USS Shadow River (NCC-27159)

From Solas Tempus DB
Revision as of 15:38, 27 November 2017 by Cyclops (talk | contribs)
Shadow River
USS Shadow River (NCC-27159)
Class: Galaxy Class Starship
Commanding Officer: Captain Jethro Matton
Executive Officer: Commander V'Lease (Vulcan Female)
Science Officer: Commander Bevliz th'Rozin (Andorian Male)
Security Chief: Lt. Commander Trozek (Cardassian Male)
Chief Engineer: Lt. Commander Orzem (Romulan Female)
Chief Medical Officer: Doctor (Commander) Frovit (Bolian Female)
Quote: "If someone puts their hands on you make sure they never put their hands on anybody else again." - Malcolm X
Captain's Yacht: Mekong

She is currently operated by Solas Tempus under the action arm known as Blue Team. The ship is refit according to the Refit Guidelines for Solas Tempus and operates as the organization flagship.


This ship has several temporal operatives assigned to the vessel, specifically trained in dealing with, planning for, and studying temporal anomalies and how timelines shift and alter over time. These people have a baseline understanding of most time periods in history and specialize in certain time periods and certain worlds. In addition, the command crew is trained in temporal operations and qualified to serve as operatives, even though their historical knowledge is not as deep.