Class 1Z Advanced Cybernetic Exoskeleton

From Solas Tempus DB

The specialist Class 2K armor is the successor to the Class 1K Advanced Cybernetic Exoskeleton, it is a specialized armor only deployed to the STMC units. This is due to its special nature, it is extremely hard on the body to use and requires extensive training to use properly and to be hooked into the persons cybernetic implants. The armor is designed to be the perfect extension of an active and well trained Solas Tempus Marine.


The primary material component for the armor is a reinforced tritanium composite. This material forms the reinforced frame and primary armor layer which are fused together at a subatomic level using advanced subspace field manipulation. The tritanium exterior is then coated in a covalent network rodinium, each layer is reinforced with carbon nano-tube fibers all throughout. This mix gives the armor's material an exceptionally physically resistant to extreme kinetic forces as well as directed energy exposure.

Further, the carbon nano-tube fibers are cored themselves by nano-plasma filaments composed largely of gold, which lends itself well to high rates of both data and energy transmission through the armor. The nano-plasma filaments when charged can alter the shape and other properties of the carbon nano-tubes and serve to augment the armor with a mix of high, low, and ambient subspace field modifications to alter the tensile strength of the reinforcing nano-tubes and by extension the composite it is supporting.

Onboard Control

The armor uses an encapsulated computer core powered itself by Spacial Variance Reactor which is a dedicated power source to the onboard computer. The computer system holds a fully functional HAL Computer System hub, which is specifically dedicated to use by the marine occupant. The onboard computer interfaces directly with the cybernetics of the marine and translates the motor cortex impulses to be reflected directly into the armor's own actions providing a fluidly dynamic and complete motor-assisted system that is intuitive. In addition to the motor assistance, the computer provides control over the armor's other functions as well also directly linked into the cybernetic interface of the occupant.

Power Source

The armor itself uses two micro-fusion reactors powered by deuterium for its primary power supply. Normally they both operate in tandem and automatically cycle so that no more than the absolutely required power output is generated. The reactors are also constructed so that they can be jettisoned in case of reactor breech, putting the armor into its failsafe mode but saving the occupant from detonation.


Given its material composite, the armor is capable of withstanding numerous direct impacts both physically distributing direct kinetic impact around the armor's occupant and absorbing or deflecting directed energy impact, even without being powered up. When the power supply to the armor is active, the aggregate force of the filament-cored nano-tubes provides an internal energy dampening and kinetic deflection.

Movement Assistance

The movement assistance system is designed to provide enhanced strength, endurance, and control of ones movements. Movement in the armor is nearly impossible without at least basic motor assistance due to the armor's heavy construction. As a primary method of assistance each articulated joint has its own complete set and backup set of servo controlled motors designed to operate at an order of magnitude greater than its humanoid occupant. The control mechanisms operate in two modes, primary and secondary.

Primary Mode

When in primary control mode, the system is interfaced directly with the onboard computer control which translates motor control impulses from the occupant directly into commands for the armor. This includes tightening of muscles, preparations to move, and even a tensing of tendons before movement actually is desired. Power is routed from the primary power source to the impacted areas and the movement assistance systems are then put into a standby mode. This mode turns active as soon as the occupant actually desires to move, in which case the computer translates the appropriate commands and the assistance systems switch into active mode to mirror the desired movements of the occupant.

Secondary Mode

When in secondary mode, also called backup or reserve operation mode, the system is in a failsafe status. This is used when primary computer control is either not operating and / primary power is not available. Each major set of movement assistance systems (primarily the major joints of articulated movement) contain its own Spacial Variance Reactor which is kept in an inactive state until needed. This reactor provides temporary power to move in situations where primary power is offline. In the case of primary computer control being offline, the armor contains sensors throughout the system which translate attempted movement into commands for the servo controls.

This mode is sluggish by comparison to Primary Mode and requires extensive training to master and be effective while using.


As a final level of motion assistance, the armor is equipped with a fully functional anti-gravity flight system. The flight system allows the armor to fly at approximately Mach 1 while in atmosphere. This feature is disabled during times when it is unsafe (such as within an enclosed environment) and the onboard computer limits speeds based on its environment.

Defensive Systems

There are multiple layers of defensive systems in place to keep the occupant safe even beyond the armor's basic construction.

Deflector Shield

Even though personal deflector shield technology is still in its infancy, the armor is equipped with a prototype localized-area deflector shield system. This system produces an encompassing deflector shield around the armor itself which radiates out to approximately a 1cm radius away from the armor. It also, however, accept commands from the onboard computer and is able to intensify itself and automatically divert power from other areas in order to provide the most protective response to incoming impacts of either kinetic of directed energy types. The shield system is also adaptive and capable of remodulating itself at will to respond to different types of attack, able to reshape its geometry, intensity, and field modulation dynamically.

The onboard computer responds to both threats perceived by its occupant but also threats it detects on its sensors. This allows the computer to adapt the deflector shield to be most effective and gives the occupant significant control over how the armor defends itself against attack.

Phasing Cloak

While the prototype has been being worked on for some time, the earliest stable prototypes are stable enough to include in this armor system. It is extremely hazardous to use without training and the occupant must be specifically trained and certified in how and when to use the function. The phasing cloak consumes a considerable amount of power and has a max life span of 6.5 minutes before it depletes its energy reserve. Due to safety concerns the system has its own power reserve which it operates from, it takes 30 minutes to recharge the reserve after it is exhausted, but the armor has a failsafe mode, where it will divert all possible power to the phasing system in order to keep the occupant from exiting a phased state while inside a solid object. This buffer will last for an additional 4 minutes, and will completely exhaust the armors remaining power reserves requiring the reactors to recharge the system for about 2 hours.

Adaptive Camouflage

Using the armor's deflector system to manipulate incoming energy allows the armor to be heavily concealed, though not under a true cloak. The adaptive camouflage bends radiation around the occupant but not perfectly, a generalized rough distortion of light is still visible though when not moving it could be considered virtually invisible. However, it can be used to make the armor entirely invisible to standard sensor sweeps by augmenting the energy signature to match the surrounding ambient energy.

Offensive Systems

Most of the armor's offensive capabilities come from whatever gear the occupant has to hand. However, the gloves of the armor are equipped with a matter disruption field along the fingers, knuckles, and palm. The field is designed to destabilize matter on impact while the hand itself has a kinetic force amplifier which intensifies kinetic impact with a localized Higgs field distortion. The aggregate effect is that the gloves allow the occupant to have a significantly increased punching power and makes the impact significantly more destructive both on kinetic and atomic levels, with a punch actually disrupting the matter's atomic and molecular bond strength in addition to heightened kinetic impact.

Structural Integrity

Using the carbon-fiber cored with plasma filaments, the armor is capable of generating a highly focused inertial dampening field as well as the fibers acting as a structural integrity field system. When fully powered the armor can reduce inertial forces to near-zero, though this is very disorienting for the occupant and the onboard computer manages the IDF to provide optimal mix of inertial dampening with velocity feedback from the occupants own movements. The field reduces the armors structural load significantly especially during high speed maneuvers or hand to hand combat.

Operation in Extreme Environments

Due to the need to operate in extreme environments, the armor has a complete and total life support system. It can provide oxygen through a reserve system of approximately 8 hours of oxygen as a secondary to a micro-replication system which actually uses the bodies own waste (carbon dioxide). It deconstructs the compound processes the ionic oxygen into molecular oxygen. The released carbon is then dematerialized and stored in the system to produce other needed compounds later. Using this system of replication-assisted rebreathing technology the armor can stay in operation for extended periods of time, until fuel for its reactors is exhausted.

The same micro-repliaction system is also used to restructure captured carbon into medications that may be required during operation and can even be used to directly materialize complex compounds directly into the occupant's blood stream.


While the armor would be unable to withstand transitioning to warp velocities without assistance, it is capable of keeping its occupant safe during the extreme deceleration of naturally falling out of warp velocities. Though the armor would require some amount of structural repair after doing so, the intensity of such repair is directly proportional to the amount of deceleration required (how fast the armor was going when released from the Warp field).

Medical Assistance

The armor provides medical assistance to the occupant through deployment of medical nanites, which are designed and programmed to repair living tissue and in groups will bind together and focus tissue regeneration fields to accelerate tissue growth. In extreme cases the nanites can be deployed throughout the blood stream to counteract dangerous compounds introduced into the system or repair systematic radiation damage, at least temporarily. Since the nanites can actually enter living cells and conduct repairs at microscopic level they can repair an incredible amount of tissue damage at a very rapid pace, especially when the nanites can focus on a specific area of the body, the smaller that area the faster they can operate to make repairs.