Valthulnari Watchers

From Solas Tempus DB

From the surreal realm of the Kalithirium Expanse the Valthulnari Watchers deploy their forces to act as the enforcers of cosmic balance. Born from the self-sacrifice of the ancient Elnylith precursors, these enigmatic beings are linked to the Numentalche World Tree, a living repository of cosmic wisdom. Guided by the Resonance Code, the Watchers navigate the aetheric tapestry, mediating conflicts and preserving balance between celestial order and infernal chaos. However not all conflicts can be mediated peacefully. So when the situation necessitates they can rely on their symbiotic relationship with the Kelerath, living war engines crafted to complement their mission.

The Kalithirium Expanse: Cosmic Tapestry of Harmony and Strife

A vast and boundless dimension, the Kalithirium Expanse is a dimensional plane where celestial and infernal energy engages in an eternal dance. Spatial anomalies, arcane rifts, and cosmic vortices punctuate the astral panorama at the edges of the dimension. The Expanse is not just a physical space; it's a metaphysical canvas where Watchers navigate, mediate, and harmonize cosmic forces to prevent tumultuous clashes. Celestial constellations shimmer with radiant light, casting an ethereal glow upon astral landscapes. Infernal storms surge, their chaotic energies crackling and weaving through astral winds. The Numentalche's roots delve deep into metaphysical currents, drawing sustenance from cosmic energies.

These aetheric currents coalesce into a kaleidoscope of colors, painting the Expanse with hues that defy earthly description. Floating islands adorned with crystalline formations drift amidst astral currents, serving as sanctuaries where the Watchers conduct their rituals, ceremonies, and cosmic mediations. The ambient energies on these islands are attuned to the intricate dance of celestial and infernal forces, fostering an environment where the Watchers can commune with the Numentalche and draw upon its ancient wisdom.

The Creation: Elnylith Precursors' Sacrifice

Eons ago, perhaps in a different creation cycle an enigmatic race known as the Elnylith decided to embark on a quest of cosmic proportions. Having learned of the creation and destruction of many gods, demons, civilizations and even galactic empires they wished to create an anchor in the universe to be anathema in the eternal conflict between order and chaos. However to achieve this they needed a place where both infernal and celestial energies mingled, of which they found when they discovered the dimension they named the Kalithirium Expanse. The temporal and spatial characteristics of the Kalithirium Expanse proved exactly what they needed to achieve their goal. So in a sacred ritual they chose self-sacrifice, merging the consciousness of all the members of their civilization, their collective wisdom and life force into a new creation, a cosmic world tree, Numentalche. This profound act served as an offering to the dimension itself, allowing them to become an eternal and integral part of the Expanse they sought to shape.

The Numentalche, the living embodiment of their vision, became a testament to their sacrifice. Its roots were enriched with the wisdom, knowledge, and experience of the ancient Elnylith, who designed it before their self-sacrifice. The Numentalche was designed not just as a repository of everything the Elnylith created but also to give birth to the enforcers of cosmic order - the Valthulnari Watchers and the Kelerath War Engines. The Watchers hold an unbroken link to the wisdom of the Precursors, bestowed upon them by the Numentalche itself. Through their transcendent abilities, they could seek guidance and insights from this ancient source, ensuring that the legacy of the Elnylith continued to influence their actions. The Valthulnari Watchers, for their part, conduct rituals and ceremonies, paying homage to the sacrifice of the Elnylith. They also recognized the World Tree as more than just a symbol; it is a living connection to their origins and the embodiment of continuity. It serves as an unbroken chain from the Elnylith who initiated the creation of the Watchers to the Watchers themselves, who continued their mission.

Numentalche World Tree: Sanctum and Beacon

At the heart of the Kalithirium Expanse, an arboreal colossus stands as the living testament of cosmic wisdom—the Numentalche World Tree. Crafted by the ancient Elnylith precursors in their moment of sacrifice, this colossal entity transcends the boundaries of the physical and metaphysical realms. A true size estimate of the tree is impossible as it is the very center of the Expanse and is as big or as small as the expanse itself. Numentalche's impressive trunk, adorned with bioluminescent markings reminiscent of ancient runes, ascends majestically, its branches reaching to the heavens connect the tree to the metaphysical currents that weave through the Expanse. The bark, pulsating with ethereal energy, serves as a repository of cosmic knowledge, etched into its very fibers by the transcendent sacrifice of the Elnylith precursors. The roots, infused with this ancient wisdom, not only anchor the World Tree to the cosmic energies but also connect it intimately to the other realms.

The Numentalche's leaves, ethereal and translucent, capture the ambient cosmic energies, absorbing the essence of celestial order and infernal chaos. The dance of these cosmic forces is reflected in the gentle sway of the leaves, a visual representation of the delicate balance the Watchers strive to maintain. Along the branches are many fruiting bodies, Chambers that direct the energies captured by the leaves into the creation of matter. It is in these fruiting bodies that the Watchers and Kelerath are birthed from. At the core of the Numentalche resides a radiant energy, a condensed manifestation of the Elnylith's sacrifice and cosmic wisdom. This core pulses with a numinous glow, an ever-present beacon that draws the Watchers and Kelerath into communion. It is through this sacred core that the Watchers seek guidance, forging a link that transcends the boundaries of space and time.

Rituals conducted by the Watchers around the Numentalche serve as a cosmic communion, an acknowledgment of the World Tree's role as the living nexus between the past, present, and future. These rituals, a harmonious blend of celestial chants and ethereal dances, reinforce the symbiotic relationship between the Watchers and the Numentalche, ensuring the continuity of cosmic wisdom and the delicate balance within the Kalithirium Expanse. In essence, the Numentalche is more than a physical entity; it is a cosmic anchor, a living embodiment of sacrifice and wisdom, tirelessly maintaining the delicate equilibrium that defines the Kalithirium Expanse. As the Watchers and Kelerath weave through the aetheric realms, the Numentalche stands sentinel, a testament to the enduring legacy of the Elnylith precursors and the cosmic dance they initiated.

Valthulnari Watchers: Grace and Power

The Watchers are a curious juxtaposition of physical attributes. Devoid of primary sexual characteristics or reproductive organs, they are nonetheless adorned with secondary sex characteristics akin to those of human females. The delicate presence of breasts and wider hips subtly communicates an essence of feminine elegance. Although these features hold no bearing on their biological functions, they serve as a testament to the aesthetic sensibilities intrinsic to precursor Elnylith culture, where gender expression transcends the biological and manifests as a canvas for individual expression.

Physically the Watchers are of short stature, at around five feet tall. Were it not for their long digitigrade legs adapted for striding the watchers would be much shorter in height. In spite of their short stature and thin frame the muscle density of watchers is an order of magnitude greater than a human’s. This is achieved via a complex weave tightly bound muscle fibers that allow watchers to match strength with both infernals and celestials. The skin of the Watchers is a marvel of biological design. A fusion of toughness and silkiness, their skin is covered in microscopic scales that create a unique tactile experience. These minuscule scales serve not only as armor, safeguarding them from the relentless cosmic energies of the Expanse but also as symbols of the Elnylith’s mastery at biological engineering.

A hallmark of Watcher physiology is their digitigrade stance, a feature that underscores their exceptional agility. Their nimble, digitigrade legs allow them to traverse great distances with the grace and ease of sublime dancers. A striking and distinguishing feature adorns the Watchers' form – their bony neural pseudo-wings. These elegant protrusions, although not designed for combat, serve a twofold purpose. First, they act as conduits, attuning to latent magical energies that flow through the Expanse, providing Watchers with an intuitive connection to the metaphysical forces that shape their world. Second, these spikes enable a limited form of anti-gravity, allowing Watchers to glide with grace and efficiency, aiding them in locomotion within the Expanse.

One of the most remarkable aspects of the Watchers' biology is their entangled thought-waves. Within their genetically engineered brains reside specialized structures known as "Quantum Cognitrons." These structures exploit the quantum properties of particles, enabling the Watchers to emit thought-waves that exist as quantum superpositions. Each thought is simultaneously encoded in multiple states, allowing them to contemplate complex cosmic conflicts with unparalleled depth. This also allows them to entangle their thought-waves with peer mental states instantaneously. When a Watcher focuses on a particular aspect of a cosmic conflict, that focus is shared with other Watchers. This intricate network of entangled minds forms a shared mental space, granting them access to collective insights, knowledge, and focus. This connection allows them to communicate across vast distances near instantly.

The Heart of Resilience Central to the Watchers' mental fortitude and emotional resilience is their bond with the Numentalche World Tree, a central anchor of their existence. The Numentalche World Tree serves as an anchor of emotional equilibrium, ensuring they maintain their composure when faced with the intense emotions that cosmic conflicts often bring. This unique connection allows Watchers to spread out emotional pressure and share emotional states, fostering unity and empathy within their interconnected network of minds. It also acts as a psychic shield, guarding them from external psychic and emotional manipulation, thus ensuring their emotional stability and mental fortitude.

The Watchers' distinctive physiological and morphological features are a result of a fascinating process known as "Metaphysical Harmony Evolution." Their cellular architecture is complex and versatile, allowing them to rapidly respond to external environmental influences and internal evolutionary changes. As they continue their missions and gain experience, their cellular architecture becomes increasingly attuned to the metaphysical forces of the dimension. This ongoing "Transcendental Integration" empowers them to harness the energies of the Expanse more effectively, promoting their overall evolution. Effectively they maintain a level of adaptation to their environment that is not naturally possible.

The last important detail about the Watchers are their Dendritic Receptors. A series of pseudo openings along their spinal column and up to the base of the skull. Due to a bit of foresight from the Elnylith, the receptors are not exposed to open air, instead they are covered in the same protective and fine scales that make up the rest of their epidermis. The downside is that the process of synchronizing with the Kelerath is always a painful one but the upside is not having an exposed vulnerability. Additionally it serves as a constant reminder to seek more peaceful options and inversely also a motivator once violence is deemed to be the only viable way forward.

Resonance: Watcher Culture and Social Traditions

The Watchers weave the threads of their existence in a tapestry guided by the ethereal principles of the Resonance Code. This intricate ethical system, deeply woven into their culture, is the manifestation of the Elnylith commitment to preserving balance. A commitment now carried out by the Watchers. Despite their formidable combat capabilities, the essence of Watcher culture is not solely martial tradition, finding its essence in the artistry of conflict mediation. This revered practice is a celebration of consensus, a ballet of diplomacy expressed through rituals, ceremonies, and art forms that unveil the beauty of peaceful resolutions in the cosmic dance.

Within the kaleidoscope of Watcher emotions, empathy flourishes like celestial blooms. Their shared emotional states forge deep connections, and the cultural norm dictates an unwavering commitment to emotional intelligence. Providing solace and understanding, the Watchers cultivate a community founded on mutual support and a profound respect for the intricate tapestry of emotions that color their existence. Collaborative harmony is not merely a virtue but a way of life, where the strength of the Watchers lies in their ability to harmonize thought and action, forging a collective purpose that paradoxically transcends individual endeavors while uplifting them.

In matters of identity, Watcher culture unfolds with an open-minded embrace of gender fluidity. Gender expressions are considered personal choices, fostering an environment where respect and support thrive as essential pillars. The diverse spectrum of identities becomes a palette upon which the Watchers paint the canvas of their unity, transcending conventional boundaries.

Philosophical inquiry is the warp and weft of Watcher intellectual pursuits. Their minds delve into the enigmatic interplay between cosmic order and chaos, seeking to unravel the mysteries that shape existence. As such any insight acquired through philosophical debates and discussions, becomes a guiding light in their mediation efforts, infusing their decisions with the wisdom drawn from the cosmic forces.

As guardians entrusted with the preservation of the Kalithirium Expanse, the Watchers embody profound environmental stewardship. Their commitment extends beyond mere custodianship; they perceive the Expanse as a living entity, intricately connected to their cosmic heritage. Through this lens, the Watchers stand as custodians, diligently ensuring the delicate ecological balance that mirrors the cosmic harmony they strive to maintain. In the cosmic symphony of the Expanse, the Watchers emerge not merely as mediators but as cosmic artisans, crafting a narrative of unity, empathy, and equilibrium.

The Kelerath: Biomechanical Marvels in Cosmic Conflict

Complementing the Watchers in their cosmic mission are the awe-inspiring Kelerath, living war machines born of the ingenious design of the Elnylith Precursors. They are organic marvels that seamlessly blend biological engineering with the very essence of the celestial realm. Like their Watcher counterparts, the Kelerath are created in Numentalche’s fruiting bodies. They serve as direct manifestations of the ancient Elnylith’s ingenious design, conceived with a singular purpose—to serve as war machines for Watchers to enforce cosmic equilibrium.

The Kelerath's form mirrors that of the humanoid, a deliberate choice in design that eases the process of synaptic synchronization with their assigned Watcher pilots. This intimate connection is established through a specialized pilot organ nestled within the Kelerath's chest cavity, where Watchers form a direct synaptic link, harmonizing their consciousness with the living war being. The process of synchronizing is a violent and painful one where the Dendritic Terminals of the Kelerath must forcibly pierce the skin of the Watcher to access the Receptors and establish their link. Once initially synchronized, a Watcher and a Kelerath form a permanent bond, no other Watcher may synchronize with the Kelerath and vice versa. It is a bond so strong that physical damage a Kelerath sustains is experienced by its Watcher even when not bonded synaptically. Additionally it makes it difficult for Kelerath’s to find new pilots or Watchers to synchronize with another Kelerath. Usually at that point the Watcher or Kelerath retire from combat roles.

In the Elnylith quest for adaptability, Kelerath's biological nature becomes a manifestation of their foresight. Their frame is a malleable form that allows them to dynamically reconfigure limbs and weaponry, ensuring they stand ready for the unpredictable nature of cosmic conflict. Whether engaged in tenacious celestial combat or confronting infernal ferocity, the Kelerath's ever-preparedness is etched into the fluidity of their adaptable form. A mesmerizing array of living weapons adorns the arsenal of these cosmic war machines. Each weapon pulsates with the celestial and infernal energies of the Expanse, embodying the dualistic essence of their mission. From swords crafted from crystalline growths to spears brimming with plasma energy and energy weapons unleashing potent beams of cosmic force, the Kelerath's armament is a symphony of celestial and infernal power, a harmonious dance in the cosmic struggle.