USS Bathala (NX-95670-A)

From Solas Tempus DB

The USS Bathala, is an experimental prototype of the Odyssey Class Starship from Federation of late 24th century. This ship was developed by Section 31 before the public prototype, the USS Odyssey. This was also one of the first starships to use an Advanced Quantum Slipstream Drive efficiently, propelled to its fastest speed, transwarp 34.71+

Bathala's Bridge

The bridge of the vessel is cavernous and features a viewscreen separate from the forward viewport, with crew stations in an oval around the chairs for the commanding and first officers. The captain's ready room is on the starboard side of the bridge, with a turbolift on the port wall and a dedicated transporter pad set into the aft wall. There is an observation deck by the forward viewport and a second, partial crew deck down a flight of stairs.

Commanding Officers

Characters marked with a * are NPC's

Commanding Officer
Captain Alouette Prairie (Reploid Female)
Executive Officer
Commander Alexander Munro* (Human Male)
Science Officer
Lt. Commander Zirc Kerrigan (Dragon Male)
Security Chief
Lt. Commander Leena Striker (Human Female)
Chief Engineer
Commander T'joc* (Vulcan Female)
Chief Medical Officer
Doctor (Lt. Commander) Maria Abney* (Human Female)

Misc. Information


1,062 meters
374 meters
148 meters


Standard Crew
2,500 people
Cruising Speed
Warp 5
Maximum Speed
Transwarp 34.71+
Power Source
Fusion Reactors and Matter Antimatter Reactor
Impulse Drive,
Warp Drive,
Transwarp Drive,
Experimental Quantum Slipstream Drive
Plasma Beam Arrays XI,
Dual Plasma Beam Bank X,
Phaser Arrays,
Torpedo Launchers,
Tricobalt Mine Launcher XI
Positron Deflector Array XI,
Shield Array XII
Auxiliary Craft
Aquarius-class light escort