
From Solas Tempus DB
Pug God Snortimus

Snortimus, in his divine essence, embodies a personality that is both endearing and majestic. He possesses a joyful spirit, reflective of the playful and loving nature inherent in pugs. His demeanor is marked by a profound sense of wisdom and calm, exuding an aura of tranquility that soothes those around him. Despite his celestial origins, Snortimus displays a charming sense of mischievousness, a trait that endears him to those he interacts with. He is willful yet compassionate, always guided by a deep empathy and understanding of the hearts he touches. His presence is a harmonious blend of celestial dignity and approachable warmth, making him not only a revered deity but also a beloved companion.

Snortimus’s benevolence towards humans is boundless, reflecting his deep-seated love for humanity. He acts as a compassionate guardian, always seeking to nurture and protect those under his care. His benevolent actions are often subtle yet profound, aimed at guiding humans towards a path of emotional well-being and spiritual growth. However, Snortimus also harbors a fierce protective instinct, especially towards those who share their lives with pugs. His wrath, though rarely invoked, is a formidable force, reserved for those who threaten the well-being of his charges. This wrath is not one of vengeance but of righteous protection, a clear manifestation of his unwavering commitment to safeguard the innocent and the loyal.

Special Abilities

Snortimus can effortlessly transform between his celestial form and the earthly guise of a pug. This ability allows him to interact with humans, offering guidance and companionship, while also remaining connected to his divine nature.
Healing and Comfort
Drawing from the serene energy of the Garden of Leudhort, Snortimus has the power to heal both physical and emotional ailments. His presence brings comfort and tranquility, soothing the hearts and minds of those he watches over.
As a protector, Snortimus possesses an innate sense of when his charges are in danger. He can create protective barriers or intervene directly to safeguard those under his care, particularly those who share a bond with pugs.
Empathic Connection
Snortimus has a profound empathic ability, enabling him to sense the emotions and needs of both humans and animals. This deep understanding allows him to provide support and companionship that is uniquely tailored to each individual.
Snortimus can traverse the dreams and subconscious of individuals, offering guidance, wisdom, and messages through dreamscapes. This ability allows him to communicate with humans on a more profound and spiritual level.
Cosmic Wisdom
Being born of the Garden of Leudhort, Snortimus possesses an extensive knowledge of cosmic and mystical truths. He can impart this wisdom to those he deems worthy, enlightening them about the mysteries of the universe.
Teleportation and Interdimensional Travel
Given his celestial origins, Snortimus can move effortlessly between different realms and dimensions. This ability enables him to be present wherever he is needed, transcending the conventional boundaries of space and time.
Manifestation of Joy and Playfulness
True to the nature of pugs, Snortimus can spread joy and playfulness, uplifting the spirits of those around him. He can create moments of light-heartedness and happiness, reminding people of the simple pleasures of life.

Special Skills

Intuitive Empathy
Snortimus possesses an advanced form of empathy that allows him to intuitively understand the emotional state of an individual. He can sense hidden feelings, fears, and desires, offering comfort or guidance even when those emotions are not outwardly expressed.
Preemptive Comforting
Utilizing his deep empathic connection, Snortimus can provide comfort and reassurance in times of distress, often before the individual even realizes they need it. This skill ensures that those under his watch are never alone in their moments of need.
Soothing Presence
Snortimus has learned to exude a calming aura that instantly puts individuals at ease. His mere presence can alleviate anxiety and stress, creating a peaceful environment conducive to healing and relaxation.
Emotional Healing
Through his empathic abilities, Snortimus can identify and address emotional wounds or traumas. He guides individuals towards healing, often through subtle nudges or by fostering situations that encourage emotional growth and resolution.
Subconscious Communication
Snortimus has honed the skill of communicating with the subconscious minds of individuals, often through dreams or intuitive insights. This allows him to offer guidance and support in a way that resonates deeply with the individual's inner self.
Instilling Hope and Optimism
Recognizing the power of positive thinking, Snortimus can inspire hope and optimism in those who feel despair or hopelessness. He gently encourages a shift in perspective, helping individuals to see the potential for positive outcomes even in difficult situations.
Encouraging Compassion and Understanding
Snortimus skillfully fosters an environment of compassion and understanding among those he interacts with. He encourages individuals to empathize with others, promoting harmony and strengthening communal bonds.
Silent Communication
Mastering the art of non-verbal communication, Snortimus can convey understanding, empathy, and guidance without words. His gestures, expressions, and even the timing of his actions speak volumes, providing support in a subtle yet profound manner.


In the serene embrace of the Garden of Leudhort, a realm where tranquility and mysticism intertwine, Snortimus, the Pug God, was formed. This celestial sanctuary resonated with an ancient magic that breathed life into Snortimus. Born out of the peace and stillness of the Garden, he embodied the virtues of harmony and guardianship. His existence, a reflection of the Garden's eternal cycles of growth and enlightenment, was marked by a profound connection to the cosmic force that had woven this mystical realm from the void. In the gentle rustling of the leaves and the soft murmur of the streams, Snortimus found his purpose, to be a beacon of tranquility and wisdom in a world of perpetual change.

Snortimus's affection for humanity was as boundless as the Garden itself. He cherished the bond between the celestial and earthly realms, often visiting mortals in the form of a pug, a guise that endeared him to those he sought to protect. In these earthly sojourns, he experienced the depth of human love and devotion, particularly from those who cherished him as their loyal companion. This love profoundly touched Snortimus, further strengthening his resolve to watch over and guide humanity. His visits were not just moments of fleeting interaction but were imbued with a deeper significance, reinforcing the sacred bond between the divine and mortal worlds.

As a guardian, Snortimus was willful yet fiercely loyal, embodying the spirit of mischievous protection. He watched over those kind souls who shared their lives with pugs, ensuring their well-being and happiness. His presence, though often unseen, was a constant in the lives of these individuals, offering them a sense of comfort and security. Snortimus's role transcended that of a mere protector; he was a guardian of hearts, safeguarding the love and loyalty that blossomed between humans and their pug companions. In every gentle snort and playful bark of a pug, the spirit of Snortimus resonated.