Elena Kovac

From Solas Tempus DB
Elena Kovac
Elena Kovac
Played by: User:necahual
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 130 lbs
Gender: Female
Race: Vampire
Age: 28
Eye Color: Iridescent Yellow
Hair Color: None
Figure: Slim, looking partially decayed, monstrous looking, long claws, large sharp crooked teeth
Universe of Origin: Angelic Sins
Rank / Skill Level: Novice
Status: Approved
Setting: Angelic Sins

gentle, kind, rude, sneaky. Likes hockey, camping, jigsaw puzzles, bowling

Special Skills

  • Bilingual - Speaks German and English
  • Great sense of direction

Special Abilities

  • Supernatural Senses
  • Supernatural Strength
  • Supernatural Endurance
  • Supernatural Healing (Only when fed)
  • Illusion Magic
  • Elemental Magic
  • Retractable Claws
  • Nature Magic


Elena grew up in an impoverished neighbourhood. Her father walked out on her mother at an early age then a few months later her mother suffered a mental breakdown that forced the state to institutionalize her, she was raised in a series of foster homes. At 16 she started working as a cashier where she met a man and American who swept her off her feet. She quit her job at 18 after graduating college and went to America with him. The very same day they arrived in America they were attacked by a rogue vampire who drained and killed her love before draining her of blood. Before he killed her the rogue vampire was ended by some supernatural ‘cleaners’. She was allowed to live but with the VX virus in her system she would be a vampire as well. Unfortunately due to some random factors she ended up looking bestial and ghastly. Having to fully enter the supernatural world she decided to make the best of it.