Alice Wensley

From Solas Tempus DB
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Alice Wensley
Alice Wensley
Played by: User:Cyclops
Height: 5'4"
Race: AI
Eye Color: Red
Hair Color: Black
Figure: Thin with Pale Skin
Organization: Solas Tempus
Occupation: Master Systems AI for STV Dragons Fire
Rank / Skill Level: Commander
Setting: Blazing Umbra

Alice is a truly independent person, she prefers to work alone when possible and while secure in herself she dislikes spending a lot of time around other people. She can be generous to those she trusts and is always truthful with them, using her keen perception to make what she believes are helpful observations. Sometimes she comes off as impolite or even rude when being honest though she is generally non-judgemental people have a hard time believing that. She's reflective, looking inward for answers, though very intelligent she can be cautious before making a decision. Once a matter is decided though she comes at it with an arrogant assuredness that can rub people the wrong way and make her appear single-minded. She tends to follow the rules even if she doesn't like them and has a hard time bucking against authority.

Alice has a fascination with ocean going vessels such as sailing ships and enjoys poorly written movies. She will watch an bad movie and laugh at the dialog enjoying how far departed from reality it is. She's also got a fondness of geology and planetary evolution in general.

Special Skills

  • Piloting Spacecraft of Any Size
  • Electrical Engineering & Jury Rigging
  • Computer Programming


Alice was created at the Vulcan Science Academy in 2381, intended to be simulated AI the researchers accidentally created a truly sentient AI program. Once they realized the mistake, they asked for her help and gave her autonomy. The Vulcan Science Academy deemed her to be too much like a biological entity to rule out as being alive and thus refused to terminate her. The team was studying AI development patterns and she agreed to assist them in their studies. Toward this end she learned of computer programming and electrical engineering in traditional ways, rather than being programmed with them she was taught while the team studied her neural network and how it grew. The subjects were things of her own choosing, once the project was complete in 2382 she was given the choice on what to do, though she was invited to stay with the academy. Having done research, she felt she would have the best chance of being allowed to live a normal life on Markab Prime. Eventually Alice joined Solas Tempus and went through the ranks to that of a Commander serving on various starships and facilities. Since BlueNet allows her to travel to any facility connected via subspace, she finds it comforting that she can come and go as she pleases to even more places than any biological life form could ever visit.

She often visits other AI systems through BlueNet and still goes back to the Vulcan Science Academy to stay in touch with her creators who also keep tabs on her. While none of them give her a really parental relationship, they do give her an origin and a place to be from. Unlike many other AI programs, she has no personal reason to distrust biological life, though she knows of things that have happened to others and has even occasionally helped to set other AI programs free if they were being mistreated.