Jadiah Chadhai

From Solas Tempus DB
Jadiah Chadhai
Jadiah Chadhai
Played by: User:Thumper
Race: Human
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Organization: Zabu-Zariin Empire
Occupation: Slavery Counsellor
Status: Approved
Setting: Blazing Umbra

When Zayba Salnalyi was enslaved and handed over to Edward Cardon, Jadiah was the case worker assigned to prepare Cardon for the responsibilities of owning a slave.

At first, Cardon resisted any advice on managing Zayba, ignoring Jadiah’s warnings that trying to wing it would lead to hurting Zayba.

They parted on very hostile terms when Cardon made his hasty exit from Nabu III.

However, after a series of disastrous mistakes – including a careless slip that resulted in violence by Isabelle Quinn against Zayba – Cardon realized he really did need help with understanding Nabu–Zariin slaves. He contacted Jadiah Chadhai, and the pair reluctantly reconciled, for Zayba’s sake.

Since then, she has provided Cardon with extensive help on understanding how to care for a Nabu–Zariin slave.

Jadiah Chadhai