USS Galactic Dawn (NCC-1792-A)

From Solas Tempus DB
Galactic Dawn
USS Galactic Dawn (NCC-1792-A)
Class: Constitution Class Starship
Affiliation: Solas Tempus
Commanding Officer: Ember Idalia Thomas
Executive Officer: Eliane Fiammetta Thomas
MSAI: Astra Lux
Quote: "It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn’t feel like a giant. I felt very, very small." - Neil Armstrong

The USS Galactic Dawn represents a beacon of altruism and hope. As a vessel not bound by military directives, it serves as a mobile scientific and engineering collective, crewed by a dedicated group of young idealists who believe passionately in the power of technology and science to effect positive change. The crew, drawn together by shared ideals rather than hierarchy, works seamlessly to extend a helping hand to the most vulnerable populations across the galaxy. Their endeavors focus on enhancing the basic necessities of life, such as improving access to clean water, sustainable food sources, and habitable environments, while also combating the spread of diseases through advanced medical interventions.

In addition to these life-sustaining projects, the Galactic Dawn is instrumental in knitting together disparate parts of the galaxy through enhanced communication networks. This effort not only facilitates better emergency responses and broadens access to crucial information, but it also fosters cultural exchanges and deeper understanding among diverse planetary populations. The ship's missions are imbued with a spirit of cooperation and respect for all forms of life, striving to break down barriers through understanding and technology. The crew's youthful optimism is their guiding star, driving them to deploy their expertise where it is most needed.

Special Capabilities

State-of-the-Art Fabrication and Repair Workshops
The Galactic Dawn is equipped with advanced fabrication facilities and repair workshops that can produce a wide range of materials and components on demand.
Comprehensive Biomedical and Pharmacological Labs
Outfitted with extensive research facilities, the Galactic Dawn can rapidly develop and synthesize medical treatments and vaccines.
Adaptive Communications System
The Galactic Dawn features an enhanced communications array equipped with an adaptive system that can rewrite its own protocols to establish and maintain contact across diverse communication platforms and technologies.


The command structure of the USS Galactic Dawn presents a unique scenario in starship operations. Officially, Ember Idalia Thomas holds the title of Commanding Officer (CO), and Eliane Fiammetta Thomas is listed as the Executive Officer (XO). However, in practice, the sisters command the ship as equals. This arrangement stems from their complementary skill sets and mutual respect, which allows them to share leadership responsibilities seamlessly. Together, they form a dynamic duo that guides the ship's mission and crew, effectively making decisions as a cohesive unit.

Commanding Officer
Ember Idalia Thomas
A contemplative and analytical thinker, Captain Ember Idalia Thomas excels in strategy and planning. Her intellectual rigor ensures that she is well-prepared for the challenges of deep-space missions.
Executive Officer
Eliane Fiammetta Thomas
A charismatic and adventurous woman, thriving in her role by fostering strong relationships and leading diplomatic efforts. Her energetic leadership style complements her sister's more contemplative nature.
Master Systems AI
Astra Lux
Astra is a fiercely loyal AI sister, programmed to protect and support Ember and Eliane. Her quick wit and intuitive nature allow her to anticipate their needs and complement their unique personalities.

Leadership and Hierarchy

The USS Galactic Dawn is led with with a distinctive collectivist and communal approach, setting a model of shared leadership that aligns with the ideals of their crew. Together, they foster an environment where decision-making is democratic, emphasizing consensus and the collective good over individual authority. They encourage open communication and mutual respect, ensuring every crew member feels heard and valued.

Support Crew

Linguistics and Communications Specialist
Kylix, Male, 23, Echosian
A brilliant interpreter of signals and patterns, able to bridge communication gaps between species.
Form flickers and shifts, composed of swirling electromagnetic energy. Communicates through bursts of radiation and modulated static.
Driven by a desire to foster understanding and break down barriers between disparate cultures.
Security and Contingency Strategist
Taril, Male, 28, Swarmkin
A loyal and efficient defender, tapping into the strategic brilliance of the hive mind.
Bearing remnants of their insectoid ancestry, they possess a segmented body with a deceptively smooth, chitinous exoskeleton and three prominent compound eyes. Their singular voice, amplified and translated by a specialized comm device, masks a collective mind evolved from eusociality.
Seeks to demonstrate the Swarmkin's potential for cooperation and protect those who cannot defend themselves.
Advanced Piloting & Navigation Specialist
Ensign Astraea, Non-Binary / Feminine, 22, Astral
Possesses an innate understanding of space, drawn to its mysteries and its beauty.
Often found in her crystalline form - a dazzling, multifaceted crystal shaped and moving roughly humanoid. When sleeping the crystal turns first into a jelly-like blob that oozes slowly, stretching and sticking together as it flows but finally into a liquid honey consistency.
Her purpose is to guide the ship safely through the cosmic expanse and to find exciting new ways to fly.

Science Specialists

Quantum and Temporal Mechanics Specialist
Te'vra, Female, 25, Chronarch
Possesses a fragmented yet insightful perspective on reality, drawing connections others might miss.
Slender build with pale, opalescent skin and eyes that seem to shift through time. Speaks in fractured sentences, sometimes alluding to events yet to occur.
Seeks to understand the underlying patterns of the universe and promote a greater awareness of causality.
Stellar Cartography
Dr. Emily Bennett, Female, 30, Human
A meticulous and adventurous scientist with a fascination for the vastness of space and mapping the unknown.
Average height with a wiry build and a mop of unruly blonde hair. Often spotted with a holographic star chart projected above her workstation.
Stellar Meteorologist
Kai Tanaka, Male, 27, Human
A cool-headed and analytical officer with a deep understanding of space weather dynamics.
Slender and composed, with dark hair and sharp features. Tends to wear a slightly rumpled uniform, suggesting his focus is on data rather than appearances.
Materials Analyst
Thomas Nguyen, Male, 38, Human
A methodical and resourceful scientist with an encyclopedic knowledge of materials and their applications.
Stocky build with a shaved head and a meticulously trimmed beard. Prefers functional clothing with plenty of pockets for tools and samples.
Agricultural Scientist
Dr. Priya Singh, Female, 33, Human
A warm and nurturing scientist dedicated to ensuring the crew's well-being through sustainable food production.
Petite with long, dark hair often tied in a braid. Always seems to have a hint of soil under her fingernails or a sprig of a plant tucked behind her ear.

Engineering Specialists

Fabrication and Construction
Vara, Female, 26, Lithovore
Patient and methodical, with a deep understanding of materials and energy flow.
Rock-like frame adorned with shimmering crystals, encased in a reinforced exosuit for enhanced movement.
Fascinated by the potential to harness raw energy and create sustainable technologies for diverse environments.
Aerospace Engineer
Sarah Chen, Female, 35, Human
A highly experienced engineer with a deep understanding of spacecraft design and atmospheric flight.
Average height, strong build, and a no-nonsense demeanor. Keeps her dark hair in a practical ponytail.
Structural Engineer
James "Jimmy" Walker, Male, 29, Human
An intuitive engineer with an eye for structural integrity and a talent for finding solutions in complex systems.
Tall and lanky with bright red hair and a mischievous grin. Prone to doodling engineering diagrams on spare napkins.
Biomedical Engineer
Dr. Asha Patel, Female, 31, Human
A compassionate and innovative engineer dedicated to developing life-saving medical technologies.
Petite with a calm and focused energy. Wears stylish glasses that complement her short, sleek black hair.

Medical Specialists

Emergency Medicine
Dr. Xylar, Non-binary, 24, Symbiote Collective
A compassionate and adaptable healer, drawing upon the collective knowledge of their species.
Their form is fluid and amorphous composed of thousands of individual and interconnected ganglia that form up the individual. An opaque encounter suit with a helmet designed for ease of interaction conceals a pulsating, gelatinous mass teeming with micro-brains. Communication occurs largely through a synthesized voice through the head-piece but they can also communicate telepathically.
Joined the mission to expand their understanding of diverse physiologies and develop new healing techniques.
Infectious Disease Specialist
Dr. Anya Petrova, Female, 32, Human
A meticulous and resourceful doctor, driven by a desire to understand and combat emerging diseases.
Slender build, with short, practical brown hair and piercing blue eyes. Often wears a pristine lab coat over her uniform.
Dr. Mateo Ruiz, Male, 28, Human
A curious and open-minded scientist fascinated by alien life forms and their potential medical applications.
Lean and athletic, with a warm smile and expressive brown eyes. Has a tendency to collect biological samples in unexpected places.


The USS Galactic Dawn (NCC-1792-A) was launched on April 9th, 2258, from the Utopia Planitia Shipyards, orbiting Mars. As a vessel of the Constitution Class, its deployment was aligned with Starfleet's strategic objectives of scientific exploration and diplomatic engagement during the 23rd century. Command of the Galactic Dawn was first assigned to Captain Jason Merrick. Under his leadership, the vessel executed several scientific missions which included a biological and geological survey on Nibiru and a mineralogical study on the moon of planet M113 in 2259.

In 2262, Captain Laura Singh succeeded Merrick. Her tenure was characterized by a balance of diplomatic missions and continued scientific research. Notable during her command were the escort of ambassadors to the peace talks at Babel in 2268 and facilitation at the treaty negotiations with the Gorn Confederacy in 2271. Captain Singh also managed extensive scientific operations such as the investigation of gamma radiation effects in the Gamma Hydra sector and the mapping of asteroid belts in the Tellarite system.

Captain Gregory Tolland assumed command in 2269. His period of leadership was marked by significant challenges including a skirmish with Klingon forces near the Organian Neutral Zone and a major relief mission during the planetary outbreak on Theta VII in 2270. Captain Tolland also directed the study of Murasaki 312 quasar phenomena in 2272.

In 2273, Captain Elise Harmon took over command responsibilities. Her tenure was largely focused on scientific exploration, including the long-term observation of a protostar in the Andorian sector. However, her command was abruptly overshadowed by the severe ion storm encounter in 2275, which resulted in substantial damage to the ship. This incident necessitated the transfer of the USS Galactic Dawn to the Proxima Maintenance Yards.

As of 2275, the USS Galactic Dawn was held in reserve at the Proxima Maintenance Yards while Starfleet conducted a thorough assessment to determine the feasibility of another refit or decommissioning. The decision leaned towards decommissioning, especially after the launch of the more advanced USS Excelsior in 2285, which represented the next generation of starship capabilities. By this point, the Galactic Dawn had already suffered extensive damage and had been incrementally stripped of its usable components over the years. This stripping process continued as the ship's remaining parts were harvested to support the operational fleet, leaving the Galactic Dawn a shell of its former self.

Over the next century, the husk of the USS Galactic Dawn was relegated to the back corners of the Proxima Maintenance Yards, serving as little more than a source for antique parts. In 2385, the ship was transferred to Solas Tempus, a private organization known for its initiative in refurbishing and repurposing old Starfleet vessels. Solas Tempus acquired the ship as part of a larger acquisition of vessels classified by Starfleet as 'antique parts.' This practice was in line with Solas Tempus's strategy to economize by utilizing older ships which, despite their age, could be restored to functional condition within their operational resources and guidelines.

Upon acquisition, the USS Galactic Dawn was transported to the Umbral Shipyards located in the Schatten Star System for a full structural review. Initial assessments were not promising; the space frame was reported as 'barely usable.' However, the engineers at Solas Tempus determined that with substantial work and adherence to strict resource utilization guidelines, a full refit could restore the vessel to operational status.