Furangolia Star System

From Solas Tempus DB
Type: K0V Orange Main Sequence
Radius: 7 x 105 km (1.01 times Sol)
Mass: 2.22 x 1030 kg (1.11 times Sol)
Temperature: 4900 K
Luminosity: 2.01 x 1026 W (0.52 of Sol)
Ecosphere:From 0.567 to 1.357 AU
Location: Las Miranonine Sector
2.4 ly from the Cardai Star System
1.8 ly from the Zemnar Star System

This star system has been charted with long range sensors and survey probes. It has 4 planets with one that could potentially foster life, though the outer two could be suitable for some form of colonization using limited terraforming and enclosed habitats.

Furangolia Prime

Class: E4
Distance: 7.22 x 107 km (0.478 AU)
Period: 11.54 Days
Radius: 9,792.65 km (1.54 of Earth)
Gravity: 1.46 G

This large world is not a typical Class E planet. Much larger than most, it maintains a high gravity and thick atmosphere, despite its proximity to Furangolia. The planet sits close to the edge of the star's hot zone and likely will not develop into a Class M world. The atmosphere is dominated by hydrogen compounds with much of the planet surface molten and high levels of tectonic and geological instability.

Furangolia 2

Class: H4
Distance: 1.12 x 108 km (0.75 AU)
Period: 222.9 Days
Radius: 12,145.88 km (1.91 times Earth)
Gravity: 2.11 G

This world is an extremely large Class H planet, almost twice the size of Earth and with proportionally high gravity. The planet surface has almost no surface water, almost the entire hydrosphere of the planet is underground, though the water table is relatively shallow, except in the ice caps which cover about 18% of the surface in ice. The planet maintains a thick atmosphere with high concentrations the toxic gasses of cyanogen, hydrogen cyanide, and various copper sulphates with a mean concentration of cyanogen being 33 ppm. Despite the toxic atmosphere the world has a diverse ecosphere of both flora and fauna which is highly resistant to the toxic chemicals. Several forms of moss and algae unique to this world are known to naturally metabolize the cyanogen and cyanide in the atmosphere. Both animal and plant life makes use of a symbiotic relationship with several rare forms of bacteria on this world which also metabolize the toxic chemicals which enter the blood stream via respiration and reprocess the base components into compounds the organisms need to survive.

Furangolia 3

Class: A
Distance: 1.13 AU
Period: 1.14 Years
Radius: 3,150.05 km (0.49 of Earth)
Gravity: 0.53 G

This world is a typical Class A planet, it has a thin atmosphere composed of sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide and is largely composed of igneous silicas and basalt. The surface is rife with volcanic activity and tectonic instability keeping the surface partially molten. There are 5 small asteroidal moons in close orbit. The small tidal shifts from each moon contribute to its geological instability. Since this world is in the habitable zone, it may be a possible candidate for some terraforming and potential canalization, though its low gravity will make retaining an atmosphere difficult.

Furangolia 4

Class: E
Distance: 1.69 AU
Period: 2.08 Years
Radius: 5,112.70 km (0.80 of Earth)
Gravity: 0.78 G

This world is a typical "cold" class E planet. Having developed outside of the habitable zone of the star system, it is kept warm via constant geological activity and tectonic instability. The surface is partially molten with high surface temperature maintained from constant outgassing from volcanic activity. The atmosphere is largely composed of hydrogen compounds with simple single-celled carbon cycle life developing, though too little light and stellar heat reaches the surface for that life to thrive. High concentrations of various heavy radioactive isotopes within the crust also give the planet a high level of surface and subsurface radiation.