Urtos Remarth Star System

From Solas Tempus DB
Type: M8V Red Dwarf
Radius: 3.11 x 105 km (0.45 of Sol)
Mass: 8.31 x 1029 kg (0.42 of Sol)
Temperature: 2200 K
Luminosity: 1.61 x 1024 (< 0.001 of Sol)
Ecosphere:Between 0.054 and 0.148 AU
Location: Nibara Sector
2.9 ly from the Than Dokes Star System
4.5 ly from the Ates Panlok Star System

This red dwarf star is significantly colder than Sol, hampering the ability for this star to support life on any of its planets. This system contains 4 worlds in this system, though there is evidence to suggest it might once have contained an advanced alien outpost.

Urtos Prime

Class: E
Distance: 1.97 x 107 (0.13 AU)
Period: 26.83 Days
Radius: 7,178.92 km (1.33 times Earth)
Gravity: 1.18 G

This world is within the habitable zone of the star, geologically extremely active, and large enough to potentially retain a thick atmosphere. At this time the atmosphere is relatively thin and mostly composed of hydrogen and helium. A dormant power source can be detected from orbit at the center of ruins. The ruins on the surface are largely advanced metallic alloys similar to tritanium and duranium and suggest a pressure dome of some kind.

Urtos 2

Class: F
Distance: 4.17 x 107 (0.28 AU)
Period: 82.92 Days
Radius: 4,790.73 km (0.75 of Earth)
Gravity: 0.80 G

Urtos 2 is also very similar to Earth in size and composition. This world has an atmosphere of carbon dioxide, ammonia, and methane. A superb candidate for terraforming, the world may eventually evolve into a Class M world, though given the size of the star and its output, more likely to be a Class P. The surface is still geologically active, though there are large areas of solid crust and the surface is considerably cooler than Urtos Prime. Wreckage of an alien starship can be located near the southern poler region of the planet.

Asteroid Belt

This asteroid belt is located between at approximately 4.412 x 109 km from its star and is composed of a wide variety of asteroids with exotic and unusual properties. Unlike most asteroid belts, this one is densely packed with asteroids of all sizes and shapes, ranging from small, rocky bodies to larger, metallic ones. The asteroids orbit at an average rate of once every 223 days.

One of the most unique features of this asteroid belt is the prevalence of strange and exotic compounds and minerals in the asteroids. Some asteroids in the belt contain rare earth minerals that are not commonly found in other asteroid belts, while others contain unusual compounds with bizarre properties that have yet to be fully understood by scientists. For example, some asteroids in the belt are composed of a material that seems to be impervious to all forms of radiation, making them a potentially valuable resource for future space missions. Other asteroids contain minerals with unique magnetic properties, allowing them to interact in strange and unexpected ways with magnetic fields.

In addition to their unusual properties, many of the asteroids in this belt are also rich in valuable resources, including precious metals, rare earth elements, and other minerals. As a result, the belt has become a popular destination for miners and prospectors seeking to extract these resources. However, the exotic and strange properties of the asteroids in the belt also pose significant challenges for those seeking to exploit them. Specialized equipment and techniques are often required to extract and process these materials safely, and the hazards of working in such an environment can be significant.

Urtos 3

Class: I5
Distance: 5.89 x 107 (0.39 AU)
Period: 139.2 Days
Radius: 14,555.81 km
Gravity: 0.90 G

Just smaller than the average range of Class I worlds. Atmosphere is mostly hydrogen-helium with trace amounts of hydrocarbons. The surface has a small rocky core composed of mostly iron with thick layers of ice and methane on the surface, thin oceans of ammonia cover the surface.

Urtos 4

Class: I5
Distance: 1.07 x 108 (0.71 AU)
Period: 225 Days
Radius: 12,579.24 km
Gravity: 0.63 G

A small Class I world. The atmosphere is composed mostly of hydrogen and helium but higher concentrations of helium than expected. The core is especially large for the size of the gas giant, composed mostly of iron and magnesium. A metallic mass is in a wide but stable orbit around this world, it is a derelict alien vessel.