
From Solas Tempus DB

Conceived amidst the tumultuous storm of pandemonium known as the Severed Realm, the Himurti materialize as a disquieting fusion of otherworldly allure and eldritch horror. Feminine in form yet defiantly alien, these beings sport an eerie pallor, their skin marred by a labyrinth of profound red and obsidian lines. Monstrous horns, ribbed and barbed, erupt from their cranium, standing in sharp contrast to the deceptive innocence of their childlike faces. Commanders of wind, flame, and the arctic clutches of cryomancy, they marshal their elemental arsenal with relentless determination, amplified by their superhuman abilities and uncanny prowess in manipulating shadows. Possessing a terrifying ability to gaze into souls and conjure elaborate illusions, the Himurti embody a formidable adversary. Driven by a relentless thirst for power and souls, they navigate the perilous politics of the Severed Realm, their sadistic enjoyment in manipulation and torment painting them as ruthless architects of cosmic order. Fear the Himurti, for they are the wildfire, the storm, and the insidious shadow lurking within the Severed Realm.

Physical Form

Spawned from the roiling chaos of the Severed Realm, the Himurti are a haunting synthesis of the feminine and the monstrous. Their humanoid form belies a chillingly alien presence. Skin of an unsettling pallor, streaked with a labyrinthine network of deep red and black lines, houses their grotesque beauty.

Their heads are adorned with monumental, ribbed and barbed horns, suggesting the fossilized vestiges of some bygone leviathan. These intimidating structures starkly contrast with their cherubic visages which hold far from innocent, coal-red eyes - burning beacons of their inner demonic flame.

A torrent of inky black hair flows over their shoulders, alive in its movements, seeming a direct extension of their will. Armored in black carapaces from elbow to wrist, their forearms end not in fingers but in ominous, sharp talons. Beneath their wrist-guards writhes an unsettling ensemble of small tentacles, enhancing their touch with a disquieting, alien dexterity.

Their arms are further adorned with larger, prominent tentacles, adding to their otherworldly appearance. Their chilling tableau is completed by a serpentine tongue, flickering out to taste the air and their prey, a horrifying tool in their extensive armory. Thus, the Himurti stand as a dread-inspiring embodiment of the uncanny and the beautiful, a force to be reckoned with within the Severed Realm.

Personality Traits

The Himurti are characterized by a deep-seated ruthlessness and a calculating intellect. Always scheming, they weave elaborate strategies to ascend the demonic hierarchy, driven by a relentless ambition and an insatiable hunger for power and souls.

Expert manipulators, they bend others to their will, utilizing their abilities of illusion and deception to mask their true intentions. Their psychological torment of victims serves as a cruel pleasure, their sadistic tendencies thriving on the fear and confusion they sow.

The Himurti are strikingly merciless in their quest for power. No obstacle is insurmountable for them, and they spare no expense in achieving their nefarious goals.

Thus, a Himurti demon exhibits a personality as chilling as it is manipulative. Masters of deceit and strategy, they use their vast intellect and unyielding ambition to traverse the perilous politics of the Severed Realm. Their sadistic joy in the suffering of others, paired with their unending hunger for power, paints them as a truly formidable force to cross paths with.

Special Abilities

Gifted with elemental dominion over wind and fire, the Himurti exhibit a terrible mastery over these forces, summoning freezing blue tempests of flame that shatter their foes. Their powers of illusion add another layer of deceit to their arsenal, enabling them to confound their enemies and mask their insidious intentions. Illusions spring forth from their will, altering their own appearances or manifesting nightmarish hallucinations that tap into an opponent's deepest fears.

Elemental Mastery (Wind and Fire)
The Himurti can summon and control cyclones of freezing flame, creating gales of icy blue fire that can freeze and shatter anything they come into contact with.
Illusion Casting
The Himurti are capable of generating potent illusions to mislead enemies, alter their physical appearance, or conjure terrifying scenes that exploit an adversary's darkest fears.
Superhuman Speed and Strength
Their physical prowess renders them formidable in combat, allowing them to move with frightening speed and execute acts of incredible strength.
Shadow Manipulation
The Himurti can blend seamlessly with shadows, employing them for stealth, ambush, or even as conduits for instantaneous travel.
Soul Reading
They possess the ability to delve into the hearts of beings, comprehending their true nature, most profound fears, hidden desires, and darkest secrets.

Armed with these abilities, the Himurti are not only potent but also unpredictable adversaries, equipped for both covert and overt operations and flawlessly suited for their roles as relentless arbiters of cosmic order.

Special Skills

The Himurti represent a menacing and intelligent foe in the Severed Realm. Their capabilities range from command over shadows and illusions to the freezing touch of cryomancy, starkly contrasting their fiery origin. They are masters of both physical and psychological warfare, skillfully exploiting their opponents' fears and vulnerabilities. Their survival instincts and flair for demonic diplomacy serve them well in the unpredictable politics of their home realm. With their ability to extract and absorb souls, they sow devastation in their wake, harnessing the essence of chaos itself to fuel their ascent to power. Therefore, one must never underestimate the Himurti, for their abilities, sharpened over centuries, make them formidable agents of destruction, always planning their next step towards power.

Demonic Diplomacy
Navigating the intricate politics of the Severed Realm and serving more potent demonic entities necessitates a certain level of cunning and persuasion. The Himurti have honed this skill to perfection.
Deception and Manipulation
In order to leverage their illusion casting and soul-reading abilities to the fullest, the Himurti have become experts in deceit, crafting convincing falsehoods and manipulating situations to lead others into their traps.
Strategic Combat
Given their superhuman strength and speed, the Himurti have developed unique combat techniques to maximize their physical abilities and elemental mastery.
Owing to their ability to manipulate shadows, the Himurti are adept at stealth, enabling them to approach targets unnoticed or vanish without a trace when necessary.
Soul Extraction
The Himurti's fascination with souls suggests that they have perfected a technique to extract and absorb souls from their victims.
Survival Tactics
Surviving in the harsh Severed Realm likely necessitated the development of survival skills to endure in their treacherous home.
Harnessing Chaos
As agents of chaos, the Himurti have learned to manipulate disorder to their advantage, turning seemingly chaotic situations into opportunities.
Psychological Warfare
Using their ability to read souls and create illusions, the Himurti are masters of psychological warfare, exploiting the fears and weaknesses of their victims to torment them.
Over time, some Himurti have branched out from their inherent command of wind and fire, venturing into the icy depths of cryomancy. By harnessing this contrasting elemental force, they add an unpredictable edge to their arsenal. Their ability to summon ice and frost at will could serve various purposes - creating icy barriers for defense, immobilizing opponents, or manipulating the environment to their advantage. The amalgamation of fire and ice makes them exceptionally formidable, capable of inflicting both scorching and freezing damage at their whim.


In the shadowy depths of the Severed Realm, amidst the swirling vortex of chaos, dwell the dread-inspiring entities known as the Himurti. Born of the turbulent elemental forces of wind and fire, their horrifying form is a portent of tempests and wildfire, a power not to be trifled with.

Masters of illusion and manipulation, the Himurti move with otherworldly speed and strength, their presence a mere breath in the wind until they choose to reveal themselves. They command the shadows, slipping in and out of obscurity with disconcerting ease, becoming one with the darkness at their whim.

Yet, the most chilling of their abilities resides in their triad gaze. With a single look, they pierce the veil of a being's soul, laying bare their deepest fears, their darkest secrets, and their hidden weaknesses. This nightmarish gift grants them a profound understanding of their prey, allowing them to exploit vulnerabilities with terrifying precision.

Driven by an unyielding pursuit of power, the Himurti often find themselves in the service of greater demons and other formidable demonic entities. A necessary subjugation, it provides them a chance at survival in the brutal, unforgiving Severed Realm. This alliance affords them a measure of safety, a beacon of stability amidst the realm's inherent chaos.

Yet, they are far from mere lackeys. Their servitude is strategic, their minds constantly plotting, always on the lookout for opportunities to ascend through the turbulent ranks of the demon hierarchy. They scrutinize their masters, gaining insights into their strengths and weaknesses, always laying plans for their rise.

Moreover, they harbor an insatiable hunger for souls, especially those of the powerful or virtuous. These souls, it is speculated, provide them with a source of strength, each one absorbed augmenting their power. Some even propose that these souls offer a modicum of stability within the Severed Realm, a theory yet unproven but sufficiently plausible.

However, beneath their thirst for power and survival, they remain agents of chaos. The Himurti revel in their capacity to sow discord and mayhem, their actions often paving the way for their ascent to power. Whether through their cunning machinations or their innate affinity for chaos, these demons serve as a potent reminder of the treacherous landscape of the Severed Realm.

Thus, we must tread with utmost caution, for to encounter a Himurti is to dance with chaos itself, a dance that can lead to one's downfall or, worse, an eternity ensnared in the clutches of these shrewd entities. Beware the Himurti, for they are the tempest, the wildfire, and the shadow that devours all.