Garden of Leudhort

From Solas Tempus DB

In the annals of legend and lore, the Garden of Leudhort stands as an enigmatic sanctuary, accessible chiefly through the mystical art of Dreamwalking. Its most enduring features are its ageless stone walls, ever-present yet forever distant, and the elusive Elemental Fauna that channel the arcane energies sustaining this boundless realm. This mystical garden defies the very fabric of reality, offering sojourners an experience that transcends the senses.


In the Garden of Leudhort, the air is saturated with ancient magic, creating an atmosphere that both confounds and enthralls visitors. Among its most mysterious features are primordial stone walls that act as eternal yet elusive landmarks in this infinite landscape. The garden itself orchestrates the wanderer's journey through its labyrinthine layout, with the ground covered in celestial moss subtly guiding steps along the banks of streams or under vine-covered archways. This mystical realm overwhelms the senses with a kaleidoscope of colors and a complex blend of fragrances, each element imbued with an energizing mystical force that revitalizes the spirit.

The Walls

These walls, ancient as the cosmos themselves, are etched with arcane symbols and covered in age-old moss, hinting at a forgotten past. Despite their grandeur, they remain ever distant, as if residing in another plane of existence. They offer a sense of constancy in a realm of perpetual change, becoming for many a focus for deep contemplation or spiritual meditation. These walls are not mere physical constructs but seem to be living conduits, interwoven with the garden's very essence, linking disparate elements of this complex realm.

Flora and Fauna

The Garden of Leudhort serves as a sanctuary for an intricate web of otherworldly plant life and mystical beings. Flowers radiate an inner glow and release fragrances reminiscent of ancient incenses, while towering trees stretch their limbs skyward as if reaching for celestial realms. This intricate ecosystem is further enriched by fantastical insects like luminous fireflies and glass-winged butterflies. Adding to this complex tapestry are the Elementals, ethereal beings of earth, water, air, and fire, who serve as the garden's hidden caretakers. Their rare but awe-inspiring manifestations contribute layers of mystical complexity to the garden's atmosphere. Completing this dynamic realm are the garden's water bodies, inhabited by mythical aquatic creatures considered omens of good fortune, which add a dynamic layer to the tranquil ponds and meandering streams.

Accessing the Garden of Leudhort

Dreamwalking is the primary method for accessing the Garden of Leudhort, allowing for spiritual entry and exit but demanding a strong will to navigate its intricate landscape. Less frequently, celestial alignments activate portals within the garden, providing a more tangible means of coming and going. Elementals, the ethereal beings intrinsic to the garden, have the unique capability to move freely across its boundaries by channeling its arcane energies to form vortexes. Additionally, entities with the power of interdimensional travel can enter and exit the garden at will, unencumbered by its usual rules of access.


In the primordial dawn, an ineffable cosmic force known as Das Ungezeigte wove the fabric of the Garden of Leudhort from the cosmic void. This sanctuary emerged as a focal point of life's most sacred elements, embodying growth, light, and eternal cycles. It exists at the nexus of multiple dimensions, transcending the conventional boundaries of time and space.

The Multidimensional Landscape

Leudhort is a realm of verdant splendor, where flora radiates with an otherworldly luminescence and celestial trees stretch their limbs toward the heavens. The garden is a labyrinthine sanctuary, its layout etched with spirals and intricate patterns that serve as a guide for visitors on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual enlightenment.

The Ethereal Custodians: Schwebgartners

This mystical garden is not tended by mortal hands but by ethereal entities known as Schwebgartners. These spectral beings float through the garden in complete silence, their forms barely visible, like whispers made manifest. They are the caretakers of Leudhort, maintaining its mystical flora and ensuring the sanctity of its sacred spaces.

The Will of Das Ungezeigte

The Schwebgartners act as conduits for the will of Das Ungezeigte, the cosmic force that breathed life into the garden. They are responsible for nurturing the eternal cycles of life and death within this mystical realm. They water fields with a liquid that seems to be drawn from a well of cosmic wisdom, encouraging enlightenment in all who visit. They rearrange the stones in the labyrinthine paths, reflecting the ever-changing journey of destiny that each soul must undertake.

The Elusive Nature and Spiritual Trials

Leudhort is a realm of elusive majesty, discoverable only when one relinquishes the desire to seek it. The journey to its gates is perilous, filled with trials that test the spirit and the soul. Those fortunate enough to claim they have visited it describe an overwhelming sense of peace and a feeling of having touched something far greater than themselves. Yet, the Schwebgartners remain an enigma, their existence known only through whispered legends and mythological narratives.