Temporal Core

From Solas Tempus DB
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A temporal core is a specific kind of reactor which produces temporal energy for use in propulsion, power generation, and research purposes. The temporal core is an integral part of generating the needed energy for time travel propulsion and temporal protection systems. The core generates temporal energy through a controlled Time/Anti-Time reaction mediated by an artificial gravity well produced by Mercury Tetralithium Crystals. The crystals generate an artificial gravity well which contains and controls the temporal energy produced.


A Temporal Core is used to produce specific kinds of temporal energy, i.e. specific mixes of the various components of temporal energy for an intended use. The most common use within Solas Tempus is where the Temporal Core is built into a Matter/Antimatter reactor directly within a ship. This combination is the key power source for the Dimensional Fold Drive. In this instance the focal point is created within the dilithium matrix inside the reaction chamber and through controlling the focal point's characteristics the flow of temporal energy can thus be controlled to make the drive work.

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The core itself can be scaled up or down depending on the size of the vessel. Plasma is fed into the core from the top (as shown in the images) where the Mercury Tetralithium Crystals are also placed. The plasma powers the core itself as well as saturating the crystals to provide the artificial gravity well containment. Temporal / gravitational energy is then diverted from the reactor through the conduits along its exterior surface. Each output conduit has an electromagnetic space-time manifold to extract the composition of particles required, allowing different systems to each get a controlled particle mix from the core. The basic core design has for a 2.5 meter diameter spheroid shape with one input conduit and 10 output conduits. Smaller versions of the core have fewer output conduits and are smaller in size. The smallest core is just 75 centimeters in diameter and only has 3 output conduit connections. The largest core is 6 meters in diameter and has 24 output connections and 2 plasma input connections with redundant containment systems.

Temporal Energy

Temporal energy is a generic term for a mixture of mostly chronotons and tachyons along with a number of other subatomic and subspace particles which manipulate the flow of time when used together. The exact mixture varies depending on purpose. Often times graviton and lygon particles are added to the mix to stabilize the reaction into a specific region of space. Temporal energy is transported using a grid system similar to the Elecro-Plasma System (EPS) of most modern starships and facilities. Carried throughout a structure through mixing the energy with high energy plasma, which further stabilizes the energy and makes it safer to transport.

Auxiliary Systems

The artificial gravity well created to contain the Time/Anti-Time reactor can also be rerouted to the ships auxiliary systems providing additional structural integrity via augmentation of the Structural Integrity Field (SIF) and Inertial Dampening Field (IDF). Since lygons and temporal energy both warp space-time in specific ways, the core can be used to divert power to augment and enhance the SIF, IDF, and artificial gravity.

Tractor Beam

Lygon particle flows can also be diverted from the core / engines to enhance the range and reliability of the ships tractor beam. By augmenting the beam with a lygon particle field as well as a slight temporal energy to mediate a synchronic distortion, the beam performance can be increased by 2.5 times normal.

Temporal Containment

A temporal containment field can be produced by the ships internal force field generation systems when augmented with temporal energy from the core. Doing this one can encase a region of a vessel or facility interior inside an artificial bubble of space-time, thus isolating an area from the normal flow of time. Once a stable field is established the interior rate at which time flows can be controlled and reduced, though not stopped.


The design of a Temporal Core is limited to Solas Tempus due to the Temporal Reconciliations. No other races are permitted to research, design, or build such a core. However, key facilities have been provided with such cores, in order to guard against changes in the timeline. These cores are operated by Solas Tempus personnel.