Shaesk Khas

From Solas Tempus DB
Shaesk Khas
Shaesk Khas
Height: 5'1"
Weight: 100 lbs
Gender: Female
Race: Heibo
Age: 22
Place of Birth: Ivion
Eye Color: Red-Brown
Hair Color: Black
Figure: Green scaled skin, thin, but muscular, flexible, and graceful.
Occupation: Slave
Status: NPC
Setting: Blazing Umbra

Shaesk is very difficult to know, keeping to herself. The eternal skeptic from a lifetime of being taken advantage of. She's an individual to her core but even as she forms strong bonds with people she makes it a rule to not show these bonds to anyone, even those who she's closest to. For her a look, a nod, or a simple gesture mean everything. She can be selfless when one of her own is in need. While she has a keen mind she has no faith in her own imagination leaving her timid at even attempting to think outside the box. By training she knows how to be extremely well mannered, knowing exactly how to behave to blend into the background and serve her betters. She fixates on small details and her lack of faith in herself and skill at problem solving make her frustrated and prone to giving up in a rage of feigning boredom to escape a challenging task.

On the outside Shaesk seems quiet and apathetic to others, she comes when called and until that time she turns inward. While some might think this would show great wisdom and self reflection, she holds herself in to become harder and more guarded. At her core she feels her attachment to others is a weakness that has and will be exploited, she would be better off alone. The flip side to this is that while under the control of others she is this guarded and mannered person, never letting anyone in, hoping no one knows who she cares for, and it suits her well. On her own though, she has no idea how to create her own sense of purpose or limits. Should the bonds that currently hold her be released, she would undoubtedly return to a wild state feeding her hedonistic instincts seeking thrill after thrill in an ever increasing quest to make the trauma of the past go away.

Special Skills

  • Cooking
  • Maid Services
  • Erotic Services
  • Hand to Hand Combat
  • Melee Combat /w Blades
  • Dancing (Classical, Contemporary, and Exotic)
  • Orating / Story Telling
  • Playing the Flute


As a Heibo her people tended to serve the Senfu, this was their place. The Senfu wrote and approved all education and carefully controlled what the Haibo were exposed to. As such Shaesk grew up fully believing that her place was to serve. There were no illusions of personal freedoms, though freedom was spoken of often, the freedom is to choose to serve rather than to be forced into service. As a child she was adept with her hands, in her early life she would make things, fix things, mostly of a mechanical variety. She was small for a Heibo, thin, and could work her way into machines to replace parts and do other things of this nature. The work was unsafe and the children started to understand that every day might be their last. Well into adulthood she hates cramped spaces, though she can control herself for limited times.

One of the happiest days of her life was when she was chosen to leave the repair workers union and was placed into training for more elevated service. She would have done anything to get out of climbing into old run-down machines hoping the gears didn't move or electricity didn't flow to kill her. This was a new kind of danger though, good with her hands meant something else entirely. She was trained to cook, to mend, and do other domestic chores. She was very poor at caring for others, a trait that caused her quite the problem. When she failed to impress for caring for the children of others she had other training and was taught how to dress and put on makeup to look attractive, alluring, and otherwise stand out and be lovely.

She was assigned to a powerful family where the husband and wife were collectors of beautiful things. They found her to be lovely in her unusually dainty size, a prize to be shown off. She would work for them, cooking and cleaning but also entertaining. She was taught to dance and even orate telling tales to amuse guests. She wasn't very good at playing most instruments, but she did learn to play several varieties of flute to a passable degree. She would stand for hours as decoration when not needed, looking pretty, being seen, gracefully moving from room to room to get things, then going back to being artwork.

This was its own kind of hell, the few times when a repeat guest would speak with her she would quickly find what they were after. Most wanted information, her keen eyes and ears to pass along the secrets of the family. She knew to do so and be caught would be to invite death, so she always declined politely. Others would want to extinguish their carnal desires with her, something which was only permitted if permission was given. Lucky for her the family did not give this permission often, but it did happen. The husband and wife both used her for various private purposes from the banal to the gross. When she turned 19 she tried to escape, getting as far as 2 or 3 hours from the planet in a shuttle going nowhere, she was captured.

She spent the next 2 or so years being the servant of the military vessel that had captured her, finally being claimed as property by the Captain of that vessel before he transferred to a small supply depot. She was routinely used to clean and mend for the soldiers, something she didn't mind doing given what other things she'd had to do. It was when she began to be used as a stress reliever for the soldiers that she began to contemplate ending it. Some would use her to fight, where she was expected to lose after providing a sufficient challenge. Others would use her for sex, sometimes a combination of the two, often with multiple people involved.

So one day, she was caught trying to step into an airlock. She really was just going to hide there and try to sneak onto a shuttle while they were looking elsewhere for her. When the soldiers noticed, they taunted her, saying if she wanted to die they would help her out. Having given up Shaesk was ready for it when all hell broke loose, a tiny creature cut her free and then offered help as explosions blasted doors away. There was nothing left to lose.