Hermod Supergate

From Solas Tempus DB
Active Wormhole
Supergate Opening
Linked Blocks
Remote Reality

The Hermod Supergate is a subtype of the Hermod Gate. Instead of using a fixed ring for generation of a wormhole, this gate uses a variable number of blocks which are linked by phased plasma which binds the gate blocks together and allows them to function as a unified ring. The original gate itself is modified from the Type 3 Stargate for the primary purpose of Trans-Dimensional travel to other realities at Janus Station. While the original technology used, wormhole allowed only one-way travel. Integrating the Avali technology allows the wormhole to travel both ways between realities.

Block Size / Composition

15 by 10 by 7 meters
Power Source
Deuterium Fusion Reactors x 2 (Standard Block)
Matter/Anti-Matter Reactor (Reactor Block)
Neutronium-Tritanium Alloy
Blocks Required
36 Blocks per 1 kilometer Circumference

Most blocks that make up a Supergate are standard blocks. The more blocks the larger the gate can be, each block provides a portion of the power and matter-stream storage / transmission capacity of the entire gate. Since gate travel requires a significant amount of power, each block provides port from 2 fusion reactors fueled by deuterium. Specialized blocks called reactor blocks provide a significant surge of power to actually initiate a wormhole connection.

Gate Size

Smallest Possible
954.9 m Diameter
3 km Circumference
107 Standard Blocks / 1 Reactor Block
Largest Possible
11.99 km Diameter
37.67 km Circumference
672 Standard Blocks / 6 Reactor Blocks
9.55 km Diameter
30 km Circumference
1070 Standard Blocks / 10 Reactor Blocks

Blocks are 12.78 meters apart from one another in standard configuration, though this can vary somewhat depending on variations of gate circumference. Due to the power requirements, gate sizes are most stable when they can have more reactor blocks and thus tend to be in multiples of 3 km in circumference.

Size Differentials

It is possible to establish a wormhole between any 2-sizes of gates. Software prohibits a standard gate from connecting to a Supergate. While matter passing into the standard gate would be unaffected passing out of the Supergate, the reverse is not true. The matter stream from a Supergate is too much for a normal gate to handle and would overload the gate. As a result, the traveler would almost certainly be killed unless the matter that enters the Supergate could actually fit through the opening of the standard gate.

Supergates follow the standard size listed above, 9.55 km diameter opening, as to provide a uniform size for objects to transit through the gate. It is possible to build smaller or larger gates, the system is equipped with warning beacons and will alert ships if there is a size differential between one gate and another. Connecting gates of significantly different sizes requires command override to disable the safety protocols for the smaller gate and allow the connection.

Power Source

The entire Supergate is a collection of blocks, most blocks are standard blocks containing 2 deuterium fusion reactors. These reactors provide enough continuous output power to maintain an open wormhole for 38 minutes. To initiate the wormhole the gate must utilize a matter/anti-matter reactor to boost the power high enough to open the wormhole. There is a matter/anti-matter reactor every 108 blocks.

Choosing a Destination

The nature of different realities in the multiverse makes travel to an alternate reality extremely costly in energy and control. Using Janus Coordinates the gate can be targeted to any reality for which the coordinates are confirmed. Coordinates should be confirmed by Janus Station prior to being used.

Direct Dial

Each Supergate has its own unique 9-symbol address as with any other gate. The system will not allow locking on to a Supergate from a normal gate or vise versa without a priority override command.

Relative Dial

To avoid ambiguous addresses if a Supergate is located near a standard Hermod Gate, a Supergate can only be dialed from another Supergate. Since the aperture of a wormhole at the gate is the limiting factor, one would never want to dial a normal gate to a Supergate or vise versa anyway. If one does, for whatever reason, require dialing a Supergate address in full the Supergates have an option 8th symbol which designates that one is dialing a Supergate and only a Supergate. This is useful when requesting a specific gate open a wormhole without a receiving gate, as it specifies that the destination gate is a Supergate even if a normal gate shares the same 7-Symbol address.

Conventional Travel

It is also possible to use the Supergate to open a wormhole to somewhere within our own universe, given the proper coordinates and power usage, it may even be possible to access other galaxies using the gate.


A specific kind of beacon is used, based on a design for a temporal transponder, to signal the gate to open on demand to a particular universe, the signal will cross realities to reach the system and allow the gate to be activated, it cannot be activated from the opposite end. This beacon is known as a Trans-Dimensional Beacon, Janus Station and Tharsis monitors for signals of this type so that it can activate the gate.


The wormhole stays open for a limited time before it exhausts the energy built up by the reactors. A wormhole can only stay open for a maximum of 38 minutes before it reaches a point that the reactors can no longer sustain. The reactors then require another 12.6 minutes to recharge the gates power reserves before they can open another stable wormhole.