7 seconds.

Private Gate Networks

Governments are entitled to use build and use private gate networks but it is a violation of the treaty to operate a parallel gate network, that is to say a network of gates which mirrors the Hermod Gate Network within their space in order to subvert the Janus-Hermod Treaty.

A government must register any private network with the Hermod Consortium and the government then can assign its own symbol to the gate network, provided that symbol is not already in use elsewhere. The Hermod Consortium must have a complete list of gate networks which are acceptable targets for travel. A gate network may be created to be completely separate from the Hermod Gate Network but this network still needs to be registered with the consortium if the network uses Hermod Gates.


The gate software prevents establishing a connection which would cause the wormhole to go through stellar phenomena. A wormhole passing through certain phenomena could have disastrous consequences, such as causing a negative impact to the traveller or objects in space. Since the wormhole travels through subspace most objects in space, or even a starship traveling at warp, would not be impacted by a wormhole passing through them through subspace. Stellar phenomena which create their own significant gravitational / magnetic fields which cross subspace layers can be effected, this includes stars, black holes, and spacial anomalies. As such the gate software will fail to connect if the path of the wormhole intersects with these objects.

The gate software is capable of relaying wormhole through a secondary and even tertiary gate to establish a connection, provided one can be found, in order to establish a connection but avoid such phenomena. The software will warn the user if it intends to route the connection through multiple gates. The gates which have a wormhole routed through them will be unavailable while the wormhole is active but will not show an active wormhole (i.e. they will not have an event horizon at the gate itself but the gate lights will show it is active).

Non-Stationary Gates

A gate is always placed on a moving object. Planets move around their sun and solar systems move around the galactic core. Thus a gate can be placed on any object, even a space craft. In order to establish a wormhole a gate must be on a vessel traveling in normal space and at sub-light speeds. For a space craft to have a gate with an active wormhole it must be as close to stationary as possible. The subspace-inertial forces could cause significant damage to a vessel attempting to travel at even moderate speed while a wormhole is established. While a planet's gravitational field isolates it from these forces, a space craft cannot generate such a field.
