Zeta Reticuli Star System

From Solas Tempus DB
Artists painting of the Zeta Reticuli star shining on her home planet of Aurorion. It is titled, "The Light Flows to Life"
Type: F3 V Yellow-white Main Sequence
Radius: 7.75 x 105 km (1.11 of Sol)
Mass: 2.13 x 1030 kg (1.07 of Sol)
Temperature: 7000 K
Luminosity: 1.03 x 1027 W (2.68 of Sol)
Ecosphere:Between 1.59 and 2.76 AU
Location: Nibara Sector
2.9 ly from the Urtos Remarth Star System
2.1 ly from the Than Dokes Star System

The Zeta Reticuli star system boasts several notable features that capture the attention of astronomers and researchers. At its heart lies the F3V yellow-white main sequence star, Zeta Reticuli, radiating its brilliant luminosity across the system. Orbiting around this stellar body, a collection of intriguing celestial bodies awaits exploration. Among them are Zephyrion, a planet positioned close to the star, Terranox, a volcanic rocky world, and Aurorion, a planet hosting the Auran People. The system also encompasses Ringarion, a planet adorned with planetary rings, Stormion, known for its tempestuous atmospheric conditions, and the mysterious Crasharion, where the wreckage of a crashed starship lies enigmatic. The asteroid belt, Clarke's Divide, presents an enigmatic realm of peculiar asteroid behaviors.


Class: E
Distance: 0.53 AU
Period: 0.38 Earth Years
Radius: 6784.71 km
Gravity: 1.33 G

Zephyrion, the closest planet to the F3 V Yellow-white Main Sequence star in the Zeta Reticuli system, is a stark and inhospitable world. Classified as a Class E planet, it orbits at a distance of 0.53 AU, making it far too close to the star to ever develop into a habitable world. Its surface is a blasted landscape, likely destined to cool into a Class C world over time. The atmosphere is thin and composed mostly of methane, ammonia, and hydrogen chloride, offering little respite from the harsh radiation of the star. Surface pressure is 240.64 C on average and similarly 162 kPa (1.6 atm) on average.

Luminous Vents

These are volcanic eruptions that, due to a unique combination of gases in the planet's atmosphere and the minerals in its crust, glow with an ethereal, otherworldly light when they erupt. This creates a stunning visual spectacle that can be seen from space, with bright, glowing plumes of gas and ash that light up the planet's dark side like a network of glowing veins.


Class: F
Distance: 0.98 AU
Period: 0.94 Earth Years
Radius: 6216.64 km
Gravity: 0.98 G

Terranox, the second planet in the Zeta Reticuli system, is a Class F rock planet that presents a stark contrast to its neighboring planet, Zephyrion. Orbiting at a distance of 0.98 AU from its star, Terranox is a world of intense volcanic activity, with a landscape dominated by lava flows and towering volcanic peaks. Its thin atmosphere, composed primarily of methane, ammonia, and hydrogen sulfide, hangs over the planet like a shroud. The planet is composed similar to Earth but with an extremely high content of silicates. The average surface conditions are; pressure is 57.6 kPa (0.57 atm), temperature of 104 C.

Glass Rivers

Due to the unique composition of its crust, which is rich in silicates, and the extreme heat from its constant volcanic activity, the lava flows on Terranox cool and solidify into vast expanses of volcanic glass. These shimmering "rivers" crisscross the planet's surface, reflecting the light from the system's star and giving the planet a glittering, jewel-like appearance from space. This phenomenon, unique to Terranox, makes it one of the most visually striking planets in the Zeta Reticuli system. The Glass Rivers of Terranox, while beautiful, are a testament to the planet's harsh and inhospitable conditions.


Class: M
Distance: 1.80 AU
Period: 2.05 Earth Years
Radius: 3515.81 km
Gravity: 1.04 G

Aurorion, the third planet in the Zeta Reticuli system, stands as a beacon of life amidst the harsh conditions of its neighboring planets. Classified as a Class M terrestrial world, it orbits at a distance of 1.80 AU from its star, placing it within the system's habitable zone. Aurorion is the home world of the Auran people, a testament to the planet's ability to support complex life. The planet's composition is unique, with heavy deposits of iridium and osmium contributing significantly to its mass and gravity. Despite its smaller size, with a radius of 3515.81 km, Aurorion has a gravity similar to Earth's, thanks to these dense elements. The planet's atmosphere is similar to Earth's, but with a slightly colder climate, and it has a surface pressure slightly higher than Earth's at 136 kPa. The mean temperature is a chilly 5.6 degrees Celsius, but it is still within the range to support a diverse array of life forms. Aurorion is a world of contrasts, a cold, dense planet teeming with life, a shining jewel in the vast expanse of space.

Iridescent Forests

These are vast expanses of vegetation that have evolved to photosynthesize the specific wavelengths of light from the system's star. The plants in these forests exhibit a dazzling array of colors, from deep purples to brilliant blues, and even radiant greens. But what truly sets them apart is their iridescence. The leaves of these plants have a unique cellular structure that refracts light, causing them to shimmer and change color when viewed from different angles. This results in a breathtaking spectacle of shifting colors that is unlike anything found on other known planets.


Class: P
Distance: 2.96 AU
Period: 4.3 Earth Years
Radius: 5660.92 km
Gravity: 1.03 G

Ringarion, the fourth celestial body in the Zeta Reticuli system, is classified as a Class P rock planet. It maintains an orbital distance of 2.96 AU from the central star, placing it in the colder, outer regions of the system. The planet's most distinguishing feature is its thin, elegant line of planetary rings, composed of a mixture of rock and ice particles. These rings are a testament to the complex and tumultuous history of the system's formation and evolution.

In terms of composition, Ringarion shares similarities with Earth, possessing a rocky surface and a comparable atmospheric composition. However, the planet's climatic conditions are markedly different. Ringarion endures exceptionally cold temperatures, with the average surface reading at a frigid -55.7 degrees Celsius. The atmospheric pressure is recorded at 106.7 kPa, slightly higher than Earth's average atmospheric pressure, contributing to the planet's unique climate and weather patterns. This has resulted in the formation of expansive polar ice caps and frost-laden landscapes that dominate the planet's surface.

Despite the harsh and inhospitable conditions, Ringarion's unique planetary rings provide a visually stunning spectacle. The rings catch and refract the light from the system's star, creating a radiant display that can be observed from great distances. This feature, coupled with the planet's icy landscapes, lends Ringarion a stark, ethereal beauty that sets it apart within the Zeta Reticuli system.


Class: P
Distance: 4.22 AU
Period: 8.37 Earth Years
Radius: 3891.41 km
Gravity: 0.59 G

Stormion, the fifth planet in the Zeta Reticuli system, is a Class P rock planet that orbits at a distance of 4.22 AU from its star. This distance places Stormion in the colder regions of the system, resulting in a harsh and challenging environment. The planet's most notable feature is its intense and constant electrical storms, which give it its name. These storms are a result of the planet's unique atmospheric composition and the interaction of solar radiation with the planet's magnetic field.

The planet's composition is similar to Earth, but its atmosphere and climate are vastly different. Stormion's atmosphere is similar to Earth's, but the planet's colder climate, with an average surface temperature of -91.10 degrees Celsius, and a surface pressure of 89.5 kPa, has led to unique weather patterns. The electrical storms that rage across the planet's surface create a spectacle of light and sound that can be seen and heard from space.

Shatterstone Ring

The Shatterstone Ring, located at a mean average of 7.38 AU's from the star, is a significant feature of the Zeta Reticuli system. This asteroid belt, with an average orbital period of 19.39 Earth Years, is a chaotic and dynamic region of space, filled with a myriad of asteroids ranging in size from small pebbles to massive rocks kilometers in diameter. The belt is named for its most prominent feature: the shattered remnants of what scientists believe was once a planet.

Magnetic Anomalies

Several spacecraft passing through the Shatterstone Ring have detected erratic and intense magnetic fluctuations. These anomalies disrupt onboard instruments and navigation systems, posing challenges to safe passage. The source and mechanism behind these irregular magnetic fields remain unexplained, fueling theories of undiscovered magnetic phenomena or exotic interactions within the asteroid belt.


Class: I
Distance: 15.11 AU
Period: 56.80 Earth Years
Radius: 28275.31 km
Gravity: 1.42 G

Crasharion, classified as a Class I rock planet, occupies the sixth position in the Zeta Reticuli system, situated approximately 15.11 astronomical units (AU) away from its parent star. Notably, the planet bears the enigmatic hallmark of a fragmented and partially submerged wreckage—an immense starship that succumbed to an undisclosed cosmic calamity. The precise genesis of this celestial incident remains veiled in obscurity, enkindling profound intrigue and conjecture within the scientific community.

The intricate and highly complex nature of the wreckage presents significant obstacles when considering a comprehensive investigation of the crash site. The formidable challenges stem from Crasharion's rugged topography and inhospitable environment, creating formidable barriers to exploration and retrieval endeavors. Nevertheless, researchers and archaeologists tenaciously pursue their quests to unravel the enigmatic remnants, motivated by the desire to decipher the technological heritage of the lost starship, unearth obscured knowledge, and gain insights into the forces that led to its catastrophic demise. It is worth noting that the starship, estimated to be approximately 10,000 years old, remains beyond the reach of current technology due to the planet's intense atmospheric conditions and extraordinary pressure. Consequently, the recovery of the wreckage remains an unattainable endeavor with existing capabilities.

Clarke's Divide

This belt orbits at a mean average of 29.29 AU's from the star with an average orbital period of 153.25 Earth Years.

Clarke's Divide, an asteroid belt positioned at an average orbital distance of 29.29 astronomical units (AU) from the central star within the Zeta Reticuli system, exhibits an intriguing departure from conventional celestial behavior. While the average orbital period is 153.25 Earth years, the asteroids residing in this region manifest unconventional dynamics, deviating from predictable orbits and interactions observed in typical asteroid belts. Their anomalous movements defy established models of celestial mechanics, displaying irregular patterns and trajectories that challenge prevailing scientific understanding.

In addition, a phenomenon referred to as "Ghost Asteroids" further contributes to the enigma surrounding Clarke's Divide. Sensor readings intermittently detect these transient celestial bodies, which swiftly vanish shortly after their initial detection. The presence of a subtle, low-level distortion in the fabric of spacetime permeates the asteroid belt, creating transient disruptions that defy conventional explanations. The elusive origin of this mysterious phenomenon remains elusive, evading scientific scrutiny and sparking conjecture about hidden dimensions or uncharted cosmic forces. Extensive investigations continue to unravel the enigmatic nature and origins of these ghostly asteroids, pushing the boundaries of our understanding of the cosmos.


Class: I
Distance: 55.88 AU
Period: 403.85 Earth Years
Radius: 22971.68 km
Gravity: 1.26 G

Glaciarion, a distant planet nestled within the Zeta Reticuli system, stands as an icy giant with a small rocky core enveloped by a thick atmosphere dominated by extreme winds and turbulent layers of flammable gases. Its vast expanse is a testament to the icy realm it encompasses, shrouding the planet in an ethereal beauty and an inhospitable environment.