Elara Whisperwind

From Solas Tempus DB
Elara Whisperwind
Elara Whisperwind
Played by: Riley Cunningham
Height: 5’0
Weight: 40
Gender: female
Race: Human/Fairy hybrid
Alignment: good, a little dark minded, careful, chaotic
Age: 21
Date of Birth: march 23rd 2046
Place of Birth: moonlight meadows
Eye Color: green
Hair Color: dirty blond
Figure: This ethereal fairy stands at a delicate height of 5 feet, her form gracefully slender and light as a breath of wind. Her lithe frame is adorned with a subtle elegance, every movement seemingly choreographed by nature itself. Delicate wings, translucent and shimmering, extend from her back, glinting in the sunlight with a delicate iridescence. She has pale skin and pointed small ears.
Universe of Origin: Sylvanoria
Organization: Ethereal Grove Guardians
Occupation: does not have one yet
Status: Approved
Setting: Embers of Soteria

She can be very charming and witty but also likes to push buttons in a way. She’s funny and caring for many people

Special Skills

  • Flutterflight: Elara and other fairies in Sylvanoria have the innate ability to flutter and fly with incredible agility. Their delicate wings allow them to navigate through the dense forests and meadows of their magical realm effortlessly.
  • Nature Bond: Elara shares a deep connection with nature, allowing them to communicate with animals, plants, and even the elements. They can understand the language of the wind, speak to animals, and feel the heartbeat of the enchanted land.
  • Luminescent Aura: Fairies like Elara emit a soft, luminescent aura that can illuminate their surroundings. This ability is not only useful for navigation but also adds to the enchanting ambiance of Sylvanoria.
  • Dreamweaving: Elara has the power to weave dreams and visions, offering guidance and insights to those who seek their aid. Through their delicate touch, they can enter the dreams of other beings within the magical realm.

Special Abilities

  • Floral Manipulation: Elara possesses the unique ability to control and manipulate the growth of flora. With a mere touch, she can encourage plants to bloom, entwine, or even create barriers of enchanted flowers for protection.
  • Moonlight Illusion: Harnessing the power of moonlight, Elara can weave illusions that bewilder and enchant. She can create illusions to conceal herself or to transform the appearance of the surroundings, blending seamlessly with the magical environment of Sylvanoria.
  • Healing Aura: Emitting a soothing aura, Elara possesses the ability to heal wounds and ailments of the enchanted beings within Sylvanoria. Her mere presence can bring comfort and restoration to the flora and fauna of the realm.

Special Equipment

Aurora Blossom Wand: Crafted from a rare and magical flower called the Aurora Blossom, this wand amplifies your fairy's floral manipulation abilities. When she channels her powers through the wand, it enhances the growth and control she has over the enchanted flora. Aurora Blossom Wand: Crafted from a rare and magical flower called the Aurora Blossom, this wand amplifies your fairy's floral manipulation abilities. When she channels her powers through the wand, it enhances the growth and control she has over the enchanted flora.


Elara Whisperwind, a vivacious and witty 21-year-old fairy, hails from the heart of Sylvanoria. Born during the dance of the three moons, Elara exhibited a mischievous spirit and a penchant for sarcasm from an early age. Her laughter echoed through the enchanted glades, and her clever remarks became legendary among the fairies of her realm. Despite her playfulness, Elara possessed a sharp intellect that set her apart. She spent her days exploring the hidden corners of Sylvanoria, deciphering ancient scripts on the bark of Eldertrees, and unraveling the secrets of the moonlit meadows. Her curiosity was insatiable, and her knack for problem-solving proved invaluable to the harmony of the enchanted realm. Yet, Elara harbored a unique desire uncommon among fairies. Unlike most who embraced independence, she yearned to be owned by a fairy keeper. This unconventional aspiration arose from a deep-seated belief that a strong connection with a keeper would enhance her experiences and provide new perspectives on the magical world around her.