Amelia Xia

From Solas Tempus DB
Revision as of 06:03, 25 December 2018 by Cyclops (talk | contribs)
Amelia Xia
Amelia Xia
Played by: User:Cyclops
Height: 15 cm
Race: XIA
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Bright Red
Organization: Solas Tempus
Occupation: Engineer
Assigned to the Fabber Vulcan
Rank / Skill Level: Lieutenant
Status: Approved
Setting: Blazing Umbra

Amelia was among the first of the XIA units to be built and begin tested. She was designed to be an engineers mate, gathering and relaying information about the current state of vehicles, vessels, facilities, and other properties of Solas Tempus. She is equipped with knowledge of all schematics and technical information for all Solas Tempus technologies as well as technologies from other allied organizations and governments. The development of her systems took considerably longer than Camila Xia although they were started at the same time. The experiment was to see how useful a XIA would be in not only relaying information but also in actually performing small-scale maintenance to assist their primary user.


She considers herself to be an artist in her engineering, to her solutions should be elegant and simple. She doesn't always get her way but often does, she's both skilled and persistent. This doesn't stop her from making a quick fix or an ugly solution in the short term, if things need to work and need to work now. She hates it though, and will begin plans to clean up such a mess as soon as possible. She enjoys studying how things are put together, this includes things in nature and she has a passing interest in biology and how creatures of nature work though has not studied it extensively. A driving philosophy comes from one of the engineers who helped to create her, and that is anything worth having requires work to be build and thus builders who understand hard work are always needed. She strives to put the time and effort into building what she wants.

Special Skills

  • Degree in Electrical Engineering
  • Degree in Mechanical Engineering
  • Knowledge of Applied Subspace Field Theory
  • Jury Rigging
  • Operational Maintenance
  • Advanced Systems Diagnostics
  • Computer Programming
  • Building Communications and Interface Protocols

Special Abilities

  • Extended Sensor Arrays
Her eyes are outfitted with expanded sensor pallets allowing her to detect fainter energy signatures as well as perform other diagnostic functions.
  • Special Interface Ports
Extremities can be directly interfaced a wide range of diagnostic and interface ports.
  • Micro-Laser Torches
Arms fitted with extendable micro-laser torches used for cutting and welding.
  • Additional Power Storage
Her power cells and power conduits are designed for higher power output and additional surge protection.