
From Solas Tempus DB
Revision as of 04:57, 25 December 2018 by Cyclops (talk | contribs)
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Played by: User:Ks0908
Height: 1.7 meter
Weight: 50 kg
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Age: 16
Place of Birth: Unknown
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Skin Color: White
Universe of Origin: Unique
Occupation: Thief/Sin of greed
Rank / Skill Level: Professional
Status: Approved
Setting: Embers of Soteria

Due to her issues with her parents and overall lifestyle she prefers to keep to herself not wanting to cause too much trouble to the people around her seeing what such event can eventually lead to. This in the end cause her to become reclusive not really being a person of many words usually finding it to be more of a benefit than a flaw. She, although not aware of that had destiny to become sin of greed, easily follow path to it by her actions. But to fully discover ot will most likely need help

Special Skills

  • Agility
    • She's pretty agile, which is usefull in larger settlement, allowing her to run on rooftops and jump better than standard person
  • Throwable knifes
    • extensive self-training during travels let her get somewhat good with throwing knifes
  • lockpicking and pocket theft
    • Ann is fairy good with lockpics, she can open almost every lock, sooner or later. obviously more sophisticated will take much longer than simple ones, Pocket theft as much as not her main talent is still pretty well trained, especially with help from her ability to walk silently which she used many times during breaks-in to houses
  • Runining
    • Ann is also fairy fast runner, which is usefull in case she get noticed
  • Dissapearing
    • As much as name say, skill is simply related to easy hiding on crowd or shadow areas


Coming from a more underprivilaged family she left home as soon as she was able the constant arguements between her parents being too much for her to take on a daily basis. Upon striking out in the world alone she found for all many people were caring and kind many could be less so taking the time to learn using dagger, an old gift from friend as well as throwing knifes. She also discovered talent with lockpicks and her agility. She, after training lot started using theft to feed herself, starting from small scale to finnaly slowly Robbing some richer families. She never stayed too long in one plave eventually finding her way to the village of Whiterridge seeing the state of affairs she took on a more calm persona seeing that rushing into things can cause one to come to a much more grizzly end. She didn't stop following path to her destiny (about which she was still unaware) during way, and didn't planed to in this village, finding life of thief easier than actual work.


  • dagger
  • throwing knife