Zemnar Star System

From Solas Tempus DB
Name: Zemnar Zemine
Type: G8V Yellow Main Sequence M8V Red Dwarf
Radius: 8.24 x 105 km (1.18 times Sol) 2.97 x 105 km (0.43 of Sol)
Mass: 2.72 x 1030 kg (1.37 times Sol) 7.24 x 1029 kg (0.36 of Sol)
Temperature: 5100 K 2100 K
Luminosity: 3.27 x 1026 W (0.85 of Sol) 1.22 x 1024 W (Less then 1% of Sol)
Distance: 6.64 x 107 km (0.44 AU)
Ecosphere:Between 0.83 and 1.61 AU
Location: Las Miranonine Sector
1.8 ly from the Furangolia Star System

A binary star system in the Las Miranonine Sector, the two stars are fairly close with a main sequence star as the primary (Zemnar) and a red dwarf as the companion star (Zemine). There are no known planets in the system but a dense asteroid belt is known to be there. The system has been charted only by long range probe, a manned expedition has yet to visit the system.

Asteroid Belt

Orbiting at a distance of 1.8 AU from Zemnar. The asteroid belt is very dense with a mean depth of 1.2 AU. The composition of the asteroids varies, but iron, magnesium, and titanium are the most common ores found. There are spots with high concentrations of gold, platinum, lead, plutonium, and uranium.