Citona the Goddess of Life

From Solas Tempus DB
Citona the Goddess of Life
Height: 5'6"
Gender: Female
Race: Deity
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Auburn
Status: NPC
Setting: Embers of Soteria

Citona serves as the guardian of the mortal realm, protecting it from internal conflicts and external threats. She refrains from directly interfering in the affairs of mortals unless they cross the significant boundaries between life and death. While mortals are living, she remains uninvolved; however, she takes a direct interest when they transition between incarnations, aiding them in finding peace and facilitating the passage of their lives from one form to another. Once freed from the mortal coil, she becomes the protector of their souls.

Her essence resonates with understanding, wisdom, and peace, while she abhors anarchy, ignorance, and violence. While she acknowledges the importance of diverse experiences, she disdains the paths mortals choose that deviate from true wisdom and peace. Citona exhibits kindness, protectiveness, and honor towards those under her care. However, she can be ruthless, judgmental, and unforgiving towards those who challenge her authority or individuals who are undeserving of continuation into another life.

Special Abilities

Soul Perception
Citona has the ability to perceive the essence of a soul, allowing her to discern its true nature, experiences, and spiritual development. This ability aids her in determining if a soul is ready to move on from the mortal realm and find peace.
Healing Touch
As the Goddess of Life, Citona possesses a healing touch that can soothe the wounds, physical or emotional, of both mortals and souls. Her gentle touch brings comfort and solace, helping them find inner peace and resolve any lingering attachments or pain.
Spirit Channeling
Citona has the unique ability to channel the energy and wisdom of departed souls. By connecting with these ethereal entities, she can offer guidance, impart knowledge, and provide closure to the living or those who are crossing over. This ability assists her in facilitating the transition between life and death and ensuring a smooth passage for souls.
Life Force Manipulation
Being intimately connected to the cycle of life, Citona can manipulate the life force energy that permeates all living beings. This ability allows her to restore vitality to the weary and rejuvenate the spirit of those who are troubled or disheartened. By channeling and directing this life force energy, she helps individuals find balance, resilience, and a renewed sense of purpose.
Cosmic Communion
Citona possesses the extraordinary ability to commune with the cosmos itself, tapping into the vastness of the universe and the flow of life that permeates all existence. Through this profound connection, she gains access to limitless wisdom, ancient knowledge, and cosmic insights. By attuning herself to the cosmic forces, she can make just and compassionate judgments, comprehend the intricate tapestry of mortal existence, and foster the growth and evolution of souls. This communion with the cosmos allows her to navigate the complexities of life and guide souls towards their ultimate destinies, helping them find peace and fulfillment in the grand scheme of existence.

Special Skills

Citona possesses a unique set of skills honed through the teachings of her father, Onos, the God of Keeping, who instructed her in understanding and handling mortals. These skills are essential for her role as the Goddess of Life, ensuring the well-being and growth of souls within the mortal realm.

Mortal Understanding
Onos imparted upon Citona deep insight into the complexities of mortal nature. She has learned to perceive the motivations, fears, and desires that drive mortals, enabling her to empathize with their struggles and guide them towards peace. Her understanding of their dualistic nature—capable of both violence and reason—allows her to provide compassionate guidance and promote harmony in the face of conflict.
Strength in Adversity
Onos instilled in Citona the teachings of resilience and fortitude. She has learned how to nurture the inner strength of mortals, empowering them to persevere in challenging times. By channeling the indomitable spirit bestowed upon mortals by her father, Citona helps individuals find courage and determination to overcome obstacles and emerge stronger from their trials.
Balancing Contradictions
Citona embodies the delicate balance between war and peace, a principle taught to her by Onos. She has mastered the art of tempering violence with reason and guiding mortals towards peaceful resolutions. Drawing from her father's wisdom, she encourages mortals to embrace conflict only when necessary and to seek harmony whenever possible. Through her guidance, she helps individuals find equilibrium in their lives, fostering understanding and cooperation among them.
Life's Cycles
Myta's teachings have granted Citona profound knowledge about the ebb and flow of life. She understands the inevitable cycles of growth and decay, and the necessity of endings to pave the way for new beginnings. Citona embraces the natural order of life, guiding mortals to accept the inevitability of death while nurturing the potential for new life. Her wisdom encourages individuals to find peace in the journey of life, accepting the transient nature of existence.
Embracing Transformation
Myta's influence has equipped Citona with an understanding of transformation and the transformative power of decay. Citona can guide mortals through periods of change and transition, helping them shed old patterns, beliefs, and attachments that hinder their growth. By embracing the transformative process, she assists individuals in discovering new paths, perspectives, and opportunities for personal development.


Citona was born into a divine family, blessed with the love and guidance of her parents, Onos and Myta. Growing up in the realm of the Elder Soteria pantheon, she experienced a childhood filled with wisdom, compassion, and the teachings of her divine lineage. As the oldest among the children of the Gods, Citona held a position of authority and responsibility among her younger siblings. She was entrusted with the task of guiding and nurturing their development, both in their divine powers and in understanding their roles within the pantheon.

From a young age, Citona demonstrated a natural inclination towards caretaking and protecting the mortal realm. Her parents recognized her innate sense of responsibility and granted her the knowledge and skills needed to fulfill her role as the Goddess of Life. Being surrounded by siblings and a divine family, Citona learned the importance of unity, cooperation, and mutual support. Her upbringing instilled in her a deep sense of compassion for others, urging her to extend her care beyond her own family and embrace her divine duty to safeguard the mortal realm.

Citona's position as the eldest child also afforded her unique insight and wisdom, which she shared with her siblings and other younger Gods. Her guidance and teachings were highly regarded, and her authority was respected among the pantheon. Through her interactions with the younger Gods, Citona tried to foster an environment of collaboration and harmony, attempting to ensure that all divine beings worked together towards the betterment of the mortal realm. Her compassionate leadership encouraged the younger Gods to discover their own strengths and talents, contributing to the overall balance and preservation of life. Still the strife and anger between the deities was difficult to overcome.

As Citona matured, her sense of responsibility and dedication to her divine role deepened. She grew to embody the values of her parents, upholding the principles of balance, growth, and the cyclical nature of existence. Her upbringing and position among the younger Gods shaped her into a compassionate and wise figure, ready to fulfill her sacred duty as the guardian of life. With her nurturing and protective nature, Citona embarked on her journey to fulfill her divine purpose, ensuring the well-being and evolution of souls within the mortal realm and guiding them towards peace and enlightenment.