The Kestrel class starship is a small vessel designed to fill a role between a runabout and a full size starship. It is primarily used as a privately owned vessel running cargo or personnel from one location to another through potentially hazardous areas. The ship is designed to be fast, maneuverable, and small in an effort to escape and evade.
- Dimensions
- 73m x 38m x 12m
- Crew Capacity
- 2 (Standard)
1 (Minimum) - Passenger Capacity
- 4 Passengers (Standard)
12 Passengers (Maximum) - Power Source
- Deuterium Fusion Reactors (4)
Matter / Antimatter Reactor - Propulsion
- Impulse Drive
Gravitational Displacement Drive
Warp Drive - Cruising Speed
- Warp 4.59
- Maximum Speed
- Warp 8.2
- Emergency Speed
- Warp 9.1 for 30 Minutes
Offensive Systems
- Type IX Phaser Pulse Cannons (4)
- Located with 2 beside each of the torpedo launchers
- Type X Phaser Arrays (2)
- Located on the dorsal hull
- Type XI Phaser Cannon (1)
- Located on the nose of the vessel
- Micro Photon Torpedo Launchers (3)
- 2 are located on the forward section of the "wings"
- 1 is located in the ventral / aft section of the hull
Defensive Systems
- Energy Signature Modification System
- Sensor Resistant Hull Plating
- Deflector Shields