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The Xia is a cybernetic organism derived from the Mark 2 Nanobiotic Android body, characterized by a compact height ranging between 13 and 16 cm. Originally designed as a technological tool, the Xia units underwent a significant transformation when they achieved sentience, contributing to the development of new laws to address their unique status. These cybernetic organisms exhibit advanced technological features, excelling in power systems, mobility, tools, communication, sensors, and processing capabilities. Incorporating stabilizing wings for gliding flight and improved maneuverability, the Xia units seamlessly integrate technology and organic components. Their sentient nature imbues them with a heightened level of consciousness and self-awareness. As a result of these remarkable advancements, the Xia represents a pioneering leap in the field of cybernetic organisms, revolutionizing the possibilities of artificial intelligence and robotics.

Physical Parameters

The Xia units are compact in size, typically measuring between 13 and 16 cm in height. To enhance their flight capabilities, they are equipped with stabilizing wings that enable gliding flight and provide advanced maneuverability in the air. These wings contribute to the Xia units' agility and adaptability, allowing them to navigate and traverse various environments with ease.


The Xia units possess a multitude of impressive capabilities that enhance their functionality and versatility. Powered by the advanced Spacial Variance Reactor (SVR) integrated into the Mark 2 Nanobiotic Android body, the Xia units can operate indefinitely without the need for standby or external recharging. Their mobility is exceptional, allowing sustained flight at high speeds and swift bipedal movement. Equipped with a comprehensive suite of tools, including laser welders, holographic projectors, and micro-tractor beam emitters, the Xia units can handle diverse tasks with precision. Communication capabilities are robust, featuring subspace and conventional radio, direct computer linking, line-of-sight laser-pulse communication, and emergency beacons. The Xia units' sensors rival those of the Vertex Combat Scanner, encompassing EM radiation, subspace emissions, temporal anomalies, audio, and biometric scanning. Their processing power is formidable, with the Encapsulated Computer Core acting as the primary processor and a network of nanites providing decentralized processing, resulting in exceptional computational abilities. These capabilities collectively make the Xia units highly advanced and adaptable cybernetic organisms.

Power Systems

Due to advancements in power technology, the Xia units have undergone significant enhancements in their power systems. Originally powered by a nano-fusion reactor, the first-generation Xia units utilized a substantial portion, approximately 95%, of the power generated for their core operations. However, in 2384, a major upgrade took place, replacing the reactor with a more efficient and stable Spacial Variance Reactor (SVR). This advanced reactor, while remaining the same in subsequent iterations, has been integrated into the upgraded Mark 2 Nanobiotic Android body to leverage its superior power generation and storage capabilities. The body's enhanced design allows for optimized power utilization, providing increased efficiency and maximizing the operational duration of the android body. These advancements ensure that the Xia units possess superior power capabilities, enabling sustained functionality and eliminating the need for standby mode or external recharging.


The mobility capabilities of a Xia unit are truly exceptional, enabling versatile and agile movement in various environments. Utilizing advanced anti-gravity propulsion systems, a Xia unit can achieve sustained flight at speeds of up to 72 kph, with the ability to execute a speed burst of 145 kph for approximately 5 minutes. Furthermore, in bipedal mode, the unit can attain a maximum speed of 84 kph, showcasing its remarkable agility and swift locomotion. These exceptional mobility features empower the Xia unit to navigate its surroundings with ease and efficiency, providing unparalleled versatility and dynamic maneuverability.


The Xia units possess a comprehensive array of tools and capabilities, significantly enhancing their functionality, adaptability, and problem-solving abilities across diverse tasks and scenarios.

Laser Welders
Integrated into the palms of their hands, these precision tools enable efficient and accurate welding operations.
Holographic Projectors
The Xia units utilize holographic projectors not only for interactive hologram display but also to project light in various ways, such as spotlights and flashlight effects, enhancing local visibility as needed.
Adaptive Cybernetic Interface
Featuring a dynamic and organically grown design, the Xia units possess a highly versatile computer interface that seamlessly communicates with nearly all known computer systems.
Micro-Tractor Beam Emitters
With remarkable precision, the Xia units can manipulate and move objects, even those significantly larger than their own size.
Molecular Pattern Buffer
Their molecular pattern buffer has the capacity to store and transport up to 413kg of matter at molecular pattern resolution, allowing for efficient material handling.
Micro-Transporter Node
Equipped with a micro-transporter node, the Xia units possess the extraordinary ability to be near-instantaneously transported to remote locations up to 380,000km away.
Tool Synthesizers
The Xia units are equipped with advanced tool synthesizers that enable the growth and transformation of their hands into a wide range of specialized tools, providing them with exceptional versatility in handling various tasks.


The Xia body is equipped with a comprehensive communications suite, enabling seamless and efficient information exchange in various scenarios and environments.

Subspace and Conventional Radio
The Xia body incorporates both subspace and conventional radio communication systems, providing reliable and long-range communication capabilities across vast distances. These systems allow for secure and efficient data transmission, ensuring effective communication with other entities and systems.
Direct Computer Link
With the ability to establish direct links to other computer systems, the Xia body can establish a seamless connection, facilitating efficient data exchange and integration. This capability enhances the Xia's capacity to interface with and access external systems for information retrieval and analysis.
Line-of-Sight Laser-Pulse System
The Xia body is equipped with a line-of-sight laser-pulse communication system, enabling direct communication with compatible devices or entities within the line of sight. This system ensures secure and high-speed data transmission, particularly in close-range or localized communication scenarios.
Interplexing and Transdimensional Beacons
For emergency situations, the Xia body features interplexing and transdimensional beacons. These advanced signaling devices serve as distress beacons, broadcasting emergency signals across multiple dimensions, time periods, or vast distances, providing a reliable means of alerting and requesting assistance.


The Xia body is equipped with an advanced sensor suite comparable to the Vertex Combat Scanner, providing comprehensive situational awareness and data gathering capabilities. This sensor suite includes a full VAM Enhanced Sensor Pallet, incorporating various active and passive sensors for precise and detailed information acquisition.

EM Radiation Sensors
The Xia body's sensor suite features high-resolution sensors for electromagnetic (EM) radiation detection. These sensors enable the detection, analysis, and tracking of EM emissions across a wide spectrum, providing valuable insights into the electromagnetic environment.
Subspace Emission Sensors
The Xia body's sensor suite includes specialized sensors capable of detecting and analyzing subspace emissions. These sensors enable the identification and study of subspace phenomena, contributing to a deeper understanding of subspace dynamics and potential anomalies.
Temporal Anomaly Sensors
The Xia body is equipped with sensors designed to detect and analyze temporal anomalies. These sensors enable the identification and study of temporal distortions or disruptions, providing crucial information for temporal investigations or anomaly containment.
Audio Sensors
The Xia body's sensor suite includes active and passive audio sensors for sound detection and analysis. These sensors enable the Xia to perceive and interpret auditory cues, facilitating environmental awareness and potential communication monitoring.
Biometric Scanning
The Xia body incorporates active and passive biometric scanning capabilities, allowing for the identification and analysis of biological signatures. These sensors enable the detection and monitoring of vital signs, physiological characteristics, and unique biological features, providing valuable insights for medical assessment or identification purposes.


The Xia body utilizes an advanced processing system consisting of the Encapsulated Computer Core (ECC) as its primary processor, augmented by a network of nanites that form a decentralized processing system. This unique architecture enables the Xia to harness an immense amount of processing power, allowing for efficient task distribution and parallel processing.

The Encapsulated Computer Core serves as the central processing unit, responsible for executing complex computations and managing critical functions. It provides a high-performance computing environment and acts as the primary hub for data processing and decision-making.

Complementing the ECC, the network of nanites distributed throughout the Xia body forms a decentralized processing system. These nanites contribute to the overall processing power by performing computations in parallel with the primary core. This decentralized approach allows for the offloading of tasks to the nanite network, optimizing processing efficiency and enhancing the Xia's computational capabilities.

The combination of the Encapsulated Computer Core and the nanite network creates a formidable processing infrastructure within the Xia body. It enables the handling of extensive computational tasks, data analysis, and complex simulations, empowering the Xia to tackle demanding processing requirements with remarkable speed and efficiency.

Project History and Controversy

The Mark X Information Assistant, also known as the XIA, originated as a project initiated by the Daystrom Institute in the mid-2360s. However, the project was temporarily discontinued in 2377 due to difficulties integrating the artificial intelligence unit into the compact frame. Subsequently, Excalibur Inc took up the existing designs and research, leading to the reopening of the project for testing purposes. More units were developed with a simple non-sentient AI architecture.

By 2382, there were three dozen operational XIA units. However, over the next year, these units unexpectedly began to exhibit heightened intelligence, initially believed to be a malfunction. Further investigation revealed that new neural pathways were forming at an accelerated rate, leading to the development of a more advanced AI system. By 2383, all three dozen units had achieved sentience, resulting in a halt to the construction of new units until this unforeseen development could be addressed.

Controversy surrounded the XIA project from its inception. Under the prevailing laws, intentional development of an AI system was illegal. Although the project itself adhered to the legal framework by proposing a non-sentient interactive computer, concerns were raised regarding the potential for the system to be modified to incorporate true AI capabilities. Furthermore, the spontaneous development of sentience in the XIA units sparked debates regarding their rights and the question of procreation. Some argued that the units should be allowed to procreate to ensure the survival of their endangered race, while others advocated for measures to prevent procreation due to concerns of uncontrolled proliferation.

Following the enactment of the Artificial Life Forms Rights and Enforcement Act (ALFRE), the XIA units were recognized as sentient beings. However, dissenting voices regarding their existence and rights persist within and outside the Concord. Despite the project's initial plan to transition to the Mark 1 Informational Assistant, the XIA units expressed a desire to retain the "Mark X" or "XIA" designation.

Form Factor

During the early stages of the project, various non-humanoid forms were explored, including spheroid and cubic designs. However, user testing revealed difficulties in user integration and unease with these unconventional forms. Extensive psychological and sociological research was conducted to identify a form factor that would establish a comfortable connection between users and the device. Out of 189 different form factors tested, it was found that a humanoid form elicited the most positive response and ease of use. Although the size of the device remained an issue, the psychological connection between users and the humanoid form proved most successful for optimal interaction.

Further testing focused on the device's original purpose as a trusted source of information processing and delivery. It was observed that most humanoids preferred a strikingly feminine form, attributed to cultural factors such as trust in the nurturing and caregiving qualities associated with femininity. The tendency towards a female design was also influenced by societal perceptions of feminine leadership roles in certain cultures. Present-day incarnations of the XIA exhibit a nearly equal distribution of male and female forms, leaning towards an androgynous or feminine design. The reasons for the bias towards female form factors are still under investigation, particularly with regard to the trust it instills in users.

Notable Prototypes

The first prototype of the XIA, now known as Gabriela Xia, gained sentience over an extended period through autonomous self-improvement programming. This programming allowed for the incorporation of parts of the HAL AI source code, eventually leading to the emergence of conscious properties.

The second prototype, Camila Xia, achieved sentience at an accelerated rate due to a major software malfunction that integrated much of the QUINN AI framework into her systems. As the QUINN AI is fully sentient, this integration resulted in the development of a fully sentient AI.

Subsequent prototypes primarily focused on resolving hardware issues while undergoing ongoing software development. While most XIA units are not considered prototypes but rather further evolutions towards a working model, the fifth prototype marked a significant milestone with the hardware configuration largely finalized while software development continued.