
From Solas Tempus DB
Played by: Cornstarch
Height: 6'5"
Weight: None in natural form
Gender: Female
Race: Glitch
Age: 19
Date of Birth: January 10th
Place of Birth: aboratory in Northern Spannoh
Figure: Doesn't have a body most of the time
Universe of Origin: Unique
Occupation: Magic and Combat Student
Dimension Hopper
Rank / Skill Level: Student
Approved By: User:Cyclops
Status: Abandoned
Setting: Blazing Umbra

He is a trickster, loves to prank people, but loyal to those the’s close to.

Special Skills

  • Adapting to his enemy and allies

Special Abilities

Shadow is able to change his physical form to copy any being and mimic their weapons and abilities.


Shadow and his twin brother Zero were created in a lab in northern Spannoh. When the scientists first saw them, the scientists were very excited because they had possibly created two rune marked Glitches. However, when they saw that Shadow didn’t have normal markings like other Glitches, they were concerned. Shadow had tried to activate his ability, but his physical form gave way and he exploded into light. He then became Zero’s literal shadow, they were connected mentally and could feel and think each other’s thoughts and feelings. (This was when and how Shadow became unstable) Soon realizing that the Lab’s intentions weren’t for good, they ran away and were found by Echo and Pixel during the school’s spring break. From then on, Zero and Shadow attend Platinum Academy with Echo and Pixel as their best and closest friends and team mates.

Weak Points

If his soul stone is destroyed, Shadow will be trapped as Zero’s shadow until a new or temp one is found or made.