Lance Thomas

From Solas Tempus DB
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Lance Alasdair Thomas
Played by: User:Cyclops#0742
Alias: Cyclops
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 165 lb.
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Age: 56
Date of Birth: May 7th, 2322
Eye Color: Hazel Eyes
Hair Color: Brown
Universe of Origin: Blazing Umbra Universe
Organization: Solas Tempus
Occupation: Officer and Temporal Operative in Solas Tempus
Rank / Skill Level: Admiral / Head of Blue Team

Lance is the head of the action arm of Solas Tempus. As a result he is the lead Temporal Operative of the organization. Preferring to stay in the field whenever possible it is extremely unusual for him to stay in one place more than few months, though lately he has stayed at the Blazing Umbra Station for an unusually long mount of time. Having used the time to catch up with some of his colleagues whom he does not see often. He set up some residence at the station after the loss of someone close to him, Mia Appleshire, who was herself displaced in time when he rescued her from a very bad situation that was destined to end in her death.

He tends to be a complete asshole when he wants something, at times using his authority and power to get what he wants with little regard for others. This contrasts sharply with the lengths he is willing to go in order to keep anyone on his team safe. He has been disciplined several times for taking unnecessary risks and overriding the direct orders of the PERDOC Council.


Innate Abilities

Biological Enhancements

Cybernetic Implants


Primary Skills

  • Piloting
  • Special weapons
  • Covert operations
  • Survival

Secondary Skills

  • High energy physics
  • Plasma physics
  • Electrical engineering
  • Warp field theory
  • Subspace particle theory

Other Skills

  • Basic Engineering / Maintenance
  • Jury-rigging


Squash Dog

Lance has a pet dog, a Queensland Heeler that followed him back to his ship one day on a mission to 2012 in the western United States on Earth. The dog just seemed to attach itself to him and invite himself into Lance's life. No one can really say why, but to this day the dog, named Squash, and Lance travel together quite a bit. Trained in several different categories, Lance has taught the dog to respond to whistles and hand signals, in addition to the normal command words. Squash is very smart, for a dog, and has a communicator and tracking device attached to his collar.


Lance was born in California on Earth in 2322. He joined Starfleet Academy when he was 18 and made quite the name for himself. Section 31 recruited him early on for surveillance. His first posting was of their choosing and a minor but long term posting. As a young Lt. Commander he was forced into a more covert lifestyle when a tragic accident caused him an incredible amount of damage to his body and even parts of his brain. Section 31 repaired the damage using cybernetics throughout his body.

Section 31 listed him as dead officially and he was put primarily on wet-work. Assassinations, covert operations that the main of Starfleet would never approve of. During this time, he grained the trust and raised to the rank of Captain when he was given his own team. With this time, Section 31 used a slingshot method to accomplish time travel. When doing this they enabled basic temporal shielding around their ship for the project. The project was supposed to be for covert research, but Thomas thought something was up for sure - it just didn't feel right.

Everything started to change for the newly formed team. The scientists reported that the main computer libraries were requiring too many updates, and updates for established historical events. After doing a lot of off-the-books research, it was discovered that events being observed by the team were being altered by another force. Not only that, but evidence suggested that other events were being altered, then changed back. The only conclusion was two opposing forces were fighting to control past events. They were ordered off the project when Thomas started to ask questions.

This turn of events eventually lead to a good portion of the team going AWOL, culminating when Section 31 admitted to starting a temporal conflict, altering events from the past for covert benefit of Section 31 interest. The conflict arose from a reportedly unknown force opposing some of the Section 31 alterations - but not all. It is still unknown exactly what Thomas said or did to Section 31 to both secure their temporal operations and allow the team to go AWOL without repercussions.

The team went AWOL and formed what would eventually become Solas Tempus.

In this new team he became deeply involved with his subordinate, Candy Poole who was, at the time, a Commander he promoted her to Captain and gave himself the title of Admiral. Upon forming Solas Tempus their involvement became very serious. Tensions formed, however, when the two were at odds with how to organize the growing group they had just formed. When it grew large enough, Lance finally relinquished ultimate control over the group and remained leader of its temporal action arm, Blue Team. Candy herself became the organizations overall leader outranking him as Fleet Admiral.

Equipment Notes

He occasionally carries a pirate saber with him, when appropriate since obtaining the sword on a mission to the distant Earth past aboard a pirate ship. He has always liked it and decided to keep it and thus has made it part of his dress uniform, tough he is the only officer who uses it to his knowledge.

In another mission to the American West on Earth he was required to obtain a bullwhip from a local merchant, the whip is of high quality and he brought it back with him. It usually sits in his quarters as a decorative piece, but occasionally sees use for various purposes.

Similarly he obtained a flintlock in a dual aboard a British naval vessel when contesting for command of the vessel trying to avoid a catastrophe that would have sent ripples of alterations through the timeline.

Along with these historical items he also carries with him a Solar Crystal bound to him and set in his Starfleet Academy class ring. It is a deep flawless sapphire blue.

When appropriate he is also known to carry a .50 caliber, 5 round, S&W 500 from the early 21st century Earth, the large ammunition allows him to put specialized rounds that represent higher technology than the pistol appears to possess. This is often used when he needs to be armed when in that time period.