Seraphia Lurethra

From Solas Tempus DB
Seraphia Lurethra
Played by: User:Necahual
Alias: Bes Teresa Fe’Mahel
Height: 5 feet
Weight: 160 lbs
Gender: Female
Race: Valthulnari
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Age: 193
Date of Birth: 2196
Place of Birth: Numentalche
Eye Color: Dark Grey
Hair Color: Black and Red
Figure: Short and thin with feminine features though her skin is shades of bluish gray and red. Has long strider like digitigrade feet and neural protrusions.
Universe of Origin: Blazing Umbra
Organization: Valthulnari Watchers
Occupation: Watchers
Setting: Blazing Umbra

Despite her unassuming demeanor, Seraphia harbors a resilient spirit. Guided by the principles of the Harmony Code, she exudes a gentle aura of compassion and understanding, making her a natural mediator among her fellow Watchers. As a scholar and guide, she engages with others with a quiet grace, subtly steering them toward decisions towards internal balance.

Special Abilities

  • Astral Disguise - Through the channeling of magical energy Sara is able to create intricate illusions that allows her to appear as a member of another species. The illusions are fully tactile with any body parts that do not fit within the illusionary body being partially phased into the Kalithirium expanse so as to not break the illusion.
  • superhuman speed - Can keep a steady jog at speeds up to 40 miles an hour and can sprint short distances at up to 60 miles an hour
  • superhuman reflexes: Reflexes are about 8 times greater than those of an ordinary human
  • superhuman strength - Capable of lifting 15 tons over her head. Her physical strength also extends to her legs, enabling her to be able to jump hundreds of feet.
  • superhuman durability - She can withstand tremendous impacts, such as being thrown through a three inch thick steel wall, that would severely maim or kill a normal human.
  • Superhuman agility: Her agility, balance, flexibility, and bodily coordination are all at levels that are far beyond the natural physical limits of an Olympic-level gymnast. Combined with her training it allows Sara to find the state of perfect equilibrium in any position imaginable. She can adjust her position by instinct, enabling her to balance on virtually any object, no matter how small or narrow.
  • Quantum Cognitrons - specialized structures in the brains of all Watchers that allow them to entangle their thoughts with other Watchers and the Numentalche world tree. This enables access to all of the knowledge within the Numentalche and allows other Watchers to spread out strong negative feelings if she so wishes.
  • Neural pseudo-wings - These protrusions attune to nearby magical fields to draw them into Watchers and allow her to project a slight form of gravity negation. Just enough to be able to be picked up into the air by a mild breeze.

Special Skills

  • Cosmology: Delving into the vast mysteries of the cosmos, Seraphia explores the celestial intricacies that shape the Kalithirium Expanse.
  • Metaphysics: With a keen interest in the metaphysical currents of her dimension, she studies the ethereal forces that govern the very fabric of reality.
  • Harmony Code Philosophy: As a dedicated scholar of Watcher culture, Seraphia unravels the philosophical nuances of the Harmony Code, seeking to understand its deep-seated principles and applying them to practical mediation.
  • Astral Artistry: A passionate lover of astral art, Seraphia engages in creating intricate illusions. Through these artistic expressions, she captures and shares the ethereal beauty of the Kalithirium Expanse, translating cosmic dances and celestial phenomena into mesmerizing visual spectacles.
  • CQB mastery - As part of her time with her fellow watchers she was taught the intricacies of close quarters combat for personal defense.
  • Kelerath pilot training - Once she bonded with Zetheron both of them were subject to an intense training regiment to leave them ready for combat against celestials or infernals using both melee and ranged weapons.


  • Zetheron, Seraphia's Kelerath companion, a living embodiment of her commitment to balance and protection. With sleek, biomechanical contours, Zetheron's form echoed the celestial grace of its Watcher counterpart.

As a formidable living war engine, Zetheron can be adapted to suit any needs. The Kelerath and its living weapons, pulsating with celestial and infernal energy, remain mostly concealed, ready to be deployed only if the situation calls for them.



Born amidst the celestial currents of the Kalithirium Expanse, Seraphia Lurethra emerged as if created from echoes that the Elnylith precursors whispered through the astral winds, endowing her with the legacy of compassion and the commitment to maintaining equilibrium.

Raised within the cosmic sanctum, Seraphia's early years were immersed in the teachings of Watcher culture. Guided by elders who shared the wisdom of the Harmony Code, she developed a deep understanding of the intricate ethical system that shaped their existence. As the tendrils of the Numentalche cradled her, the collective knowledge of the Elnylith precursors flowed through her consciousness.

Her training as a Watcher unfolded like a celestial ballet. With a nimble, digitigrade stance, Seraphia learned to traverse the astral landscapes with the grace of a cosmic dancer. The intricate choreography of conflict mediation became an art form, and she embraced it with a pacifistic fervor, seeking diplomatic solutions and honing her skills in the delicate dance of harmonizing opposing forces.

The pivotal moment in Seraphia's cosmic journey arrived with the synchronization ritual with her Kelerath companion, whom she named Zetheron. The bonding process was a sacred communion of consciousness, a synaptic link forged within the chest cavity of the biomechanical entity.

Seraphia was taught to latent magical energies using her neural pseudo-wings, granting her an intuitive connection to the metaphysical forces that flowed through the Expanse. Later she was also taught how to fully utilize her Quantum Cogitrons, allowing her to synchronize with fellow Watchers instantaneously. The shared mental space formed by their entangled minds became a sanctuary of collective insights, knowledge, and focus, facilitating informed decisions in the tumultuous realm of cosmic conflicts.

United with the Watchers in their interconnected network, Seraphia stood as a guardian in the celestial dance of the Expanse. Yet, destiny had another chapter written for her—a journey to Soteria. A planet at the focal point of an inter-universal phenomenon known as a splice. She was to serve as clandestine support for the current government and stand watch over any potential splice that may upset cosmic balance.