
From Solas Tempus DB
Iztaccihuatl Angelos
Played by: User:necahual
Alias: Eraikitzen Ari Dira (true name)
Height: 5'
Weight: 135 lbs
Gender: Genderfluid
Race: Fae Kithain
Age: 32 (DOB: 10/20/1994)
Place of Birth: Mexico City
Eye Color: blue
Hair Color: silver
Figure: changing primary and secondary sex characteristics depending on the chosen gender of the day, has long pointed ears, needle like sharp teeth.
Universe of Origin: World of Darkness
Occupation: Engineer
Rank / Skill Level: Lieutenant
Status: Approved
Setting: Blazing Umbra

She is rough around the edges and in the wrong light can be said to be a bitch. She is however usually so passionate about fixing something that her frustrations are verbalized as various colorful insults that can make even sailors blush. Formerly she solely identified with her assigned gender at birth but as she has spent more time as a true fae her more genderfluid nature has begun to surface though for now she still mostly identifies as a woman.

Special Skills

Self trained to maintain and repair early 21st century computers.

Trained to build, maintain and repair all starship components.

Artisan techniques in such fields as woodworking, leatherwork, glassblowing, metalworking Etc. She is at an expert level.

As part of her engineering training she learned about metallurgy, material science and physics at a university level.

Special Abilities

As a nocker she can learn how to construct and repair any machine at a far faster rate than an average person. Additionally when she yells she can scare any machine into working via changeling magic (other wise she would have to know how to physically repair the machine), however the machine will only work while she is within 10 feet.

Infusion is the Art that assists Nockers in creating all of their wonderful clockwork and chimerical items. It involves the connection of "FUBARS" and other chimerical entities into physical or chimerical forms. With a few rare exceptions, only the Nockers use Infusion. Though other kiths potentially could learn it, most do not see the appeal in learning such a strange and specialized Art.

  • Harden - Prepares a wild chimera by turning it into a crafted chimera, allowing further applications of Infusion to be used on it.
  • Toughen - Adds durability to chimerical materials, including other changelings, granting resistance both to damage and Banality's undoing.
  • FUBAR Generation - Creates and enslaves a FUBAR, a chimerical creature that can serve as a Glamour battery.
  • Animantis - Produces a golem, a mechanical servant that will serve the Nocker and aid him in his work.
  • Gilgul - A terribly dangerous cantrip that, if successful, adds sentient thought to a chimera or animantis, and possibly even a true soul.

The Art of Wayfare deals with a changeling's ability to move through space. This involves bouncing and covering far distances, speeding forward on feet that move impossibly fast, and even teleporting from one place to another. The Eshu have a deep connection with this Art, though as it is a common Art, any can learn it. In some holds, the nobility has come to fear the power of Wayfare, and may act to make it somewhat harder to come by.

  • Hopscotch - Produce an impossible leap, either up or down, and suffer no damage from the resulting collision.
  • Quicksilver - Allows the caster to move at an incredibly fast speed.
  • Portal Passage - Creates a temporary opening through most magical barriers, allowing it to be moved through.
  • Wind Runner - Makes the target light enough to be picked up by the wind and have limited control of their direction in the air.
  • Flicker Flash - Instantly disappear, and reappear somewhere else in the world.

Thanks to her time with the Asuryani she the ways of the Bonesingers and applied that knowledge of wraithbone constructs to create what she has titled "Chimeric Alloy". Much like wraithbone it is the physical manifestation of pure energy though rather than psionic energy it uses dreamessence. the chimeric alloy is a psycho-plastic material that is highly resilient to damage, and capable of limited self-repair. It can will grow and react more like living tissue than a mundane metal. It is also a conductor of dreamessence and psionic energy able to propagate it like electricity in a circuit to provide both power and control signals.


  • Type: Animantis Chimeramech Custom Pattern
  • Height: 15 meters
  • Weight: 20 tons
  • Equipment:
    • Back: Wing like thrusters
    • Shoulder: 2 particle cannons,
    • Feet: Magplates
    • Chest: Cockpit and life support system
  • Loudouts: 2 Ghostglaives
    • 1 Scattershield, 1 Suncannon
    • 1 Scattershield, 1 Inferno Cannon
    • 1 Scattershield, 1 Deathshroud Cannon

Miscellaneous: Due to the Mech’s bond with Itza from her Gilgul cantrip the mech is unable to be piloted by anyone but her. Her bond also allows her to be able to remotely pilot Ynarana except when she does so she can't use her own body. In addition it is mostly autonomous and sentient since it possesses an animantis soul.

Ynarana wielding a single Ghostglaive


Born in Mexico City, Mexico she grew up fairly normally, at 11 her parents moved to the UK as her father found work there. In Britain she found it hard to make friends driving her to become a loner. At the age of twelve she awakened her Fae (beings that gain power from human dreams) side and was introduced to both the Dreaming and the local changeling freehold, Neverwhere. As a changeling nocker she excelled in dealing with machines and so became a computer technician. At the age of 20 she formed a Fae motley with her friends Claude, Philippe, Victoria, and Tayla. When she was spliced in the middle of fighting Wardon the Impotent. Initially she was hesitant to do anything other than lounge around and survive from the basic necessities that were provided to her. As time went on her restlessness and urge to work on machines got the better of her and she decided to enlist with Solas Tempus Engineering Arm. Around the same time she developed a friendship with one John Angelos. A relationship which would later blossom into love and marriage. As her relationship with John continued to grow the effects of the Ocean of Dreams filtered down onto her. Her internally nonhuman soul no longer needed to be tethered to a human form to continue to exist as this world was overflowing with dreamessence unlike her home universe. This would eventually cause her to overfill with energy and permanently transform her human body into a fae body. Return to her old universe was now impossible for her. Still she found a lot of happiness with John, eventually bearing two children from their union, Misako and Zoltan.

Itza worked her way up to higher ranks within the green team. Her work allowing her a conduit for her feelings that leveled her more eccentric parts out. Once again however she would have her life turned upside down as an anomalous event pulled her out of the universe around the time that the Blazing Umbra station suffered a critical temporal core failure. She found herself taken to Apollyon's home universe and unable to activate her retrieval beacon. She was captured by Asuryani and taken in by them for a time. There she learned how to shape the psionic energy of the warp into physical material called wraithbone. Eventually she was able to recover the beacon and activate it and was rescued and brought back to the Schatten system though now she resides in Nimbus station.